Monday, August 12, 2024




BREAKING: The Miami Herald confirms that Donald Trump has in fact been using Jeffrey Epstein's plane to campaign since his plane experienced troubles.

Jeffrey Epstein's private jet was known as "The Lolita Express."

Donald Trump is now using it to campaign.

Why would he do such a thing?

Does he not know what that plane represents?

You know who didn't pal around with child sex traffickers and convicted pedophiles?

VP Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz.


  1. Has there ever been any other human suffering from such pervasive tone deafness.

    I've never known one personally.

    1. How could he not know the provenance of that plane? He flew on it several times! 😂😂😂

  2. Does he not know what this plane, "The Lolita Express" represents?

    He fully knows, as do his supporters. And they do not care. Apparently there is no bridge too far for the former president or his supporters.

    Who knew paying money to use the plane of a child molester would be a way to "own the libs."

  3. He knew. He did not care. He does not care now.

  4. Gee, maybe you should charge Jeffrey Epstein with making an illegal campaign contribution.... oh yeah, he's dead. maybe you should extract reparations from Trump for all the girls Epstein raped. @@

  5. Nice try, Joe Conservative. But your comments do not change the fact that Trump, or one of his clueless minions, decided a great look for him would be to rent a sex trafficker/convicted pedophile's jet for flying around the country and telling Americans Trump would make America great again!

    Epic fail.

    That jet has horribly negative vibes. It will remind the American people of Trump and Melania's friendship with two notorious child rapists.

  6. How the whittle ones adore their big bad daddy figure. The fearless rapist, felon, insurrectionist, misogynist, racist, tax cheat... one who is utterly devoid of ethical and moral grounding.

  7. Guess they should take the aircraft and melt it down with all the future confiscated guns and make an E Studebaker. Didn't BJ fly on that plane as well?

  8. Just imagine, skud, if this were reversed and it was common knowledge that Kamala Harris was besties with two child rapists/sex traffickers, Epstein and Maxwell, and she was using Epstein's jet to fly around the country and campaign for the presidency. You and others would be on that day and night. Instead you brush it off as though there was nothing to see here. Why?

    Because it's a REPUBLICAN candidate who's flying around in the infamous "Lolita Express," reminding the country of his long friendship with those two criminals.

    And all you can ask is if Clinton flew on that plane? Really?

    I know it must be too painful for you to see the political party you once belonged to defiled by Trump, a sexual assaulter, liar, cheat, and fraud.

  9. Trump just does this nonsense thinking it's neat to piss of a woke person or liberal. JoeC and the magats are of the same immature mindset. If Trump broke into JoeC's house and sodomized his dog JoeC would would praise Trump for being an animal lover.

    1. I just sprayed iced tea all over my keyboard! 😂🤣🤣🤣
