Tuesday, July 2, 2024

This is what MAGA wants:


This is how third-world dictatorships operate. 

And MAGA is going to vote for this un-American, anti-democracy criminal.

We have never seen this kind of threat to our country -- not even in a time of war -- that we now have before us. All because a deeply damaged malignant narcissist and convicted felon and rapist has been successful in convincing so many gullibles of his greatness.

"Former President Donald Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians. 

 Trump, using his account on Truth Social on Sunday, promoted two posts from other users of the site that called for the jailing of his perceived political enemies. 

 One post that he circulated Sunday singled out Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming Congress member who is a Republican critic of Trump’s, and called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals. 

 “Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason,” the post said. “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.”


"Trump has repeatedly called for the imprisonment of his political opponents, often singling out members of the Jan. 6 committee. But the two posts that Trump amplified Sunday particularly stand out. One proposed jailing an extensive list of high-ranking officials, including Trump’s former vice president, the top Republican in the Senate and the current president and vice president. 

The other invoked the dictatorial imagery of a televised military tribunal, which would strip Cheney of her right to due process similar to the military courts used to prosecute terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay ."

 This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

And this: 

Donald Trump’s former Sec. Def. Mark Esper: “[Trump] was suggesting that...we should bring in the troops and shoot the protesters.” 

 Q: “The commander-in-chief was suggesting that the U.S. military shoot protesters?” 

 Esper: “Yes, in the streets of our nation’s capital.”


Trump would LOVE to be able to EXECUTE those who do not support him:


  1. So, to not worship Corporal Bonespurs is treason?
    Military Tribunals? Hangings? Firing squads?
    Where will he put the concentration camps?
    Can Canada hold 60% of the US population?
    A mad man strutting across the stage.

  2. I note: if the bastard, or any of his filthy henchmen tread on me or my rights at any time... we'll, i'm sure there remain hit men.

    At this stage of the malignant MAGA tumor's rapid growth i can honestly say i would rather have the Italian Mafia running the country than Trump, the Christian Nationalists, or the gop.

    I never in my life wished somebody dead. Trump changed that.

    He is scum. And his supporters are frankly ignorant deluded followers lacking in reason as well as common sense.

  3. No, Lisa. What is in this post are verifiable facts. Google is your friend.

    That's not fear mongering; it's reality. Because you are a Trump cultist, you don't see the reality.

  4. oh so Trump said that he was going to do to his political opponents what they've been doing to him for the past 6 years?

  5. Lisa, you didn't read the post, did you. Trump said he wants:

    “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians."

    None of those people Trump named were indicted by a grand jury for any crime, as Trump was. What crimes have any of them committed? Trump, like the tin-pot dictators in third-world countries, wants to jail his political opponents. What are their crimes???

    Trump reposted this (which means he approves of the contents):

    “Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason,” the post said. “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.”

    Liz Cheney has committed no crime, especially not treason. Again, this is what murderous third world dictators do, or dream of doing, not AMERICAN presidents.

    I'm sure you've read enough world history to know this.

    Trump's political opponents did not "do this to him." A grand jury, looking at the evidence before them determined that a crime was committed and indicted Trump. A trial jury of his peers found him guilty as charged 34 times!

    I assume you understand how our system of justice works and, as a patriotic American, you stand by our system? Or maybe you don't know how our justice works and believe the lies Trump has been telling his cultists because he has NEVER be held accountable for anything he's done in his life?

    Just a caution for you, Lisa: Cultists don't know they're in a cult.

    Trump is a Liar, Cheat, Fraud, a convicted felon, an adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and a tax fraudster.

    If he hadn't committed crimes, he wouldn't be in trouble. He's telling his cultists this is all political when, in fact, he's a lawbreaking con man criminal.

  6. Poor Lisa, like all MAGA cultists she is beset with ignorance and delusions when it comes to her Fuhrer Trump. The hold that madman has over his adoring fans is beyond reason or rational analysis.

    The Third World awaits America if Trump is allowed anywhere near the Whitehouse again.

  7. "The GOP has transitioned from "I am not a crook," to "An actual crook is not a crook!"

  8. BTW Lisa, if the gop was actually a patriotic party it would be asking Trump to step aside for the wellbeing of our nation and all of its citizens. But it is not and hasn't been for years.

  9. Marcy Wheeler has an excellent suggestion.



    John Roberts has invited Joe Biden to call up Merrick Garland and demand not just that DOJ open an investigation into Ginni Thomas, but to appoint a Special Counsel who could continue the investigation for the foreseeable future.

    By refusing all review of improper pressure on the Attorney General, John Roberts has not eliminated the risk of revenge and despotism.

    He has, rather, sanctioned it.

  10. Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be".

    So the Heritage Foundation says we should just allow them to take over the country??

    Hell to the NO!!!

    I bet our visitor from the MAGA-sphere would believe Mr. Roberts isn't really implying what he is saying. I'm quite positive if I did bet and actually had monies to bet that I'd win said bet.

    This is exactly what MAGA wants. Has anyone read the document? I've read parts, I've listened to more than my fair share of trusted podcasts about the subject, and most importantly I've been listening to the rhetoric for the past thirty years. The 2025 Project manifesto is the summation of everything they've said up to now.

    I'll tell you why Mr. Roberts wants us to just lay back and think of Deity and Country. It's because they've carefully led their base to believe that we on the left are weak. They've spent decades labeling the LGBTQA+ community and anyone to the left of them (that would be anyone not MAGA at this point) as gun hating libtards who don't have the brains a deity gave a crowbar to get out of the rain. Truth is many humans free of the cult are not only well armed but they know know to use their weapons with great accuracy.

    Aside from the soldiers and mercenaries on the MAGA side, if an actual fight were to break out my monies (that I don't have) are bet on the left for we have something the other side does not - we've not underestimated our opponent.

    The only way the cult wins is if We The People just lay back and let events unfold. NO SIR!!!! I am an American, standing on the shoulders of those who came before. I will not let our Constitution be sullied with the theocracy our fellow citizens in a cult are craving.

    But I also could be just furious that open corruption is rewarded when doing the correct thing is punished. Yep. Furious.

  11. Grey One talks sass,

    I'm posting on that today at 1 pm.

    Do they think the American people will just accept their theocratic ideas?

  12. Dave Dubya,

    If there were such a thing as justice in this sorry country, Ginni Thomas's arse would be sitting in a jail cell because she is an anti-democracy cultist.

  13. Don't shoot until you see the whites if their eyes.

    It was the radical progressives of the 18th century that broke with the Crown.

    It was the radical progressives of the 18th century that declared our independence.

    It was the radical progressives of the 18th century that gave us our democratic republic.

    It was NOT the conservatives that demanded freedom from tyranny and fought for liberty.

    And it WILL BE the liberals and progressive that WILL defeat the neo-Nazi MAGA movement and their sleazy filthy authoritarian 2025 Project.

  14. Trying to reason with the Lisas of the world is a futile exercise. Thomas Jefferson said stay away from the deluded kooks like Lisa and the other person with multiple identities. Or ridicule them since that is all their opinions are worth. My question though to "Lisa" and the others of her ilk is why do you hate America? We have been the beacon of liberty and democracy since our Nation's founding. Yet you people embrace the guy who has openly embraced Putin and Kim Jung Un. You decry our justice system as unfair and political while Hunter Biden gets convicted of a crime virtually all of you think is not a crime. Having a gun. You claim to be Christians and demand the Ten Commandments be displayed in schools and anywhere else you can think of while giving undying devotion to the guy that habitually breaks nine of them. I don't know if Donald has killed anyone but he sure likes to talk about it these days. I have no choice but to believe the Lisa's and her kind not only hate America but they hate Jesus as well. It's understandable that you support Trump as you think he hates the same things you do. Too bad you all don't realize that Trump hates his rank and file supporters. I respect those who work hard and try to make themselves good parents and employees and entrepreneurs. It's sad when around 70 million fellow Americans are content to be useful idiots for Trump.

  15. Les,

    That is all correct. It was the conservative Tories who wanted to stay with the monarchy, not the liberal colonists who complained of taxation without representation.

    About a third of the colonists stayed with the monarchy, a third rebelled, and a third didn't care one way or the other.

  16. JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly,

    The Trumpers pretend Trump is an upright, moral man, while every piece of evidence in front of their noses proves otherwise. Trump's cultists are blind to reality:


    Trump, convicted of 34 felony charges, dozens more pending, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster,

    Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort,
    Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates,
    Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen,
    Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone,
    Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro,
    Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos,
    The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg,
    Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn,
    Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon,

    Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes.

    Trump's name is included in the Jeffrey Epstein documents several times, and Trump wished a convicted pedophile (a child rapist) "well" when she, Ghislaine Maxwell, was arrested!

    Never once do cultists, like Lisa, think that maybe when their hero is convicted of felonies and his lawyers and associates are ALSO CONVICTED FELONS, and he is all over the internet in photos partying with pedophiles that maybe,


    Trump is, himself, a immoral and felonious criminal?

    No. In their world, he's a hero.

    And that tell us all we need to know about what has happened to our country.

  17. Yeah. Things generally don't end well for Trump associates. Maybe Lisa and maga crowd get this so they post under monikers so they don't get caught and end up like Steve Bannon.
