Monday, July 29, 2024



Off to the great state of Maine for the day.

Be excellent to each other.


Some Christians who know nothing about Greek mythology misinterpreted the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris and thought it was blasphemy.

Below are memes going around the "intertubz" with Trump replacing Jesus at the Last Supper and Crucifixion.

Nowhere have I seen any outrage by the far right Christians on any of this:


Speaker Mike Johnson says cutting programs like Social Security and Medicare as part of their Project 2025 agenda is a “top priority” if Republicans win this year


  1. Ignorance breeds more ignorance.

    Violence begets more violence.

    Weak minded people are fertilizer for the charlatan who desires total control.

    Trump preys on the weak minded and ignorant.

  2. The official X account for the Olympic Games shared photos of the moment and referenced Dionysus, Greek god of wine-making, fruitfulness and ecstasy.

    “The interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings,” read a tweet from the official X account of the Olympics.

    In other words, it's just poorly executed art. For nothing could be more sterile and unfruitful than a drag queen at a feast!

  3. I am an atheist so religious parody does not bother me. I can understand where some may be bothered.

  4. In light of Project 2025, which Trump says he doesn't like, but knows nothing about, [an obvious lie] it's important for those who fear how the policies of the Heritage Foundation will negatively impact America.

    That said, as we near the election, here's some interesting comments from a dedicated Trump voter...

    "Trump calls women 'bums' and 'evil' and I don’t have to go over the type of rhetoric he uses to please his base. Others despise it, of course. But he [Trump] persists. He loves the applause 'There have NEVER been crowds this big!' (yes, there have)

    [We need to talk about his] problems [as] a candidate, particularly when they are convincing people in HIS [Trump's] PARTY not to vote for him because of HIS MOUTH...

    [Conservatives who struggle with Trump] won’t vote Left, but they say “I need someone with better character” I can’t condemn them for that….they’re REALLY good people who don’t like name calling in adults, outright lies, lawsuits, etc

    I can’t imagine how many [people] feel like i do, how much of his team says 'Can you stop the…?' and if he [Trump] doesn’t listen, what else will he not listen to?"

    This is the game folks.

    Conservative church going people who rip Biden, Obama and HRC alive daily for lies, seeing it in their favored candidate, to the point of blogging about it, yet they will still vote for him.

    I don't know what to say to folks like -FJ and his personal blog ring, but here's a huge Trump lover admitting that Trump is a liar. And that conservatives don't trust or like him because of those lies.

    Maybe if enough conservatives see Trump as this one person does, as a self promoting liar who cannot be trusted, they will at least not vote for him, thus dooming Project 2025.

    Again, about which Trump lied.

  5. That Trumpvangelical art - Is that in the "Trump Bible"? - $59.99 at the second had store.

  6. Joe Conservative: "In other words, it's just poorly executed art. For nothing could be more sterile and unfruitful than a drag queen at a feast!"

    In the words of a puritanical Philistine.

    Men dressing as women has been part of western and eastern art culture for centuries.

    Your prejudices prevented you from enjoying an artistic and creative tableau.

    Drag queens are artists.

  7. BB-Idaho said... "That Trumpvangelical art - Is that in the "Trump Bible"? - $59.99 at the second had store."

    The Trumpvangelicals have been plastering Trump's image all over Christian depictions of Jesus, even substituting Trump for Jesus!

    Their outrage is phony and shows their ignorance of what the tableau actually was about.

    It had nothing to do with The Last Supper.

  8. Dave Miller quoted: "Trump calls women 'bums' and 'evil' and I don’t have to go over the type of rhetoric he uses to please his base. Others despise it, of course. But he [Trump] persists. He loves the applause 'There have NEVER been crowds this big!' (yes, there have)"

    Trump called Vice President Kamala Harris "a bum."

    Keep it up Champ, women are disgusted with this -- Republicans and Democrats! We know he hates/fears women, especially intelligent, educated, powerful women of color.

    Trump's NEVER going to change. He's been doing this forever. He's too old and decrepit to change.

    And he'll keep this name-calling up during the campaign, because he has the intelligence of a 10-year-old schoolyard bully.

    Girls and women are paying attention.

  9. Sam,

    The tableau at the Olympics was not religious parody. It was a depiction of a painting. Those who were offended didn't understand what they were looking at, so they assumed it was an attack on their religion.

    Ignorance will do that.

  10. Les,

    Yes. Ignorance DOES breed more ignorance. And some politicians use it to their advantage.

  11. PS. The people who confused the Last Supper with Greek Mythology are the same people who want to eliminate the Department of Education.

  12. You should be glad trump won’t act civil, after all he is weird as are all republicans. It is his race to lose and he is doing a great job of accomplishing that.
    If people looked at both he and harris record he is the only choice if you want personal freedom and opportunity. If it is to protect your delicate feelings, he looses.

  13. btw - In fact, a number of reporters have now “fact-checked” the presentation and declared it false to claim it represented the Lord Jesus and the Last Supper.

    There’s just one problem.

    The actual name of the presentation in the program for the opening ceremonies was “La Cène Sur Un Scène Sur La Seine,” which translates to “The Last Supper on a Stage on the Seine.”

  14. Anonymous: "If people looked at both he and harris record he is the only choice if you want personal freedom and opportunity. If it is to protect your delicate feelings, he looses."

    Personal freedom? You mean the personal freedom for girls and women to decide what to do with their own bodies? And not have Trump's government stop them from getting the health care they might need if they have a pregnancy that goes south? Like so many women and girls have already experienced? You mean the "freedom" to have states monitor which girl or woman is leaving the state to get a legal abortion for whatever reason a girl or woman needs it? You mean the freedom to have access to birth control? IVF?

    You DO realize you don't know what you're talking about, don't you?

  15. -FJ: "The actual name of the presentation in the program for the opening ceremonies was 'La Cène Sur Un Scène Sur La Seine,” which translates to “The Last Supper on a Stage on the Seine'.”

    There's been MORE THAN ONE parody of "The Last Supper." You and others just decided to go out of your minds over this one because you have nothing better to do. The internet is awash in photos of people parodying it, including a MAGA representation of Trump in place of Jesus in DaVinci's painting.

    Your outrage is phony. And you're smart enough to know this.

  16. Can we assume -FJ supports his Dear Leader's scorn for Jews who disagree with him?

    "If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden they should be ashamed for themselves."

    “Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.”

    "Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed false narratives! Let's hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward!"

    As an informed Trump supporter, can -FJ specify the "false narratives" that Trump the pathological liar is talking about?

    Or should we expect the usual radical Right non-response?

  17. Shaw your explanation is ridiculous, don’t take your opposition to be Idiots.

  18. Leave it to MAGA and the GOP to perfect tedious as well as overbearing dishonesty.

  19. I remember someone saying if you vote for trump you ain't black.

    The democrats are stuck on Jan 6th when far more destruction, death and violence occurred during the 120 days of summer of love rioting of the BLM movement and there was no outcry from the left.
    The Supreme court is responsible for the RvW decision. Now the biden administration wants to change the term of the SCOTUS because it didn't go his way. He has preached that the republicans want to upend our government yet he is the one who proposes it.
    Why doesn't he suggest term limits for congress.

    No matter what the VP will have to answer for the failures of the biden/harris administration and for her past positions on the border, illegals receiving health care, medicare for all, mandatory buy backs of rifles, the grime new deal. As the border czar she was a total failure.

    Biden was under fire even by the dems. Once the millionaires and billionaires pulled their funding the DNC forced him out. Now the media is trying to cover for him that he was the greatest president ever. If that was the case why did they boot him. I know there are some on this site that says he did the the honorable thing but two days before he announced he was leaving he said he is staying in and would win. Why would anyone believe what the DNC and the media say because they have proven they lie.

  20. You have it all figured out just as it went down, right skud.

    Sad that belief systems that are based on assumption, innuendos, false narratives, personal bias, and etc make up so much of the conservative, GOP/MAGA game plan and narratives.

    America is moving. Moving not in the backwards direction of MAGA and Project 2025, but forward to an even better America with VP Kamala Harris and the democratic party.

    Your tropes are getting very tedious skud.

  21. Skud claimed "The democrats are stuck on Jan 6th when far more destruction, death and violence occurred during the 120 days of summer of love rioting of the BLM movement and there was no outcry from the left."

    Philip Bump, a news analyst for the WAPO responds like this to Skud's comparison in a January 2021 article...

    "It's a false comparison and, often, a willfully dishonest one."

    He goes on, and I challenge you Skud to explain how what Bump writes is not true...

    "The intent of the Jan. 6 protest was far more nefarious."

    Last summer's unrest was a revisitation of a years-long focus on the relationship between Black Americans and the police. The protests were meant to draw attention to what protesters describe as systemic injustices within law enforcement, injustices which make it more likely that Black people detained by police will be shot or injured.

    The goal last week was to object to the democratic transition of power in the United States.

    Those two aims are not comparable.

    "The Capitol riots stemmed from a lie."

    Among those in Washington last week were a number of people who obviously intended to cause destruction and damage. Dozens of people flagged as potential terrorists were detected by law enforcement, according to Post reporting. It is safe to assume they were there mostly because they sensed an opportunity.

    But that opportunity emerged because thousands of others had been compelled by Trump's rhetoric and the rhetoric permeating right-wing politics to travel to Washington and be heard. At the heart of that rhetoric was the utterly false and thoroughly unfounded claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

    "The encouragement of political leaders was not the same."

    During the protests this summer, a number of prominent Democratic leaders expressed their support for those who'd taken to the streets. When violence occurred, those same leaders, including President-elect Joe Biden, offered condemnation.

    Trump didn't denounce the violence as it occurred or even for some time after it ended.


    You can read more at the WAPO Skud before you respond. But I do not believe you will. Because your mind is made up that the Summer 2020 protests during the Trump Admin, when Pres Trump had complete control of the Executive Branchg, are somehow the fault of the leadership of the Democratic Party and leaders.

    Leaders who roundly criticized the violence. Something Pres Trump, in dereliction of his oath of office, never did on J6.

  22. Skud is well on the way to full MAGA. He can't help it. He buys into radical Right propaganda as readily as the rest of the gullible drones of Trump's cult.

    His NEVER admits when his Trumpist lies are debunked. Instead of "thank you" for the facts, it's off to the toxic wasteland for more disinformation and RW talking points.

    His dismissive downplay of J6 seals it.

    Skud IS MAGA.

  23. Dave M. , Dave D., and Les,

    We’ve been over this before with Skud. I don’t know why he keeps bringing it up. We’ve explained the differences between the riots after the George Floyd murder and the J6 insurrection, but Skud keeps pushing this false equivalence.

    As I’ve stated before, I do not believe Skud is a bad person. I just think he sees things through his right wing lens and does not take the time or interest to seek the facts. We’ve pointed out where his statements are incorrect. But we never hear back from him when we do.

    Example: it is a fact that VP Harris was NEVER the “Border Czar.” FACT. Will Skud admit he was wrong on that? Nope.

  24. Shaw,
    I have no reason believe Skud is a bad person. Like many Trump voters, he makes bad choices in what and who to believe. And like them he refuses to accept facts that debunk his lies.

    I'm sure Skud, like other Trump voters, can be a decent person on an individual level. A good neighbor, friend, etc.

    But his gullibility and zeal to accept radical Right propaganda at the drop of a hat indicates a Right Wing Authoritarian Personality. His dismissal of reality to adhere to the lies indicates how authoritarianism is taking hold of him and America.

    No good can come from this. Trump is poised to take power with dictatorial immunity handed to him by his corrupt red hats on the Supreme Court.

    It will be America's version of Germany's fateful "Enabling Act". And he has no idea what I'm talking about because his only sources of information would NEVER admit to this judicial demolition of our republic.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    Shaw your explanation is ridiculous, don’t take your opposition to be Idiots.
    July 30, 2024 at 12:42 PM"

    Sometimes they leave me no alternative.

  26. Ms. Shaw, You must be on the DNC talking point email list because all of the media is walking back the czar kamala story that they said nothing about for three years. Because she was such a failure in her role they are trying to make it seem she had no role.
    You did a great dodge on bidens action on SCOTUS. Yes in the past he was trying to push increasing the number of justices but now he is pushing term limits for the justices. Of course he doesn't want to limit terms for congress where it needs to be done.

    Ms. Shaw and Rev Miller, You did mention that BLM was because frustration and many of them were prosecuted. It started out as a demonstration which turned into a riot in several cities and lasted several months. Jan 6th started out as a demonstration which turned into a riot. In case you missed it many of them were prosecuted and are serving time.

    I do not believe trump will win. When he ran for 2016 the media ignored him because there was no way he could win. In 2020 and 2024 they believe he stands a chance and they will do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn't. Neither candidate deserves my vote but kamala's positions on how to destroy the middle class are not in sync with my opinion of what a president should be.

  27. skud: "Jan 6th started out as a demonstration which turned into a riot. In case you missed it many of them were prosecuted and are serving time."

    One was a protest that turned into a riot because of the murder of George Floyd who died while a LEO mercilessly knelt on his neck in an extra-judicial killing. Something that's gone on in this country against Black Americans FOREVER!

    The other, J6, was trying to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power after a free and fair election. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. One was rioting after protests; the other was a crime against the United States government. Period.

    You'll blame "the media" if Trump doesn't win? Really? You think he and JD are winning female voters by calling them names? And questioning their reproductive choices?

    You think girls and women of voting age like to be mocked? Trump also mocked the handicapped, POWs, military men and women who were wounded and/or gave their lives for our country, calling them "losers and suckers," per General John Kelly who FIRST-HAND heard Trump say that.

    You mistakenly blame "the media" for Trump's egregious words against those mentioned above? The media report what he says.

    Blame Trump for his mistakes, not the media.

  28. It seems skud marches to the beat and tune of the number in his mind's eye whether truthful ot not.

    So skud, my reading of your holding water for Trump is that you don't like his delivery but ya love his policies. So, I know as a patriotic American you will vote and honor your right and responsibility as an American. And, you'll be voting for Trump. Am I right?

  29. Les,
    Skud won't answer, but I can.

    Anyone who tries to minimize Trump's insurrectionist efforts to overturn our election is no patriot and ill-informed at best. The fact he parrots Trumpist talking points that dismiss his coup as anything less than what it was tells us he IS MAGA.

    Trump's J6 "rally" was for the sole purpose to overturn the election, NOT a "protest". The fact he allowed his thugs whom he claims to love to terrorize congress and beat cops bloody for HOURS confirms his evil intentions.

    Skud doesn't seem to have the moral and ethical compass to realize this and condemn it. His deflection to BLM protests is from the Trumpist playbook.

    His misguided, and possibly bigoted, hatred for "Border Czar Cruella" also fits in with his Trumpism.

  30. Indeed Dave. I was merely being a bit magnanimous in an attempt to see if skud would acknowledge the truth.

    I'll wait realizing you're likely right and I'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting... ... ...
