Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump lying to his cultists about President Biden's response to Hurricane Helena in Georgia


Trump blatantly lies to his cultists because they're easy marks; they'll believe any lie he tells them and, most likely, they're are uninformed and easily bamboozled by a con man.

Greg Bluestein
Here’s what Kemp said today in Augusta about his call with President Biden last night. “He offered that if there's other things we need, just to call him directly, which I appreciate that.” #gapol…


  1. Trump is SCUM. Nothing more, but likely a lot less.

  2. Listen, trump is a cornered rat. He will do and say ANYTHING if he thinks it will help him stay out of jail (win the election).

  3. Trump’s lies are a disease, rotting the foundation of democracy. He’s a master of manipulation, preying on ignorance. His recklessness isn’t just infuriating—it’s destructive.

  4. Trump lying about government response to Helene? I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya!

    What I am not shocked about, sadly, is the Reverend Franklin Graham standing by as Trump lied about Biden, lied about Governors Kemp and DeSantis who both affirmed the support and work of Biden and the Feds.

    Graham knew Trump was lying while he was silent and, in Christianese, did not publicly rebuke him for his obvious sins, right in front of his nose.

    And "the church" wonders why people are turning from the faith.

    1. Dave,
      Like most evangelicals, Franklin Graham is a perfect example of a Christian Nationalist posing as a Christian. Do they think we can't tell? Oh, yeah, the DON'T think. They just BELEIVE the word of Trump as their gospel.
