Tuesday, July 16, 2024



Trump ALWAYS promoted violence at his rallies and promised to reward his thugs should they get into legal trouble because their violent behavior.


  1. Here’s what we know about Thomas Matthew so far:

    1. He’s a registered Republican.
    2. He was always a conservative, according to his former classmates.
    3. His father is a Trump supporter.
    4. Neighbors say they saw Trump signs outside the family home over the years.
    5. He was a gun lover
    6. He was bullied in high school
    7. He donated $15 to a progressive organization three years ago.

    So many questions still remain unanswered.

  2. PS.PS the donation that was made was donated by an older gentleman in the area with the same name so he didn't even do that. He was 100% MAGA.

    -FJ, or one of his other personas, posted a screen shot of the shooter's namesake.

  3. Trump encouraging the violent behavior that lies at the core of his own nature.

  4. Meanwhile, in the real world:

    "US stocks hit near 41,000 record high as the #BidenBoom continues to shock analysts. The 38th record this year. Consumer spending rose more than expected while companies delivered better-than-expected profits. With inflation under control, rate cuts are expected."

    Remember when Trump predicted the stock market would crash when Joe Biden became POTUS?

    President Biden didn't make the stock market soar, but maybe investors feel confidence at this time?

  5. Trump will probably get his market crash. If he's installed as POTUS this coming Jan.

    There is every reason investors should feel confidence in Biden's administration. Success speaks for itself and investors are responding to Biden's very strong US economy as it shores up the world economy.

    Go Biden, Go Biden, Go Biden

    Crash and burn Trump. It's exactly what he deserves. In spades.
