Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Jim Acosta @Acosta CNN:  

VP Harris has selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate.

Good choice! Strong ticket!


  1. The sailors on the Mother Ship tell us why Harris/Walz will lose:

    "Summing it all up,

    The last 4 letters in American are “ICAN”

    The last 4 letters in Republican are “ICAN”

    The last 4 letters in Democrat are “RATS”

    Brilliant, eh?

    How about this:

    dOnaLD tRUMP! = OLD RUMP; jD vANCE = DANCE. And that means: OLD RUMP DANCE!

    OLD RUMP DANCE is the MAGApublican ticket for 2024.

    We can play the same silly letter game, too! LOL!

  2. Was hoping she'd go with the Governor of PA.

    Now the race to the possible eventual violence Trump/Vance and the rightwing cabal has planned if Trump loses.

    I wonder if Trump will be arming the thousands the Heritage Foundation is preparing for the day they believe the Fuhrer Trump rises to destroy American democracy.

  3. Dave Hale - Concerned Republican

    "I voted for Nikki Haley in this year's GOP primary because she's a real conservative.

    I'll be voting for Kamala Harris this November because she doesn't want to destroy our Republic.

    We have a country to save!"


    Does anyone know if there are any groups called "Concerned Democrats for Trump?" Asking for a friend.

  4. LOL!

    Ana Navarro-Cárdenas

    I don’t know much about #TimWalz. As long as he hasn’t shot a puppy, stabbed a dead bear cub or attacked cat owners, and there are no rumors about him and a porn star or furniture, I’m good with him.

  5. Les,

    I liked ALL of her choices and would have been thrilled with any of them. So this is one choice of the many good choices.

    What the VP Harris has is off-the-charts enthusiasm. The Trump/Vance ticket is so last century and WEIRD!

  6. This is the MAGApublicans' "Man of the People?"

    From The Guardian: "Donald Trump has set a million-dollar price tag for the ability to whisper in his ear should he win back the presidency in November, prompting ethics watchdogs to worry that the Republican nominee is selling access and political influence for personal gain.

    Trump is making available four new and rarely available memberships at his exclusive Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where he mingled freely with unvetted patrons during his first term of office and accepted policy advice from guests scrawled on cocktail napkins.

    The $1m cost of each membership, which will open for applications in October, exactly one month before the presidential election, also represents a 43% hike from the current initiation fee of $700,000 – an eye-popping increase given the former president has railed against Joe Biden for what he sees as out of control inflation."

    This is the guy that MAGA thinks understands the struggles of the working class? LOL!


  7. David Rothkopf

    Kamala Harris has made it clear with Tim Walz--this contest will pit genuine, humorous, dedicated public servants against the Smarm Boys, slimy, lying, self-interested opportunists.

  8. Walz is a guy who can address a lot of issues I've seen with the Dems the last generation. He might even help Testor keep the Montana seat.

    He's a fix it yourself, self reliant kind of guy. He doesn't believe government is the answer to all of our ills, is plain spoken and has won in rural, red leaning districts as a congressional candidate.

    He also knows the GOP currently has a bunch of weirdos, as explained by Navarro's tweet.

    Sure, Shapiro would have made PA a stronger probability, but he comes with maybe too strong support for Israel and Fetterman had questions.

    Walz is exactly the kind of guy, except for the abortion issue, that GOP supporting folks like Skud have said the Dems need. Too bad I don't think SKud will be joining up with Republicans for Harris anytime soon.

  9. I am from Minnesota; Waltz is a good selection.

    Shaw - I do not moderate my comment section, yet. You may get comments directed at you that have nothing to do with my post. I will try to keep it civil, or I will use comment moderation. Please keep visiting my blog.

  10. It does seem the candidates selected a running mate who is their equal in their ideas. Trump selected a donald like running mate who is bat shi-t crazy and harris selected a running mate who is not a progressive but a believer in attacking big business. He will solidify the Muslim vote where shapiro would have alienated them. Shapiro was not needed to secure the Jewish or black vote because the democrats already own them.

    The harrisnomics recession may pose a problem because it is totally her fault since she was in the second seat when it was started. It has been estimated that 40% of young people can't afford a home and families are tightening their belts because of high inflation and now a rise in unemployment. Recessions get in the way of an election but I'm sure the democrats will figure out a way to blame the republicans.

  11. Born in Nebraska, literally red state middle America, Walz is a former high school teacher, military NCO and plain spoken guy who spent significant time working in agriculture.

    He's fiscally conservative, socially liberal.

    All in the broadest sense.

    Add in his executive experience as governor, a skill set that both parties used to expect and even want in the White House and he looks, today, like the perfect candidate.

  12. As a native Minnesotan, I'm proud she chose Walz, though I'm sad, along with my family in Minnesota, that he is leaving the state. But he leaves the state in great shape. Minnesota has consistently been voted one of the best states to live in. Are taxes higher, yes, but in my experience living in red and blue states, you get what you pay for. And, for me, trying to decide if I will retire back in Minnesota, one item in the "con" section was the state taxing Social Security benefits. Well, that was recently changed to only taxing Social Security benefits of those making over $100,000, so I'm thrilled!


  13. skudrunner: "...harris selected a running mate who is not a progressive but a believer in attacking big business."

    Skud, I've asked you so many times to please give us evidence when you make statements like the above. Unless you can do so, I take your above statement as nothing more than an opinion back up by nothing. It's just trash talking.

    Here's what a successful businessman has to say about Tim Walz:

    Reid Hoffman
    As Gov. of Minnesota, Walz fostered a pro-business climate, attracting substantial investment and positioning the state as a top contender for business development. I'm confident that as VP, he'll continue to protect America’s innovation power and fuel economic growth. Couldn’t be more excited to support Gov. Tim Walz as the pick for VP."

    Who is Reid Hoffman?


    "Reid Garrett Hoffman (born August 5, 1967) is an American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist, podcaster, and author. Hoffman is the co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, a business-oriented social network used primarily for professional networking. He is also chairman of venture capital firm Village Global and a co-founder of Inflection AI.

    Where's your evidence that Walz "attacks big business?" From Newsmax and FAUX NOOZ? I'm curious as to where you hear this stuff you post.

    Thanks for the rest of your Eeyorian gloom and doom.

    We are energized by VP Harris's choice, a real man of the people, unlike the guy who owns Mar-a-Largo and just upped membership to that club to $1 million.

    Walz would support YOU in your small business; Trump would ask you to buy his golden sneakers and autographed bibles.

  14. MAGA is demoralized. I don't mean to gloat, but why did they continue to support a convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, serial adulterer, Liar, Cheat, and Fraud who's facing more criminal charges and think that'd be good for their party OR AMERICA????

    Mustang says:
    August 6, 2024 at 8:17 am
    I don’t know how anyone can believe in reincarnation and claim to be a Christian. Similarly, one can darken the pigment of their skin through various methods, but that doesn’t make them a negro or black. Any Republican who votes for Harris isn’t a Republican.

    This MAGA implies VP Harris "darkens" her skin? He seems to resent the fact that VP Harris has dark skin, and is presenting herself as having an Afro-Jamaican heritage! While also having a South Asian Indian heritage on her mother's side! They're being eaten up by VP Harris's race because THAT IS ALL THEY SEE when they look at her!

    There's more to this unhinged screed:

    "As you suggest, it is no surprise that Kinzinger and Cheney seem confused by this. Well, I have no problem with principled people standing by their principles — but if they rally around Democratic principles, they should stop claiming to be Republicans. It seems simple enough (to me).

    But there is a lot more than this going on behind the scenes. Undermining the U.S. Constitution is what Democrats do because they don’t believe in it."

    Has this poor MAGA forgotten what Trump said about the Constitution? Everything they say about the Democrats is a projection of what Trump says!

    Trump rebuked for call to suspend Constitution over election

  15. skudrunner: "...harris selected a running mate who is not a progressive but a believer in attacking big business."

    SKUD, you may be interested in this FACT about Governor Walz:

    "Minnesota is ranked 6th in the nation for business, a new study finds.

    MINNEAPOLIS — A recent study shows that Minnesota is ranked sixth in the nation for business, with high marks coming from areas judging the state's competitiveness, workforce, infrastructure, economy, quality of life and business friendliness.Jul 12, 2024"

    SKUD, When will you wake up and realize you're being bamboozled by the MAGA sources of information you read!

    Please tell me where you got the information that Gov. Walz would "attack business?" Where?Gov. Walz is BIG TIME business friendly. Minnesota can't be 6th in high marks for business and attacking business at the same time.

    You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.

  16. Sam,

    I just got back from a visit with family in New York, but I'll be over to your blog soon!

    Glad to hear you're from Minnesota, you can fill us in on FACTS about your state!

  17. Possumlady AND Sam

    Wow! Two of my commenters are from Minnesota! I'll be more than happy to hear about your state! Sixth friendliest state for business! Down-to-Earth plain-speaking governor who gets things done! Lots of experience in governing! Military! He's got the goods and makes a perfect fit for VP Harris. As would have any other of those competing for the VP slot!

    Never forget that it was R.Reagan who taxed Social Security to make up for the tax breaks for his rich pals in the GOP!

  18. Dave M.: "He's fiscally conservative, socially liberal."

    As is our friend, skudrunner! But skud had nothing good to say about him.

  19. Here is just a partial list of corporations headquartered in Minnesota:

    Allianz Life
    Anderson Corporation (windows)
    Best Buy
    Dairy Queen
    General Mills
    Hormel Foods
    Land o Lakes
    Radisson Hotels
    Red Wing Shoes
    Sleep Number
    U.S. Bancorp
    UnitedHealth Group

  20. I lived and worked in the "Land of 10,000 lakes'. Aside from the state bird (Mosquito)
    it is also known as Minnesota Nice. So the Dems have a Happy Warrior and Mr. Nice vs
    A Felon and some dude who hates ladies and cats. No brainer.

  21. Once again, Skud is correct... the two ticket toppers, Trump and Harris, picked ppl who mostly support the main views of the presidential candidates.

    Walz is midwestern values, pay your bills, live humbly, make sure ppl have health insurance and access to health care, he supports IVF and yes, abortion with limits, and fiscal sanity.

    Vance supports the Trump vision of ending the ACA giving access to health care to millions of Americans, supports a national ban on ALL abortions, has called progressives sub human, doesn't think childless couples should vote, has no problem with ppl mocking disabled ppl and more.

    Man that's a lot... and people call this a close decision? What kind of people are voting for Trump?

  22. Dave M.: "...he [Walz] supports IVF..."

    Walz's first child, his daughter, Hope, was conceived with IVF.

    Dave M.: "What kind of people are voting for Trump?"

    Go visit the Mother Ship. They are the quintessential Trump supporters. They KNOW Trump is an indecent and dishonorable human being, but will vote for him because they believe in Party Over Country.

    As BB-Idaho said the choices are: "...Happy Warrior and Mr. Nice vs
    A Felon and some dude who hates ladies and cats. No brainer."

    Succinctly stated and true!

  23. Also,

    I could easily see Governor Walz stepping into the presidency should a misfortune occur. But NOT JD Vance.

    He is a very young 39 years old, has 1 1/2 years experience in government, a best-selling book, and WEIRD ideas about single women with cats! And is a proponent of Project 2025.

  24. I'm going to continue to repost these notifications as they come in over my phone.

    There's no question that the Democrats have a message of joy, hope, and confidence vs. Trump's name-calling, doom-raging and negativity about our country, and his anger, anger, anger!

    Americans react to positive messages, not hate and anger and racism like this negative garbage:

    Mustang says:
    August 6, 2024 at 8:17 am
    I don’t know how anyone can believe in reincarnation and claim to be a Christian. Similarly, one can darken the pigment of their skin through various methods, but that doesn’t make them a negro or black. Any Republican who votes for Harris isn’t a Republican.

  25. Rebekah, Crone for Kamala 🪷 🇺🇸
    Y’all. Take a moment and look at what people are leaning into this summer.

    Firs, we have Kamala smiling and laughing and dancing.

    Next, we get the barrage of stories out of the Olympics that are all about the support and fun and love the athletes are sharing.

    Now we have Tim Walz going to the fair with his daughter and talking about positive policies he delivered for MN.

    The coverage of all that positivity has eclipsed Trump’s ugly name-calling. America is STARVING for joy. We are ready lap up every drop of news about the best facets of humanity.

    Hate and fear are exhausting. Let’s be our best selves, as individuals and as a nation.

  26. Tim Walz is clearly a DEI pick.


  27. This is for our friend, skudrunner:

    Gov. Walz grew up in a working class family.

    He signed the largest tax cut in state history.

    Unlike JD Vance, he's walked the walk and gotten results for rural and working families.

    You can verify all of the above. It's not an opinion.

  28. Dave asked, What kind of people are voting for Trump/Vance?

    There are many kinds. From those with legitimate issues with democratic policies to those who, like Trump/Vance and the GOP MAGAverse, simply hate democracy and liberty.

    Hopefully the Harris/Walz ticket will bring such infectious positivity to the race that funding and support for the hateful negativity of both Trump and Just Dumb Vance dries up and the Ticket To Take America Back To The Dark Ages dies in a monumental landslide.

  29. Les, I want to believe that the great majority of ppl who support Trump and Vance also want democracy and liberty, albeit, as they understand it.

    I know a lot of folks on that side of the ledger, and none of them are voting positively to end democracy, rather they see the left as hyper ventilating.

    It's intentions. But I also believe a lot of folks in the old Soviet Union, nazi Germany and southeast Asia had good intentions too. That did not turn out so well.

  30. Skud's number of 40% for the number of young ppl who can't afford a home may be slightly low. Many folks put the number between 45-49%.

    So here's a question for you Skud...

    Is the reason primarily based in wages that are too low? Or prices that are too high?

  31. The real question is who controls the price of eggs? And housing?

    Our economy, by all measures is good. It leads the rest of the advanced economies in the world.

  32. Ms. Shaw. From that conservative rag NYT "He shifted significantly to the left on guns and on other subjects when he ran for governor in 2018, and he and Minnesota’s Democratic legislature have enacted a sweeping progressive agenda" "Allow driver's license by allowing Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, to obtain a license. With an estimated 81,000 undocumented"

    I did not make up anything and didn't expect harris to pick a conservative. Overall he was a good choice because there is little on him to trash unlike vance who has a book of idiot things he has said. Harris is starting to pull back from her biggest anchor as we enter a recession and have another world conflict with iran. The harris/biden administration has a ton of baggage but the media is all about bolstering her tarnished image.

  33. In a nutshell inflation is the direct result of greed. IOW's enough is never enough and everybody seems to desire more, more, more. Hence wages go up, and before long prices go up. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

    Stop wage increases and freeze prices and status quo is immediately acheived.

    Until people and businesses, who can be rather ignorant, again start to desire more, begin grasping to keep up with the neighbors and competition, and the cycle goes back on line.

    On a global basis humans have become increasingly materialistic, thus driving greed to new heights.

    Capitalism, unless tweaked in the direction of greater equitability and compassion so the entire population benefits across the board, will become the cause of great social unrest and possibly increased violence.

    1. Les, Is that greed from allowing people to steal and not be held accountable, greed because our elected elite decides what minimum wage should be, greed because our government poured trillions into the economy causing inflation, greed because we allow the elected crooks to accept funds from lobbyists to buy their votes, greed because we do not hold our government accountable for spending, or greed because corporations pay dividends on earnings to their owners which is the share holder .

      So Les, which greed are you referring to?

  34. Well skud, that "baggage" you refer to is considered by the majority of knowledge people to be something Presiden Biden and soon to be President Harris can and should be very proud of on balance.

    Trump and Just Dumb have nothing to very little to be proud of.

  35. "Allow driver's license by allowing Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, to obtain a license. With an estimated 81,000 undocumented"

    There are currently 19 states that allow undocumented people to obtain a driver's license. As Walz has said, state and local authorities do not have authority regarding immigration status--that is a job for the federal government. Allowing undocumented people to obtain a driver's license means they have to apply, take a test, and if they pass, prove they have insurance. All that does is make the roads safer for all Minnesotans.

    Supporters of the driver's licenses measure included law enforcement officials, clergy members, business groups and immigrant rights groups who say it will boost public safety by keeping roads safe and help the state's economy by ensuring people can get to work.

    Wow, that is some crazy shit (inserts eyeroll).

  36. Skud... we'll try again...

    Your number of 40% for the number of young ppl who can't afford a home may be slightly low. Many folks put the number between 45-49%.

    So here's a couple of questions for you... and yes, I assume you can't or won't answer any of them.

    Is the reason primarily based in wages that are too low? Or prices that are too high? And what solutions do you have or suggest?

  37. Rev Miller, Yes house prices are high because of inflation and inventory, supply and demand determines what prices should be. Mortgage rate are up but not that high compared to past rates. I bought my first house at 6.5 percent and I thought that was good. Then we went to 2.5 which became the norm which now would be a steal. Wages are too low is a problem because as wages rise so do prices. When a non skilled individuals wages have doubled in a year that is going to drive up prices for a lot of goods.
    We could go to the clinton house for everyone with sub par mortgages and we saw how that worked out.
    House prices will not come down a lot and neither will the cost of most items because of the 10+% inflation which was a direct effect of government spending.

  38. Fair answers Skud even though I saw no proposed solutions. So I am left to assume that you have none.

    We could build more houses couldn't we? Surely that would expand inventory and if economic rules of supply sand demand still apply, prices would drop. But we can't do that. Because we do not have enough construction workers in the United States to do so and construction work, which a lot of recent immigrants, both legal and illegal, do does not qualify for emergency work VISAS.

    So prices remain high because of too tight border policies.

    BTW, I bought my first and only house during the Carter/Reagan recession. I got 7.5%, a bargain then as most rates were at 11%. I qualified under a first time buyer program in Nevada. I think 4-5% is a good range for housing for the feds to target, but I'm not sure we get there.

  39. Add to your list of corporations in Minnesota 3M.

  40. Rev Miller, So your answer is to open the border more so all those tradesman can enter. How many of the 10 million illegals that have entered are tradesman. How many of the illegals who are skilled have applied for jobs.
    Maybe we should take some of that hundreds of millions spent to buy votes from rich kids to fund trade schools.
    Everyone pushes for a college education to get a degree in gender studies whi few push to get a trade.

  41. Sorry Skud... I asked first and I posited no solution, I simply pointed out a couple of facts. No where did I say "here's a solution" or "here's what I think we should do" or "I think we should do this."

    BTW... there are many estimates of how many undocumented/illegal aliens are working in the US construction industry. Most fall between 1.5 and 2.6 million workers.

    Also, you can't make people do work they do not want to do. If little Johnny doesn't want to build houses, but Juanito does, again, what should we do?

    I'd argue, get more people who want to build houses.

  42. Without immigration and immigrants skud this nation would be unable to fill millions of jobs. Whether they be trade jobs, tech jobs, or menial labor (not that that is as huge as it used to be).

    The nation NEEDS immigration and it us now incumbent on the obstructive Trump and the GOP to get their shit together. We're it not for the Orange Menance telling his cult to nix the bipartisan border bill we'd have a border bill in place right now.

    Blame the source of the obstruction.

  43. Rev and Les, We agree we need immigrants and I have the utmost respect for the skills of our Mexican workers. In most cases their skill and dedication far outshines the American worker. That being said when are we going to have a comprehensive immigration package. Several administrations have had the opportunity but only GW put something out and he was defeated by his own party.

    1. Finally you may be getting it Skud. We need immigrants, but the GOP does not believe that. You can argue otherwise, and I am sure you will, but their words and the words of their biggest supporters say otherwise.

      The Dems have shown for years a willingness to negotiate on immigration.

      During the GW Bush Admin, they joined a group of GOP centrists to hammer out a compromise plan. As you stated, it was defeated by the GOP. In 2013, the Bi-Partisan "Gang of Eight" hammered out another compromise. It too was defeated by the GOP. Earlier this year yet another bi-partisan compromise that was called by conservative leaders the best deal they could ever get with the Dems, was also shot down by the GOP, under instructions of Donald Trump.

      Skip the BS on what we need and ask yourself this... which party seems ready to make a deal and move America forward on this? And which party keeps killing legislation they their own party helps negotiate?

      And then, for extra credit, if you can, explain why it keeps happening...

  44. Yup, and Trump made sure the last bipartisan deal failed. He didn't want Biden to get credit. But we understand. He was just being his narcissistic self and to hell with America.

  45. Mr. Carpenter, The proposal was not comprehensive immigration reform but an illegal immigrant control bill which had a lot of holes. I am not surprised that was you answer because everything is the republicans fault. Do you blame the republicans for allowing biden to be subjected to elder abuse and for the media and kamala for hiding that fact.

  46. Skud... the GOP Conservatives who were for the bill before they were against it, called it comprehensive immigration reform. Their words. Were they lying? Because surely they knew the words coming out of their mouths.

  47. It WAS the republican party, und pressure from Trump, that CAUSED the border bill to fail.

    I am not interested in tit for tat. The bill should have passed and next year under President Harris, with a democratic congress, could successfully negotiate a successful comprehensive and updated immigration law.

    Trump, caring only about Trump is responsible for failure of the border bill.

  48. Davis, The GOP is not conservative just as the DNC does not represent the working class. Those days are way in the past and both parties are run by the rich and powerful of the elites. Of course they were lying after all they are politicians.

    Les, We'll see once the dust settles in November. No matter who wins little will get done for the majority of the American people and we will continue to be controlled by special interests and of course the money elites.
