Tuesday, September 10, 2024



  1. I guess the Senate wouldn't confirm the best people, only deep state kronies.

  2. The people who are not convicted felons are, to you, "deep state kronies." That's really hilarious.

    1. Kronies are never prosecuted, thanks to other kronies.

    2. Are you referring to the kronie felons Trump pardoned and who are now working to get the Big Kahuna Kronie Felon re-elected?

    3. Has the felon been sentenced? Kronies be scared...

  3. Ignorance. Follows. MAGA. Like. A Shadow.

  4. Another thing Trump got wrong, surprise.

  5. Point of fact Joe... VP Pence was never Senate confirmed. He was wholly a 100% Trump decision, a toady of a running mate and a sycophant during the Admin.

    But even he reached his limit with the Don's idiocy.

    Maybe it was the noose and gallows?

    Esper was Acting Sec Def and so he did not have to be confirmed. That became the Trump method late in his term. Title people as "Acting" secretaries or whatever their role, and in so doing, avoid Senate confirmation.

    Once again you've been shown to be wrong, or lying.

    1. Joe Conservative/-FJ have a sterling record of being wrong on so many things.

    2. How some of the biggest right-wing social media stars became unwitting mouthpieces of Russian propaganda

      -FJ links to Tim Pool! LOL! A gullible stooge or someone who knowingly took money from the Russians to spread Moscow disinformation to interfere again in our elections. Either way, Tim Pool is a dupe and a dope! LOL!

      Pool has already whined on line about not realizing it was the Russkies who tagged him as an easy mark (that's after he took their money!) LOL!

      -FJ believes Russian propaganda and thinks that's an own instead of owning himself as a mark for the Russians and their disinformation.

  6. Also Joe... let's add into the "only the best" file, Trump's lawyers who just the other day he said were disappointing. No Senate confirmation, no approval from others... just another horrible Trump hire gone bad.

    Because the real lawyers will not work with Trump in a court room.

  7. Shaw... re our cabal of the -FJ group and their sterling record...

    It's not, in this case, just a difference of opinion. He/She/They are factually wrong.

  8. Factually wrong as well as ignorant.

  9. Couldn't run a business, couldn't run a government and only lied when his lips moved. US never had a candidate like that, nor should it have.

    1. And yet, there are millions of Americans -- a few come here and post -- who make excuses, saying it's just the "Deep State" harassing an upstanding citizen, who just happens to have committed fraud, cheated, lied, and sexually assaulted his way through life, failing upward to the US presidency.

      I don't care about him, he's a worthless human being, IMO. It's my fellow American citizens, who idolize this human failure, who give me nightmares about the future of this country.
