Thursday, July 18, 2024

Think about it.


Bob Menendez and Donald Trump: 

 Both convicted felons. 

 One is being told to resign by his fellow Democrats. 

 The other is being nominated for the highest office in the land. 

 Both parties are not the same.


  1. No they are not Shaw. I used to be a staunch republican because I believed in fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, and a reasonable and manageable national debt.
    All things that the republican party professed to support and work towards as well. How gullable I was because the exact opposite is true. They are, and have always been, the most prolific deficit spenders. Every since Ronald Wilson Reagan.

    The GOP is a wholly self serving and othering organization. An organization in which loyalty to some trumped up storyline, usually a lie (think WMD storyline), usually about how the communist democratic party is destroying America when the reality is they are merely projecting.

    The democratic believes in accountability for its members, as this incident, as well as other incidents have confirmed. As well as the rule of law.

    Republicans have shown nothing but disdain for the rule of law and have vividly shown it's lack of concern for the law. Other than how they might manipulate it for the party's own self power interests.

    The big question this election is simply this... do you believe in and want democracy or do you want autocratic leadership. Because those are the clear choices.

    Democratic - Democracy and liberty

    Republican - Autocracy and limited liberties.

    The choice is, at this point, still ours. Make the wrong choice and it may very well be our last.

  2. This is an interesting snapshot into the psyche of American politicians isn't it?

    Democrats in the Senate are pressing Menendez to resign after his convictions. Because that's what the Dems do, witness what happened with Franken after an innappropriate photo.

    In 2007 the GOP pressed Senator Larry 'Wide Stance" Craig of Idaho to resign after he pled guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct for an attempt at a wild night in the men's room at the MSP airport. They had also stripped him [no pun intended] of all his committee assignments and leadership posts as part of their disciplinary process.

    Now however, the GOP is not joining in the calls for Menendez to resign, or even be disciplined for his conviction, saying instead that whatever Menendez does, it should be a personal decision and not forced upon him.

    Apparently, the GOP does not want to go on record now saying someone like Menendez, a convicted felon, is not qualified to serve in the US Senate and should be removed.

    As they used to do.

    I wonder what changed?

  3. The GOP has elevated hypocrisy to a virtue.

  4. Waiting for Trump to go out and shoot some old lady in the head in down town NYC.
    Just to prove how loyal his minions are. Hopefully, he would just nick her ear.

  5. BB-Idaho,

    Trump's cultists will never abandon him.

    After what happened to him on July 13, his apotheosis is complete!
