Friday, August 30, 2024

Words escape me. This pathetic human being wants to be POTUS!


NPR reports that Arlington staff have “never seen the level of disrespect” that they got from Trump campaign goons. In a campaign photo, Trump showed a headstone from a combat vet who committed suicide. He did not get the family’s permission. Yeah. Read that again. An outrage.


  1. The man has no decency, no shame.

    He is a very sick lying sociopath.

    He should not be considered qualified to be a dog catcher. Or even a poop scooper.

    He is of sub human intellect. And certainly of sub human compassion.

    A wreck of a "man" that deserves no respect OR support.

    1. All of what you wrote is correct. But he has a hold on his cultists that defies explanation.

  2. Shaw... what else can they say? As usual, Trump and his sycophants have been caught with no clothes on, and no way to get out of what is a terrible jam.

    They wanted to create a "moment" at Arlington National Cemetery. But a couple of little details got in the way. Things like tradition, honor, respect and of course, the law.

    But this crowd does not believe laws they do not like, or respect, apply to them. And as Trump has shown over and over, he has no clue how to actually honor our armed forces and/or their sacrifices.

    His team asked permission to go to and film within Section 60, where some of our most recent fallen veterans lay in eternal rest. He and his team were told, according to emails, that in fact, he could go there, but could not shoot videos or photos. It is against the law to shoot videos there. Period.

    When his team arrived, they were reminded of that, but disregarded it. The staff at Arlington objected, but their were assaulted by Trump Campaign ppl. Trump and his team, rather than deescalate the situation, then said it never happened and accused the Arlington employee of mental illness and attacking them. And then, they said they had film of the encounter that would exonerate them totally.

    Now the smart ppl here are probably asking why doesn't the Trump Campaign just release those videos. Here's why sports fans...

    Because the Trump campaign is lying. They have no videos that will exonerate them. None. Zip. Nada.

    It was no issue for Trump, at the request of a military family, to quietly go to Arlington, lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and even film "that" event and take photos. It was no issue for him to go with the family to the grave of the family's fallen son and show his respect.

    It was against the law and regulations for private citizens, political campaigns and private citizen Donald Trump to film and take photos in Section 60 and to use that media for political purposes.

    Before we even entertain ANY questions from the clowns who will inevitably show up here defending him, we should ignore them all. Until they answer us as to why Trump felt he and his team could ignore the law and regulations and when they will produce the video Trump claimed they had of the altercation.

    1. JoeCon and his other personas have nothing to say about the indecency Trump committed on hallowed ground at ANC. There is no excuse for the obscene behavior by him and his campaign staff.

      What kind of people, after observing this blasphemy, would still support this failure of a human being?

  3. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day holiday even those who no longer labor.
    After the spell binding interview last night a good nap is indicated. I especially like he my values have not changed just because every single thing I stood for in 2019 has changed.
    She is a good democrat and will implement their values well. Give away billions, raise taxes and costs on everyone, blame someone else. I just hope we don't go into WWlll under her watch

    1. skud, my friend, you comment has zero to do with the post. Why did you post it here?
      So, you're appalled that Kamala may have changed her mind on some things? Really, skud?

      The Republican ticket has for its VP candidate a guy who actually called Trump an "American Hitler!" Tell us how in hell someone can go from believing Trump is an "American Hitler," to being his vice presidential candidate? I would say that change of mind would be difficult to explain even for a Trumper.

      "Give away billions?" Trump has promised to make IVF's free, if he's re-elected, and he's even backing away from his anti-abortion life-long (I mean since he entered politics) stand on that subject!

      For some reason you will not comment on the disgraceful, disrespectful, disgusting, and all around horrendous behavior Trump displayed at Arlington National Cemetery the other day.

      You and you friends on the Mother Ship ignore one of the worst (there are so many) horrors Trump has committed against honor and decency, instead blather on about what VP Harris may or may not do, and predict the end of the world as we know it should she win.

      Here's a suggestion: Keep your eye on the REAL wrecking ball of an indecent, dishonorable human being: Donald J. Trump.

  4. A set up you say? And who set up this grand plan (checks notes) Speaker of the House Mike Johnson? Wait, what?

    The congress critter from UT has already used Arlington photos in their money beg email, also against the rules and regs of Arlington Cemetery. But hey, rules are for the little people, amirite? If you're rich and famous and better looking than everyone you can get away with it, yes?

    As with the desecration of our Capitol building the violation of our honored dead leaves me... I was going to say fuming but honestly? What else would or could I expect from a human who has never faced a lick of accountability for the many lives he's destroyed. Whatever his fate it can never be as cruel or as horrific as the actions he is credibly accused of committing.

    Set up, you wanted this and now there is blow back you claim victimhood Donald?

    Always the bride at a wedding and the corpse at a funeral, amirite?

    1. Trump NEVER takes responsibility for his miserable actions. He's never been held accountable for his indecencies throughout his life.

      The people who still support him have been made fools.

  5. Apparently it's asking too much from Americans to want a president who doesn't start fights in veterans' cemeteries and send violent mobs to overturn elections.

  6. For 35 to 45 percent of Americans that sounds about right Dave.

  7. You give a compliment to a democrat and you get scorched. Conservatives just can't win but I guess that is to be expected on a progressive board. The problem with conservative blogs is they are boring unless they let a leftist post which is rare.

    Thanks for the time and have a great holiday, looks like it will be cooler everywhere.

  8. skud, you crossed a line of decorum. Well you do that all the time but here/now? I'm embarrassed for you.

    I rarely offer an opinion as I prefer to deal in facts but skud, for you I'll bend my rule. In metaphor terms skud, you came into the sanctuary of another persons church, drinking a beer and belching loudly during a celebration of life service, dressed in rags, smelling of alcohol and sweat. You proceeded to toss the beer can into the casket before trying to molest the widow.

    That's the metaphor which came to me as I read both your comments. Maybe you're trying out for your edgelord badge this week. Don't know, don't care. Do better skud. This is beneath you, or at least the persona you pretend to be when posting here.

  9. IOW skud, unless you agree with conservative "values" you're boring.

  10. Grey, I looked for the line I crossed but didn't see it. Les, read what I said and if you comprehend it get back to me.
