Friday, August 16, 2024


This might be the most disgusting thing Trump has said since he first ran for president. He has never truly honored vets from his heart, he plays a game of using them as props for his own personal gain. 

 It was bound to happen again. Trump can’t help himself. From attacks on John McCain, to the “suckers and losers” he called men and women who serve their countlry, which his former chief of staff confirmed, to this, everything he’s ever said about military service demonstrates he doesn’t just not understand it, he disdains it.

Listen to him insult and ridicule the military men and women who have given their lives to this country. 

Trump claims the honor they receive (The Congressional Medal of Honor) is equal to, or even less, than the (Presidential Freedom Medal) he gave to Meriam Edleson, a billionaire donor, and Rush Limbaugh, a racist radio shock jock. 

Trump continues to dishonor our men and women who honorably served and died for America. 

 No, the Medal of Honor is not the equivalent of the medal Trump gave to Rush Limbaugh and Meriam Edelson. 

No, they are not “rated equal.” 

Not even close. 

Every single member of the military knows the significance of the MEDAL OF HONOR. 

Every single Commander in Chief in the history of America knows the significance of this medal -- except Donald Trump. 

And Trump wants to be CiC?

Who are the people who want this sick, damaged human being to lead our country?


  1. BREAKING: A Medal of Honor recipient torches Donald Trump for his vile claim that the Presidential Medal of Freedom he gave to one of his donors is "actually much better" than the Medal of Honor.

    Colonel Jack Jacobs didn't pull any punches here...

    "I can't believe we have to have this conversation but here we are. I guess what I want to ask you is, do the — do your peers, do the men and women — do veterans, do the men and women of the military understand that Donald Trump not only doesn't respect them, but really does see them as suckers and losers?" Nicolle Wallace asked Jacobs during an appearance on MSNBC.

    "Well, many do, but many don't," replied Jacobs. "Despite the fact that Donald Trump is one of the most inept public speakers I've heard, and I'm an old person, so I've heard a great number of public speakers, and you often don't know what it is he's saying, not convinced that he knows what it is he's saying. He drifted off in castigating people who have served and sacrificed and can't tell the difference between the Medal of Freedom and the Medal of Honor."

    Jacobs then slammed Trump as a "man who, as you said, denigrated people who served and sacrificed so that he can enjoy the freedom that he enjoys now."

    "And if it weren't for these people, he wouldn't be in the position where he could — and all of us wouldn't be in the position — where we can enjoy freedom," he continued. "This is also the guy who managed to avoid serving because of a really deleterious heel spur on his foot."

    "All that notwithstanding, the problem in this regard is that Donald Trump does not understand some of the things which in history have described how we get to a position where we can have freedom," Jacobs went on. "That is through the service and sacrifice of others."

    "I'm reminded of the observation of Hillel, that first-century Hebrew scholar who wrote 'If I am only for myself, what am I?'" Jacobs said. "Well, if you're only for yourself, you're probably Donald Trump."

    "Or the observation, almost as poignantly, of John Stewart Mill, who wrote about war," he continued. "Trump ought to like him, because he was something of an individualist and a libertarian, who wrote that 'a man for whom nothing is more important than his own safety is a miserable creature, who is made free and kept free by better men than he.'"

    Indeed and well said. Trump is a miserable creature who has zero respect for our military veterans, no love for our country, and nothing but contempt for our values.

  2. And yet the MAGAts keep praising him!

  3. Let's remember... this Trump guy is the same guy who was so offended by Sen John McCain that the name of the US Navy Destroyer with the same name, the USS John S McCain, had to be covered up so as to not trigger the then president.

    This is the same Trump who in the 2016 campaign verbally mocked the sacrifice Sen McCain made in the Vietnam War, then doubled down earlier this year Iowa.

    This is the same Trump who has mocked and minimized the sacrifice Gold Star families made during combat.

    We should not be surprised. Trump has shown nothing but disdain for our vets and his remarks yesterday are no different.

    In addition to no longer being the "law & order" party, the GOP has now also lost the ability to call itself strong when it comes to vets and our military.

  4. What's maddening is that 10's of millions of people believe him and would actually vote for this scumbag.

  5. Vote Harris/Walz.

    Then, simply give it up to the universe. Then, trust all will work out as it naturally will.

  6. In addition to Dave's comments on the Trump-McCain disgraceful actions, we ponder that the Navy may commission a Fusion powered submarine to be called the Donald J. Trump. Complete with gold plumbing fixtures and fittingly
    outfitted with screen doors.

  7. Donald J. Trump is America's Odious Orange Menance.

    After Nov. 2024 we hope with great sincerity the Odious Orange Menance retires to a federal penitentiary to live out his remaining days with people with like character traits.
