Thursday, June 13, 2024



Supreme Court Upholds Broad Access to Abortion Pill 

The justices unanimously rejected a bid to sharply curtail access to a widely available abortion pill, finding that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue.

In a unanimous decision, written by Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, the court held that the plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the F.D.A.’s actions. --NYTimes

"Justice Kavanaugh wrote that the groups could instead seek greater regulatory or legislative restrictions on the drug, mifepristone, and noted that doctors who oppose abortion are shielded by so-called conscience protections in federal law, which mean they are not required to provide treatment that would “violate the doctors’ religious beliefs or moral convictions.”


 Republicans block Access to IVF bill in the Senate


  1. This ain't over by far. The court merely let it be for now as it clearly reminded all of the other path to the past.

  2. Let's remember... this was not a ruling on the merits of the case. The SCOTUS just said the people who brought the suit did not have standing to even bring a case.

    You can bet the anti abortion activists will return next term with standing to see how the challenge proceeds.

  3. This is significant because it was a unanimous decision which means the conservative leaning justices went to the center. This is something that makes history and looks good for the republican party because it shows they are not all wackos.
    It does take some of the ammunition away from the democrats because all they have is abortion and Jan 6th to run on, oh an of course I ain't trump. They do need some message because what they have is not working.

  4. Lets add to the mix the Senate Republicans blocking a bill that would protect national access to IFV.

    I'm not totally convinced specific states are sending their best to Washington DC based on the bills being passed and blocked.

    Too big to rig, too real to steal. Vote as if our Democracy depends on it.

    Also, great comments and compliments. Gave me validation when I needed it most. Thank you from the bottom of my toes.

  5. Les and Dave M.

    Only won this particular battle, as the forced-birth crowd vows that the war on abortion (and contraception) will continue unabated.

    More of a procedural win here, as the lack of standing was so palpably obvious among the plaintiffs. They'll be back with yet more suits that will back the Court into a corner to rule on the merits, bank on it.

  6. Heaven forbid we should let the people vote on both of these.

  7. Skud, do you understand what this ruling meant?

    The Supremes ruling was that the DOCTORS who brought this case to the SCOTUS HAD NO STANDING. Nothing in the ruling said anything about the justices protecting Mifeptistone. In fact anyone can come back to the SCOTUS with another case to try to outlaw the medication.

    And the MAGAs in the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society will bring another case to the SCOTUS until they get their way.

  8. Unanimous! Maybe the Court is not as bad as I suspect.

  9. Sam,

    “The justices’ unanimous ruling, in F.D.A. v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, rejected a challenge to the most commonly used abortion pill, but it did so only on procedural grounds, without considering the merits of the lawsuit. That means another challenge to the drug, mifepristone, will probably reach the court before long. Based on the right-wing supermajority’s open hostility to reproductive rights, there’s good reason to worry.

    For now, at least, and purely as a matter of law, the justices got it right, which these days is saying something.”—NYTIMES

  10. Is this Joe Biden's ONLY popular election issue?

  11. The larger issue as it relates to reproduction rights as well as access to abortion, is, IMHO, the decision this week by the Southern Baptist Convention [SBC] to condemn IVF and consider certain forms of IVF a sin.

    This is evidence of a further moving of the goal posts by, let's say it, MAGA and religious conservatives who favor a total ban on all abortion and now reproductive options.

    All of this is based on the mostly underreported fetal personhood movement, which believes life begins at the moment an egg is fertilized. Believing this, conservatives have to work against IVF, which frequently discards extra embryos, certain forms of birth control pills, which dislodge the recently fertilized egg, and of course the morning after pill, which was the focus of the recent SCOTUS case.

    Also buried deep within this issue is how former SBC President and Seminary President Al Mohler, a proponent of the so-called abolition movement that seeks to jail women who have abortions, summed up his criticism of IVF...

    “Much of the market for this [IVF] is actually not even found among heterosexual married couples, but the redefinition of marriage, the redefinition of gender, the redefinition of all things in light of the LGBTQ movement, also means that there are people who can now have children alienated from that natural process and from the union of a husband and a wife in the institution of marriage and the larger institution of a natural family...”

    You knew it had to be there right? The Gays... as if a guy who calls for jail sentences for women having abortions and doctors performing them wasn't bad enough, he adds a codicil to make sure folks know that this will restrict gay people too.

    So as we think about this, keep your eyes on the goal posts. If fetal personhood and the belief that life begins when that embryo is fertilized takes hold, we're in for a real rough patch here in the states. A patch that even Nikki Haley could not wiggle out of as she tried to explain her support for IVF and fetal personhood.

  12. It would be nice to think the supremes have some decency or regard for personal freedom but the truth is, and this I respect about the republicans, is they play the long game well. This was merely a chance for them to give a somewhat pro choice victory for no other reason than having a talking point so some pro choicers would stay home this election. The six kooks just said bump stocks were legal. Even Trump saw the danger of these things and banned them. I see no reason to celebrate any decision made by this court.

  13. No Joe, this is not Biden's only election issue. Many of us do not want to see a man elected to the presidency who, in the words of Senator Mitch McConnell is both morally and practically responsible for the rioting/insurrection/tourist visit at the Capitol on Jan 6.

    Many of us do not want to see a man elected to the presidency who stood by on that date and did nothing while over 100 US Capitol officers were "savagely beaten" in the words of the GOP Senate report on the events of that day.

    Many of do not want anyone as president who cheered on people who were trying to find the Vice President of the United States so they could hang him!

    And... many of us do want a president who will work to further move to allow the government into female health decisions best left to women, doctors and their pastors.

    There are a host of popular issues important to Biden and his supporters.

    Sadly, few in the GOP can name any specific issues of import on the coming election, save for electing Trump, the leader of the Capitol insurrection, adjudicated sexual predator, convicted felon, convicted fraudster and serial liar.

  14. There is nothing either good or bad, desirable or undesirable, positive or negative, true or false, pleasant or unpleasant etc. aside from the thoughts, feelings, perceptions, beliefs ect.
    (experience) of one's mind.

    When the true nature of mind is realized the obscurations and delusions cease.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  15. Nope -FJ... I'm okay with the opposition winning and even implementing policies I don't like. Those are the consequences of the vote.

    I'm not okay with fomenting violence and encouraging people to treat other citizens badly by calling for them to be beaten, as Trump has done, calling them unAmerican, as Trump has done and mocking disabled people, as Trump has done.

    Reproductive rights and abortion access are certainly big items for Dems.

    But so are the lives of our sworn Capitol officers, loyalty to the Constitution and more.

    I do take note that while you claim I'm a TDS kind of guy, you've never shown where Trump did not do nothing for 3 hours while his supporters beat US officers. In fact, you never offer a positive of Trump in regards to the events of J6 at all.

    Because there is none.

    I do take note that

  16. As ALL folks connected to reality take note Dave. The orchestrated efforts by Republicans and some conservatives to alter, change, modify, taint, or completely obliterate the truth of Trump's "presidency" and J6 2021 is nothing more than a display of willful ignorance. Or, the planned design by neo-Nazis to undermine the integrity of our system of government and institutions so our democratic republic collapses. Making way for an authoritarian dictatorship led by none other than Trump. Who then would rule until his death.
