Saturday, September 7, 2024

Elon Musk allows these lies on "X."


Elon Musk is a Trump supporter. Who is surprised that he's also a lying sack of merda?



  1. Libs of TikTok aka Chaya Raichik is on record saying it's not against the law to lie. I guess context is everything.

    This isn't the first time the USA has faced the issue of lies spread via the media, only back in the day it was newspapers. The slur used to describe the poor excuse for journalism I won't repeat here. Google it for yourself. My point is lying may not be "illegal" but slander and libel sure will get the lawman's attention.

    Libs along with her fellow MAGA cultists figure once they flood the zone with all their filth it will delay any accountability, meaning by the time the lawsuits and dust settles the damage is done.

    Don't believe me? In a post below our many named troll repeated the lie told by Trump at a Moms for Liberty event. Moms didn't care it was a lie, they knew it for what it was when the lie left Trumps lips but if an "alternative fact" furthers their cause well, what's the harm?

    Here's my issue - these MAGA folks are intent on pushing their version of Christianity on the population of the USA and beyond if their statements made before the release of the project 2025/28 boondoggle are accurate. World domination was the stated goal; every knee will bend, willing or not.

    And the whipped cream on this crap sundae is these hypocrites insist on placing the 10 commandments wherever they can slap a poster. Perhaps they should have read what they want to post because at the bottom of the list is number nine - don't bear false witness against your neighbor.

    As We The People are all neighbors here I guess the MAGA cult has some 'splaining' to do when they get to the other side.

  2. "not against the law to lie' - try that on a college final, or a progress report to your boss, or the cop that finds your trunk full of methamphetamines, or your wife when a designated driver drops you off in the driveway, or your plagiarized resume, etc. It is stock in trade for the orange one who only lies when his lips move, and it is fine because his SCOTUS appointments are suckers too.
