Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Vance caught lying -- AGAIN!


JD Vance claimed that it was Democrats and their rhetoric about Trump that caused two assassination attempts on Trump's life.


"As authorities treat the episode as a second apparent assassination attempt, the former president has argued that President Biden and Vice President Harris’ "rhetoric" is what is causing him to be "shot at." --FAUX NOOZ

Trump has called VP Harris a Communist, Fascist, Marxist. That's rhetoric to incite people to do harm to VP Harris. 

Trump calls VP Harris, "Comrade Kamala," deliberately mispronouncing her name. Because he's a weak little man who see VP Harris gaining in the polls. 

As is their habit, Trump and Vance accuse the Democrats of what they THEMSELVES are doing. Plus, they're liars.


  1. Since Vance is soooo triggered about the word fascist how about despot? Despot works for me.

    If MAGA didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all - (drum riff here please).

  2. Yet with all the lies trump recites and harris being saint like it is trump who is being shot at. Reason defies logic sometimes.
    I did see an interview with harris when she was asked if she was better off today than four years ago. She went into a diatribe about her mother and grandmother for several minutes but never answered the question. Hard to trust her when she won't provide any answers

    1. You did hear the reports that the male who shot at Trump in Butler, PA, had supported Trump, and the male who DID NOT SHOOT AT TRUMP, had voted for Trump in 2016, and was a Nikki Haley supporter? It's all over the internet. Why do you suppose Trump supporters and former supporters want to get at him? Can you guess?

      You have NEVER said anything about how Trump avoid answering any question put to him. The internet is rife with videos of him not knowing how to answer even easy questions, yet you come here and criticize VP Harris, and NEVER leave a link to back up your claims. Why is that?

      PS VP Harris has provided PLENTY of answers. But you obviously have never heard them or have and just forgot?

    2. Shaw and Skud... the violence issue in this campaign is interesting. Both shooters arrested recently, along with the majority of mass shooters recently were disaffected right wing crazies. Not left wing crazies, right wing crazies.

      The bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio? From supporters of Trump. The Jan 6 crazies? Supporters of Trump.

      Are we seeing a pattern?

      The Trump Flotilla? The Freeway Crazies? All Trump supporters.

      Death threats to various DA's around the country? Again, mostly from Trump supporters.

      People wanting to hang the Vice President? Once again, Trump supporters.

      People in my state, Nevada, want to know how Biden won in 2020 and Harris could win in 2024 when all the yard signs and flags are pro Trump and not pro Biden.

      Here's why... no sane person would put a Harris or Biden sign in front of their house for fear of the crazies that make up the MAGA extremist crowd.

      Lefties to date, haven't been big on killing ppl for different political views.

      And folks like Harris and Biden, but not Vance and Trump, say aloud that political violence is wrong, wrong, wrong.

      Skud... why won't Trump say that? And why won't his enablers in Congress?

    3. Where is the criticism of the guy who had plans for everything (healthcare, housing, immigration, taxes) and couldn't come up with an infrastructure plan in 4 years of infrastructure week?

  3. As my Nonna used to say, "This woman is a real pip!":

    "The remark about pets being eaten in Springfield is REALLY beloved by CNN and the rest of the Left. This morning, I put it on and saw Acosta interview a Charity woman in Springfield who helps Haitians….She said that many people who don’t ever advocate anything are suddenly advocating against the Trump comment and coming to help the Haitians, donating money, etc….it infuriated a lot of Springfield people….She said “People are coming to talk to me…WE HAVE CHINESE PEOPLE WAITING OUTSIDE MY OFFICE NOW FOR A MTG” I thought to myself “WHAT? Chinese people? But we hear China is advocating our downfall, too, of course….and they couldn’t have PUT better ideas in Vance’s head…… She went on about how WONDERFUL the Haitian people are…"

    She conflates the Chinese-Americans standing up for the Haitians (who are under siege because of Vance and Trump) with the Communist Chinese? Is she really this daft?

  4. Now we're seeing Vance citing all the diseases, HIV and TB that the immigrants are bringing to Springfield. It's a troubling doubling down of their violence inducing lies.

    The Trump campaign is unable to consider that there may be times they are wrong, back track and improve their plan.

    That alone should give every voter pause, because a president of any country with nuclear weapons, who cannot process or accept fault or a mistake on his or her part, is not just a danger to their country, but a danger to humanity.

  5. An uneducated an under educated society is prone to manipulation with little to no ability to recognize demagogues who play to their fears. Trump identified the tribe and has successfully played to their fears and rigid reified beliefs. With the Nazi playbook in hand Trump is methodically dismantling trust in our system of government. All to satisfy his malignant narcissism.

    Then there are the educated yet ignorant deluded fools.

  6. Does too much time in the tanning booth affect one's thinking process?

    1. BB... in the words of an old Warner Bros cartoon... it's possible.

  7. Shaw... they can't help themselves. Just last night Trump was talking about the debate with Greg Gutfield of Fox News. In the middle of that discussion he was telling Gutfield the crowds at the debate were cheering him wildly.

    The crowds that didn't exist as only media and the candidates were there.

  8. As the GOP, the gang that can't shoot straight continues to double, triple and quadruple down on the Springfield, Ohio lies, a couple of facts came out yesterday, one from the Trump favoring Wall Street Journal [WSJ].

    1. The woman from Springfield who made the missing cat story at ground zero of this MAGA debacle, said that after making her missing cat report on Aug 27, and before all this blew up, her cat, Miss Sassy came home by September 1 and she had long since apologized to the Haitian woman she had wrongly accused.

    Notably, this was before VP candidate Vance made his first cat post on September 9. This is being widely reported, along with the woman's statement in the news

    2. The WSJ is out with new reporting showing that Vance on September 9, when he made the cat story and sensation and before Sept Sept 12 when Fmr President Trump spoke of it at the debate, that the trump/Vance campaign had been made aware the story was false.

    Let these two facts sink in. Both Trump and Vance knew they were sharing false stories, did not care, and never considered how their lies might impact the Haitian community in Springfield. They decided to lie to the American people and their voters, putting people's lives in danger.

    For the sake of a story they knew to be false.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. There's a certain Black Republican who'd have no problem with the racism spewed by Trump and Vance.

    (Note one of the reasons I'm now calling the entire Trump Cartel neo-Nazis.)

    Writing in a forum discussing Black Republicans in October 2010, Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson stated unprovoked: “I’m a black NAZI!”

    That same month, Robinson wrote in another post that he supported the return of slavery.

    “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few,” he wrote.

    In March 2012, Robinson wrote that he preferred the former leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler over the leadership in Washington during the administration of Barack Obama.

    “I’d take Hitler over any of the shit that’s in Washington right now!” he wrote.

    “Get that fucking commie bastard off the National Mall!,” Robinson wrote about the dedication of the memorial to King in Washington, DC, by then-President Barack Obama.

    “I’m not in the KKK. They don’t let blacks join. If I was in the KKK I would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!” Robinson responded.

    Robinson’s comments on Nude Africa often frequently contained derogatory and racial slurs directed at Black, Jewish and Muslim people.

    Does it go without saying he has the full endorsement of Donald Trump and the North Carolina Republican Party?

    I see no reason why -FJ/Joe Con wouldn’t vote for him. 😉

  11. Unfortunately, typical qualifications for running for GOP office.
