Tuesday, September 24, 2024


BREAKING: In a stunning announcement, 400 economists have just come out and publicly endorsed Kamala Harris. They all believe Kamala Harris’ plans will better lower inflation and increase economic growth. Retweet so all Americans see this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/24/business/kamala-harris-economy-endorsement/index.html
    400 economists endorse Harris.

  3. -Police Leaders for Community Safety, a nonpartisan organization of law enforcement leaders from across the nation, yesterday announced its endorsement of Kamala Harris for President.

    -More than 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak. Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Michael Smith said. “We saw as much during the debate.”

    We can go on. Will it matter? I'm not sure.

    America has a growing number of discontented and unhappy ppl. And there is no event, policy, religion or ideology around which they unify. The only common affinity is their unhappiness.

    And that is the group Trump seems to be successfully rallying around his candidacy. If he can do it, he wins. Because the breadth of that group is incredible. It which includes such strange bedfellow as folks suffering from plant and warehouse closures to vax skeptics to foreign policy isolationists, to racists to... well you can add to it.

    And their only objective, which we saw in Silverfiddle and FreeThinke and continue to see in folks -FJ, is to burn it all down. And start over. It's definitely getting interesting.

    1. Maybe you can tell me who's President now, and if you can't, isn't that a sign that something's rotten in the US of Denmark?

    2. No. It’s a sign that you may be having memory problems. Joe Biden has been POTUS since January 20, 2021.

    3. Notice that every positive report about the Biden administration or Kamala Harris is immediately refuted or made suspect by skud or JoeCon/-FJ. No matter what the subject is.

      -The Police Leaders for Community Safety was labeled a Marxist organization by a sailor on the Mother Ship. LOL!

      This was a little nugget that I enjoyed reading:

      "When asked about the biggest enemy facing America, whether foreign or domestic, the poll reveals that Pennsylvania’s likely voters aren’t overly concerned about Iran (7%) or Russia (11%). China, at 20%, is a greater worry. However, the biggest worry for poll responders was the Democrat party, which 25% of respondents classified as America’s current “biggest enemy.”

      So, a whopping 75% of the 1200 polled DIDN'T think the biggest worry is Democrats. A paltry 25% did! And the commenter thought that was worth posting? LOL!

  4. NY stock market sets yet another record high today.
    This retiree isn't complaining. Just took a poll where I checked
    'Better off'.

  5. Joe Con, one of the folks looking to the external physical world to fix his internal discontent and unhappiness. Sounds to me like the poor fellow is Looking In All the Wrong Places.

    Curious for a guy who acts the genius.
