Thursday, September 5, 2024

Nick Fuentes is angry Trump admitted he lost the 2020 election!


You remember him, right? The antisemitic, pro-Nazi, white supremacist creep who was invited by Trump to Mar-a-Largo for a private dinner?  The guy Trump said, "...gets me..."  That guy.

Just wondering how many other Trump gullibles know he betrayed them. Especially the ones who are now languishing in prison, paying for Trump's traitorous lies.


  1. Is he criticizing Trump because he admitted the truth finally? And was it because he really believes Trump should have continued denying the big lie in preparation for another?

    I wonder. Really. I actually believe nothing out of Trump's mouth nor do I trust or believe Fuentes. I wish I hafmd their playbook.

  2. Les... here's the deal, I think. Fuentes seems genuinely pissed to hear Trump say he actually believes he lost the election "by a whisker."

    Because what Trump is admitting is that the entire "Stop the Steal' campaign, the campaign which ultimately caused, as Fuentes said, about 1500 convictions for ppl, is false, a lie or in other words, totally baseless.

    But we will wait for the breathless MAGA clowns to explain this away as part of some 3 dimensional chess move by Trump, Fuentes and the entire MAGA movement.

  3. Still milking the J6 and white supremacy hoaxes.... Democrats need to get themselves a new schtick, as discredited as they are.

    1. Here you are again, -FJ, with your tired, paranoid claims of J6 "hoaxes." We saw what happened with our own eyes, and we heard Trump encourage the armed mobs with our own ears.

      Since January 6, 2021, neither you nor any of your fellow conspiracy nuts have been able to disprove what we saw and heard. You keep claiming it's the "Deep State," and you never, EVER present a lick of evidence.

      Quoting philosophers and posting links to your favorite videos are not proof of anything.

      You've been wrong, wrong, WRONG about the recounts in Arizona and Wisconsin, about the Durham Report, about the mother and daughter in Georgia, even recently predicting that some "disgruntled immigrant" was the shooter in Georgia.

      Are you tired of being wrong? And living under a cloak of paranoia and lies?

    2. Yes, a coalition of grannies and cosplayers rushed the Capitol and overthrew the Government! LOL!

    3. "From the fury of the Norsemen, deliver us Oh Lord" for the edification of -FJ
      the Puny and Tepid MAGA Jew. Repeated thousands of time across the churches of Dark Age England, it finally worked

  4. What's to milk -FJ? The MAGA people incited a riot at the US Capitol, savagely beat over 130 US Capitol Police officers, threatened to hang Mike Pence, all while our president, safe in his office surrounded by his aides, did nothing to stop the violence for over three hours.

    Anything we can do to stop such a horrible person, liar and coup leader should be seen by all Americans as a service to our country.

    But, as Skud might say, YMMV. Because you have no use for the rule of the, or apparently, the Constitution.

  5. -FJ/Joe Con continues to display his mendacious, authoritarian neo-Nazi tendencies. He is AMUSED at the violence, death and destruction caused by Trump.
    He is clearly a Russian asset, white supremacist, and sociopath.
    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

  6. Pin head? Hmm. A definite likelihood Mike.

    MAGA is the propaganda child of another very large pin head.

  7. Mike... Who? Trump, MAGA Jew or D. All of the trolls.

  8. -FJ... do you deny that your coalition of grannies and cosplayers savagely beat, in the words of the GOP led Senate Committee, more than 130 Capitol officers that day?
