Monday, September 23, 2024



Trump labels the opposition party, the Democrats, "the enemy." And the MAGAverse says it is the Democrats who need to temper their rhetoric?

What does one hope to do to "the enemy?" Vanquish, defeat and kill.

And if Trump doesn't vanquish, defeat and kill the Democrats, it will be the fault of the Jews!


  1. As easy as it is, at some point Kamala Harris, just as Biden was going to have to do, has to make the affirmative case for her presidency.

    I'm not him, or I'm not her does not tell Americans what will be important to you and how you will govern, once you get in office.

    Now I know there's a lot of "material" out there, but as the race tightens and the number of days dwindles, I believe if there are anymore votes to get, or undecided people to persuade, it won't be done by demonizing your opponent. Rather, it will be done by growing your base numbers and grabbing some of those final available votes.

    That said, maybe Harris could expand on a few of these riffs, somewhat connected to your post Shaw...

    If I'm elected, I won't work to divide America by race, demonizing our different people groups. I'll highlight where the different cultures that make up America excel and make us better, but I will govern for all America... red states, blue states and everywhere in between including ppl who love me and ppl who hate me.

    A 25k bonus to help first time homebuyers help on their down payment.

    A 50K tax break, over the current 5K tax break, when entrepreneurs to start new businesses.

    She has pledged to sign the recently negotiated bi-partisan border enforcement bill funding new agents, asylum judges to clear back logs and building the wall.

    She has pledged to support and maintain our relationship with NATO and our European Allies through which we have avoided world wide war since 1945.

    She has pledged continued support for Ukraine in its war to defend itself against Russian aggression.

    Finally, she has pledged to push for a national law to codify the right for a woman to have an abortion.

    I will continue the policies of the Biden Admin which have made America the largest producer and exporter of energy in the history of the planet.

    I could go on, but both Harris and her supporters/surrogates need to pivot from we're not the weird/crazy folks to "We're moving forward and here's what you'll see once we're in office."

  2. Trump strategy - OK, team, what ya got? BS. get outta my office.
    I know better than anybody in the world (just ask them). The rumors
    that I failed potty training are simply not true. Heck, I was so good, i
    never even needed diapers. *sigh*. Did I hear giggling and snickering from the founding fathers?

  3. BB... he had the best potty training. No one was better. Ever. His teachers were amazed at how well he used the potty. They said, even then, "Little Sir, no has ever passed potty training as quickly as you!"

    But they weren't too impressed with his wiping skills... in a word they said, it was...

