Thursday, August 8, 2024



The guy with 34 criminal felonies; who was also adjudicated as "GUILTY" for sexual assault/rape and defamation of character, and whose company, Trump Organization, was found guilty of tax fraud; (and who is facing several more criminal charges), posted THIS:


Yes, we hope Harris-Walz WILL put an end to it on Nov. 5th!

And here he is again, owning himself! LOL!


  1. Yes, Trump is indeed living in a pro-criminal atmosphere of his own making, that should end on November 5th.

    Besides his many crimes, the real danger is he built a corrupt Supreme Court that is also pro-criminal.

  2. From his lips... err, thumbs, to God's ears. Yes, DJT, we hope you are correct and completely gone from American politics on November 5, 2024.

  3. Here's a little exercise for everyone here. Take a few moments and spend some time watching rallies from both the Trump and Harris campaigns. What do you see. Not hear, but see. Then share those thoughts with us.

    I'll go first.

    At a GOP campaign event, I see what America was... mostly white, mostly monochromatic, northern European people.

    At a Dem event, I see what America is becoming... multi racial, cosmopolitan, mixed race, filled with ppl with roots from around the globe.

  4. This sorry excuse of a human life form, Donald J. Trump, is so self absorbed and enamored of his self proclaimed greatness that his tethering to actual reality was severed long ago. His currentrapidly declining cognition really sheds light on his ever increasing delusions.

    Yes, rational people of reason and truth are pulling for Harris/Walz to put and end to the Trump crime wave of 2017-2021. When he is FINALLY held accountable (should include prison time) America can finally move on as it leaves Trump on the garbage heap of history.

  5. Trump speaking now from Mar-a-Largo:

    Trump: "She picked a radical left man that is, he has positions that are not even possible to believe that they exist. He is going for things that nobody has even heard of. Heavy into the transgender world. Heavy into lots of different worlds."

    Inarticulate gobbledegook. He has nothing to say; he can only attack.

  6. Oh gawd! How pathetic!

    chip goines

    Donald Trump really just said "Kim Jong Un really likes me!" as one reason to reelect him."

  7. Trump: "I don't know if you know but they are drilling now because they had to go back because a gasoline was going up to $7, $8, $9 a barrel."

    $7, $8, $9 a barrel??? Why isn't this HUUUUUUUGE news?!!!

    Thanks, Joe!!!!


  8. Former President Trump just said any Jewish person who votes for Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz, "you have to have your head examined."

  9. Some people are born with freckles, others with curly hair. Trump was born with both feet in his mouth.

  10. The ONLY thing that's truly important to this guy:

    Trump: The crowd on January 6th was larger than the crowd for Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

  11. "Q: You have not had a public campaign event for nearly a week now. Your allies are expressing concern you aren’t taking this race seriously. Why aren’t you campaigning?

    Trump: What a stupid question. Because I’m leading by a lot"

    He's the epitome of a nasty, petulant, angry, con man.

  12. The strangest part of that catastrophic press conference is his back-pedaling on abortion, and saying that he wants to leave it to the states and not have a national ban.


    If he were to be re-elected, there will be a national ban. He's back-pedaling because the national ban will lose him votes, and he knows it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Trump: "I actually had a positive inflation. I'm not going to give you a whole course in economics."

    This is the result of having someone else take your entrance exam into college.
    "Positive inflation?" Is that like a backward sneeze?

    Trump's brain is broken.

  15. Of course, the GOP lovers will say "At least he did a presser, unlike Harris". And until she does, it will be true. But yes, Trump is devolving right before our eyes.

    Even GOP partisans see it, but says it doesn't matter. They're with him, no matter what.

  16. I bet Trump was talking about the inflation he experiences during his sexual escapades with his call girls.

    Or, possibly he really is that that far removed from reality.
