Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This is what MAGA wants, Part II



  1. Thinking about how "conservatives" might digest or feel about stuff like this, I think the question is... Are they even aware of what the Trump team, and the candidate himself, are proposing?

    Here's what La Capitana of the HMS Mothership of Denial put it when she saw, perhaps for the first time in her life, an actual stupid statement from the former president...

    When I saw THIS ARTICLE [Titled "Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney"], I thought 'Who’d vote for Trump after knowing THIS?' I’m not even sure I’d not want another Republican instead… yes, even me.

    Can someone give me a valid reason why especially Independents (the people he REALLY needs to win) would honor and respect Trump saying these things?

    Maybe, just maybe, this shows that if you can break through all the MAGA self imposed forcefields and Maxwell Smartish Cones of Silence, some of those folks might wake up. They'll never vote for a Dem, but they might stay home or give their vote to the guy who admittedly had part of his brain eaten by worms and when credibly accused of sexual harassment responded not with a denial, a la Trump, but with "I'm no angel, I am who I am".

  2. Nothing Trump says matters to the rank and file. They justify or gloss over his talk and actions by saying he meant something else or it's a left wing hit job. If Trump broke into FJ or one of his other moniker's house and sodomized his dog FJ would just claim Trump is an animal lover and the PETA crowd should get on board with the maga movement.

  3. Dave M., I just took a look over at the Mother Ship.

    Apparently it's not just Trump who has "impulse control" issues. Joe Conservative has published almost half of the 20 comments on that thread.

    JoeCon, of course, excuses Trump's authoritarian repost, blaming it on some psychological cause explained by one of his go-to Slovenian philosophers. Never does he or any of the sailors on the Mother Ship have the courage or honesty to see that Trump is simply a morally damaged human being with authoritarian impulses and is looking to punish his perceived enemies with prison, even if they've not committed any crimes. How Putinesque of him!

    In any given population, there will always be an authoritarian/fascistic impulse. America is no different than any other country, because human beings are basically all the same in their fears and desires.

    We erroneously believe that our system of laws, the Constitution, would keep those impulses in check.

    We know better now, and that's because the majority SCOTUS are partisan politicians, not judges calling balls and strikes.

  4. And are you aware how long the democrats have been lying about joey and his incompetence. How can anyone trust the democrats and the media. I don't think it just happened at the debate because he has been on the outside looking in for years it is just that the debate proved he is incompetent.

    The left is all in a tizzy about trump being a dictator but what they are most concerned about is their massive screw up by nominating -H- and then joey because they didn't have a reasonable candidate. Wear a mask or don't go out in public, get a shot or quit the military, close the schools so kids can't learn and the teachers union get to post a win for their members. We are going to pass your neighbors kids tuition on to you and you have no say, buy an EV and we will give you tax payers money to help you buy a vehicle you don't want. You want to talk dictatorship look no further than biden and the democrats.

    The country has survived worse presidents than trump, LBJ, JC come to mind and we have prospered. Get jill to let joe resign and prey for the best instead of losing your mind over another four years of possible trump.

  5. JoeBama... NAMDLA... North American Man Dog Love Association...

  6. Yes, you heard me correctly.
    Convicted Felon Hunter Biden is Sitting in on White House Meetings with President Biden!

  7. A direct and barely veiled threat.

    These people are scum. And i won't ever be sorry for speaking truth.

    5 videos went up on my site this afternoon on Project 2025. One video of over an hour on Project 2025 will be up tomorrow @ 6:00 AM.

    Not that anybody is concerned enough to sit through over 2 hours of credible truthful analysis of this shut of a plan.

    But, just trying to do my minuscule part in attempting to save democracy.

    We'll soon know how much Americans really appreciate freedom.

    What was it Franklin said (i don't mean Franklin Graham), Those who would give up a little freedom for a little security deserve neither and will lose both. Or something to that effect.

    Anyway... we wait.

  8. Peter, what's the big deal?

    A convicted felon, 34 counts, an adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster, facing dozens more felony charges is running for the presidency! Trump has more felony charges than Hunter!

    What's your problem?

  9. Thanks Les for that info.

    I'm going to check your blog out. I hope others do the same.

  10. While Democrats clutch their pearls with self-doubt the country is on the brink of civil war.

    The following information is accurate as far as I can tell, and the Dems had better wake up and recognize what is happening.

    Joe Biden, if you’re listening.

    JUL 03, 2024

    Civil War

    This is a civil war. So far it’s not kinetic, but that will not be for long.

    The new Confederacy has a general, Mike Flynn, and it has powerful backers, including a massive theocratic cult that believes America must be a Christian nation for Jesus to come save them, as well as the Russian, Saudi, UAE, Iranian and Chinese governments, among others, and oligarchs like Elon Musk.

    Here is Kevin Roberts, CEO of the Heritage Foundation, the architects of the theocratic fascist plan to decimate the federal government and replace America with a Christian nation, Project 2025.

    “We are in the process of the Second American Revolution which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be.”

    Last year, the Heritage Foundation “pivoted away from its traditionally hawkish stance on Russia” while it plotted to take over the United States government. It is plainly engaged in seditious conspiracy in collusion with our adversaries — and now it’s openly threatening violence. The people promoting it should be arrested.

    The question one must ask is, what army is the Heritage Foundation planning on using for its “revolution”? It doesn’t have a paramilitary. How will it enforce its plan?

    The answer is that Mike Flynn has already formed the brownshirts, and he’s ready to deploy them. His “digital soldiers” have been preparing to go kinetic and Flynn is literally arming them himself — with a Revolutionary War theme, and bump stocks, courtesy of the Supreme Cult.


    Have a happy Fourth of July, folks. It might be our last.

  11. I have video posts on Project 2025 going up every 3 hours beginning at 6 AM tomorrow until 3:00 PM. Likely more if I find more of Value tomorrow morning.

    Trump aside, Project 2015 is the single greatest existential threat to our democracy, the republic, and liberty since Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich.

  12. Any idea of where Skud gets his precise info? "The country has survived worse presidents than trump, LBJ, JC.." Most experts rate them at 11 and 23, based on a number of critical factors.
    Rated at 45 (rock bottom) is Trump. The USA survived him. By a hair.

  13. Yeah, but the BIGGER long term threat is Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation, the corrupt conservative "High Court", and the GOP.

    Trump is merely the useful idiot.

  14. LBJ deepened our involvement in a no win war and under JC we had oil embargo's, inflation that would make joey proud and double digit mortgage rates so no one could afford a house. He is the closest to joey in policy on energy and inflation.

    You may remember it different and it looks like we both lived through it. Jill can saves the presidency but won't because she like the status of FL.

  15. Trump continues to rank dead last nonetheless skudzy. Soon, when the light dawns on the sleeping, MAGA crowd, it too will rank dead last. From a historical perspective.
