Sunday, September 15, 2024



Ryan Wesley Routh, the alleged shooter in Sunday's incident against Trump, is a 60 year old white man with a history of mental illness. He appears to have voted for Trump in 2016, and his Facebook page has COVID conspiracies on it. He is not an immigrant nor is he Haitian. 

Ryan Wesley Routh: Not Black. Not trans. Not an immigrant. Not a Democrat. Anti-vax. History of mental illness and incidents with firearms. Was able to easily purchase an assault rifle anyway.  According to reports, he was nowhere near Trump, and didn't fire any shots, Secret Service shot at him.

Florida installed constitutional carry laws in 2023 which requires no background checks, no gun registration, and no required permits.


  1. I think we just need to get use this... quoting JD Vance, "it's a face of life."

  2. Here's what GOP Congressman from Florida Mike Waltz had to say about the shooting...

    "This rhetoric against President Trump, this narrative that he will be the next dictator, that he is the next Hitler coming, it has got to stop. Enough is enough... And when you have this narrative coming from the left, from [the] media, from elected officials, even, that Trump has to be stopped by any means necessary, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that these people [Registered Republicans] are being radicalized and taking action like this.”

    What is Waltz talking about? Can't people say what they want? We've been told for years by the GOP that the words ppl use cannot be used as an excuse for the actions of idiots. What changed?

    Maybe Waltz should be asking what America can do to keep keep crazy Republicans from trying to shoot our presidential candidates.

    Maybe provide access to mental health care? Maybe restrict access from crazy ppl to dangerous weapons? Maybe send thoughts and prayers?

    1. Rep. Waltz is the typical pol who's quick to score some points and misdirect what the attempted shooting is about. It's not the Democrats' fault that an obviously mentally ill man was able to easily buy a firearm.

      That's what Waltz should be angry about, not Democrats or anyone else pointing out truths about Trump.

    2. Dave,
      What Waltz is saying is, "All you radicalized communists need to stop criticizing Trump. He's above the law. And let's refuse to certify an election he loses and get those detention camps bult for mass arrests and deportations".

  3. Trump, the result of his J6 actions and words, as well as the many other occurances of his ignorant narcissism is responsible for triggering people. And, one need ask why this individual was able to secure a weapon to begin with. The simple answer, it's the lax ineffective firearm laws the con republicans love to hail as the PATRIOTIC display of American independent individualism.

    And, the dude from Floriduh is simply part of the larger problem.

  4. I am not surprised people want to kill him.

  5. Wow. So much disinformation... where to start? I won't fall for it.

    Just know, I don't blame the unarmed useful idiots of Capital. I blame their armed ideologically brainwashed Deep State minions.

    1. It's always the "Deep State" when you don't like the news.

    2. This you, Joe?

      MAGA influencer says Republican congressmen should pressure the FBI to use medieval torture on the golf course guy to find out who hired him fast because the Deep State is going to whack him just like Jack Ruby.

  6. JC simply prefers the deep chaos and utter bullshit Trump wallows in.


  7. Deep state? Clearly wants a shallow state, perhaps even a desert-
    Somalia 2? No government at all - just puppet warlords. Nice.

  8. Does Joe Con see the "deep state" under his bed? How long have they been persecuting him?

    Actually the real "deep state" in the US is the corporate/banking oligarchs. As a Kremlin asset, Joe likes Russian oligarchs.
