Sunday, August 18, 2024




  1. Anthony Scaramucci
    Trump just announced a “crime and safety” rally for next Tuesday in Howell, Michigan, a town that has been heavily associated with the KKK for decades. Indeed, just late last month White Supremacists marched in the town chanting “We love Hitler. We love Trump.” Some but not all of the reputation comes from the fact that a long time Grand Drago of the Michigan Klan lived there and his farm was a sort of home base for the Klan.

    This is the kind of move that will be lost on many reporters and especially most out-of-state reporters. But it won’t be lost for a moment on Blacks and Jews from Michigan. It’s a bullhorn not a dog whistle.

    We will work hard to defeat him. We are better than this.

  2. Cue our conservative friends to bring up Fmr Dem Senate Leader Robert Byrd.

    Byrd was a Senator back in the day when the Dems opposed Civil Rights for black people and he was in fact a Grand Dragon of the KKK. An awful guy, by all accounts.

    But then he changed, apologized for his actions, denounced the KKK and the White Supremacy movements to which he once belonged and supported. He saw he was wrong in life, repented, asked forgiveness and vowed to work the rest of his life to right those wrongs.

    History will judge whether he made it.

    Both parties have had scoundrels and all sorts of bad people in their ranks over the years. The test comes when those folks cross a line. That's when we see the true colors of who people are. Byrd changed his life and worked for good. You can disagree with his policies, but he was repentant and tried to work against racism the rest of his life. He no longer stoked the fires of racial hate towards black people as he once did.

    Any view that says otherwise is uninformed and devoid of the facts.

    Maybe Trump is going to that city to share en epiphany he has had recently. I hope so.

    I would love Trump to acknowledge the past history of Howell, condemn the KKK and anyone associated with it and say, as Sen Byrd did, "an America free of racial animus and the groups that favor it, like the KKK, like the 'Jews will not replace us' marchers, etc, are not welcome in America, unless they change."

    I can always hope, right?

  3. IOW Senator Byrd, very likely by deep contemplation became awakened enough to see through his obscurations and delusions. He changed. Just as EVERY person is capable of doing. If they are willing to look deep within so as to see and touch who they truly are.

    It would be fabulous if Trump had the character of Senator Byrd and was able to see and feel the harm and suffering he has been responsible for and change. However, given his unbridled unapologetic narcissism I find that very highly unlikely.

    Trump is who he is. It is who he has always been. He inherited his personality from his father. Another cold, calculating, heartless person.

  4. tRUMPs handlers have told him to stick to plan they came up with for him. He has not done that. Thanks Don Old. And no you are not better looking than Kamala.
