Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Trump holds forth on transgender issues, and...


exposes his serious mental decline.

Trump tells Moms for Liberty that public schools decide on and perform transgender surgeries on "childs" that have been missing from home for days, and 15 years later, those "childs" ask, "What the hell happened to me? Who did this to me!?"

(Imagine if VP Harris said anything close to this nincompoopery!)

Trump tells an interviewer that he learned about trucks by "talking to them," and "in five minutes" he learned "as much as I have to know...about transportation." This is how Trump comes to making decisions. Learn something in FIVE minutes! And he knows EVERYTHING HE HAS TO KNOW!

This is from 2017, and Trump's brain has only gotten worse:


  1. I listened to this soft ball interview. Levin, while mostly wrong on issues, at least has a somewhat analytical mind that can stay with and develop a train of thought.

    I couldn't help but imagine Levin's thoughts as the Great Putrified Odious Orange Mennce flopped about like a flounder.

    Trump is, scratch, has lost what few marbles he might have ever once had.

    1. Les, For a moment I thought you were talking about the 10 minute interview/campaign piece with harris and her support animal/person. Soft ball questions with no follow up and her flipping on every opinion she ever had. Even WP said she said nothing but she did take a lot of words to do it.
      Maybe the debacle called the debate will provide some answers but I doubt it. We should be use to incompetent politicians but the choice this year is truly historic.

  2. We can all relax now. Trump knows best.

    It turns out the Constitution, or the red hats of the Supreme Cult, or Trump's own demented ego, inform him of his new unlimited power.

    Moms for Liberty crackpot Tiffany Justice: Let's talk about some of the things that you might be able to do as president.

    Trump: "Well, you can do everything. The President has such power. It does. Such power." (That would be called a "dictatorship" for those of you FEEL Trump is good for the country.)

    Obviously such power must be wielded over such annoyances as elections.

    Trump later: "Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it?" (This is textbook authoritarianism and fascism.)

  3. You have EVERY RIGHT to QUESTION the results in a COURT of LAW. Something The Great Putrified Odious Orange Menance did and LOST. EVERY CHALLENGE.

    The jackasses of MAGA whine because in their ignorant deluded minds they believe they all should be able to do as they please. Why? Because that is essentially the sick message TGPOOM sends his cultists.

  4. To quote Bugs Bunny... "What a maroon"!

  5. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a Mass formation psychosis. Ever learn what causes Mass formation psychosis? The answer is not what you think. And it's why you suffer so terribly from it.

    1. -FJ, maybe you should rethink what TDS is. You defend Trump every time he does something either contemptible or unlawful, and you have never been able to see past your blind allegiance to him.

      What he did at ANC was indefensible, yet you defend it, knowing that no one else who was a private citizen, as Trump IS, ever brought an entourage into Section 60 to film a propaganda video for his campaign. It doesn't matter that the families invited him. He broke federal law and desecrated Section 60 to selfishly promote his presidential aspirations.

      To be outraged is not TDS, it's being a decent human being. Those who don't see it as such are the ones who are "deranged." Deranged in the sense that they see Trump, a malignant narcissist and dishonorable human being, as someone to support and defend.

    2. Trump Derangement Syndrome logically applies to his own followers as well as the sane.

    3. BB-Idaho, Yes. TDS is especially strong in his cultists.

  6. The only thing that is driving the MAGAts is the fear that someone is getting free government assistance and they think tRUMP will somehow stop it. Guess what MAGAts. Ain't gonna happen.

  7. Shaw,
    "Deranged in the sense that they see Trump, a malignant narcissist and dishonorable human being, as someone to support and defend."

    TDS is entirely THEIR projection, of course.

    Their derangement is manifested by the absence of a conscience. They don't CARE if Trump is a lying criminal and insurrectionist.

    In fact, authoritarian people who have no moral compass would RESPECT that. They FEEL they are better than us "normies" for not being encumbered by such human qualities as decency, love, and compassion. Those are not qualities they value. They are frailties to be exploited.

    Compassion is for LOSERS to relate to other LOSERS. They have no inclination to compromise, because they crave DOMINANCE.

    This isn't conservatism. It is despotism, the endgame for all authoritarian personalities.

    This is the Occam's razor explanation. Apart from most of the low IQ/low information types, the simple and most likely reason for authoritarian personalities to support a glaring sociopath is they identify with him.

    He has been their fellow member of their authoritarian tribe. They embrace his fabricated sense of victimhood to fuel anger and hate for those who oppose him. Now, as their authoritarian tribal leader, he is their malevolent mendacious messiah.

    It is impossible for them to ever consider Trump being unwise, wrong, cruel, or stupid. If they could, then they'd have to realize how unwise, wrong, cruel, and stupid they have been.

    They find it far easier to hate and demonize the rest of us, and to double down on their totalitarian tendencies.

  8. Sorry to keep beating this drum, but it's important for all of us to understand just what happened on Trump's recent day at Arlington. Here's the relevant regulation Trump and his campaign team, who were there with him, are accused of breaking...

    “Filming or photographing will not be permitted if it conveys the impression that cemetery officials or any visitor or family member is endorsing any product, service or organization. Additionally, ANC will not authorize any filming for partisan, political or fundraising purposes.”

    Notice it says "conveys the impression" of endorsement. It does not say "gives the impression" of an endorsement. It does not say "conveys an endorsement".

    It says "convey the impression."

    Now I get it. Some people may say that leaves the door wide open. But really?

    If it is so wide open, how come no one else in recent history has ever walked through it? Is it so hard to imagine a man who lives to score political points, in every venue would try to politicize and gain points and a polling advantage by using Arlington?

    Of course not. Unless of course you're an idiot.

    In which case, you're welcome to show us the video the Trump Campaign said they had that would fully exonerate him. That is of course, if it actually exists.

    The fact is, TDS is better understood as the condition of those who can see no wrong, will normalize any lie, or cannot deal with the fact that Trump is a horrible person, unqualified and unfit for the Presidency of the United States.

  9. Les, Mike, Dave Dubya, Dave M.,

    In recent days, Trump has falsely claimed that public schools perform sex change operations, doctors execute babies, and that he has every right to interfere with elections.

    Where are the corresponding stories about his fitness for office?

  10. Shaw,
    CB$ Chairman Le$ Moonve$ made it clear.

    Trump’s candidacy "may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS."

    The 2016 campaign is a "circus," he remarked, but "Donald's place in this election is a good thing."

    "Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? ... The money's rolling in and this is fun. I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.”
