Monday, August 19, 2024

Trump is a thief, in addition to all of his other criminal activities:


Trump and Trump's campaign stole Taylor Swift's image and lied about her supporting him.

Trump surely knows about this, and even if he didn't do this himself, it is HIS campaign that is STEALING her image, and lying about her endorsement.

I hope she sues him back to the Stone Age, where he belongs.

This is the man who MAGA wants to lead this country?  

Add to all his other criminal acts the fact that he's a thief.  

I fervently hope we never hear from this sick and mentally deteriorating goon again after he is defeated in November.

"Faking an endorsement from Taylor Swift isn’t that surprising coming from a guy known for regularly not getting consent from women."


  1. She actually might. I hope she does. She can certainly afford lawyers. At the very least I'd expect a cease-and-desist order. Other musicians have raised hell when Trump used their music at his rallies, without explicitly claiming an endorsement. This is rather more personal.

  2. She's probably still mad about the near terrorist attack on her Vienna concert and also heard about Kamala Harris Project 2024 deal with the Chicago Palestinian community.

  3. The Odious Orange Menance is what he is. A desperate and despicable person. Hopefully Swift will hit the unethical and lying POS with a huge lawsuit.

    Leave it to the conspiracy lover above to bring HIS garbage can of crap to post. Guess he's desperate too.

  4. Shouldn't mess with Taylor Swift. She has a million young followers, isn't a Trump fan and could make trouble. On the other hand, as Trump notes, He is more attractive than her. He is so attractive they will have to invent a new word for it .....Trumptative.

  5. The problem is, she'll get him to take in down from his media, but the meme is out there now and will continue to circulate.

  6. This is just trump's playbook: get away with anything and everything you can (without paying anyone) until you get caught. Just like playing any song they want at a rally. They then get a cease and desist order from the group/song writer AFTER the event. At that point who cares? They got to play it at the rally with no consequences. He takes the adage "better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission" to the extreme.
