Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Trump is saying that he will win the 2024 election and if he doesn't he'll throw people who counted the votes in jail.

Trump lost the 2020 election, and he still hasn't come to terms with that crushing defeat. He thinks he's already the winner of the 2024 election.

Look to countries like Russia, China, Venezuela for the same pattern of stealing an election and declaring oneself the dictator for life.

Vote blue!


  1. Trump is practicing being Dictator for Life on day one, after repeating actual neo-Nazi racist lies and hate about Haitians in the debate.

  2. What you posted was in English yet you failed to read it. Read what you posted and he said those that cheated will be prosecuted if he wins. If he doesn't win all he can do is bitch.

    1. Skud,
      Read what YOU wrote.
      You just confirmed you BELEIVE what Donald Trump says about elections to be true.
      Of course you WILL vote for your malevolent mendacious messiah, won't you? You BELEIVE him.

  3. At the beginning of his rant he railed about the "cheating and skullduggery" that went on during the 2020 election. That, of course, is a damnable lie. He brought 60 LAW SUITS to courts about the "cheating and skullduggery" and LOST EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM BECAUSE THE CHEATING AND SKULLDUGGERY was done by the Trumpers, not Democrats, trying to seal the election from Joe Biden with fake electors!

    So Trump threatens to prosecute anyone who cheats in the 2024 election, and yet he's the same liar who claimed there was cheating in the 2020 election. Are we're supposed to believe him if he claims that again in 2024? Just recently he told an interviewer HE LOST THE 2020 ELECTION TO JOE BIDEN "BY A WHISKER!" So, what cheating is he talking about?

    It's like listening to Trump talk about the "raping and sodomizing" of young girls going in Springfield, Ohio, because of the Haitian migrants whom he calls "illegal immigrants." They're not illegal immigrants, they're legal migrants here legally, under the Immigration Parole Program. Once here, immigrants are then eligible to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Haiti is designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security for TPS. Current TPS is granted through February 3, 2026.

    And Trump's lies about raping and sodomizing young girls by these legal migrants are rich coming from him, since HE IS AN ADJUDICATED SEXUAL ASSAULTER/RAPIST himself!
