Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trump says VP debate tonight will be "rigged."

h/t to Dave Miller on the fake Kimble post! I usually check out the more outrageous posts, but did not do that this time! My mistake!


JD Vance calls rape an "inconvenience."

But this is actually true:

Trump has called Governor Waltz a "moron," just a few days after he said Vice President Harris is "mentally disabled." 

There are people in this country who want this disgrace of a human being to be the leader of our country. He has debased, cheapened, and demeaned who we are as a nation with his juvenile taunts and name-calling, and his followers are complicit in all of this by their blind allegiance to him.

Outside the venue where tonight's VP debate will be held:

Trump's cultists -- MAGAs:



  1. And as such if this nation puts him in power again after J6 2021 after all that we've seen and heard from this trash can of a human being then all that can be said following his ascension is, We Are Trump. Because we will have put a "man" back into office knowing full well he is a lying narcissistic crook through and through.

    1. The electoral college may put this indecent wreck of a human being in office.

  2. Jack Kimble is a parody account out of California...

  3. Tim Walz is no moron. A teacher, 20 year vet, dad, multiple degrees, Congressman and Governor.

    You may not like his policies, but Walz is no idiot.

    1. Trump and his cultists take pleasure in calling people names. They cannot rise above schoolyard taunts and childish crudity.

  4. Only a moron could believe that I have a blind allegiance to Trump...

    1. How do you know the reference is about you? Anyway, if the show fits...

    2. -FJ, do you see any of those "morons" here in the room with us now?

      Only a moron could believe someone calling himself "the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew" has no allegiance to Trump.

      Silly morons.

      It's obvious -FJ has a blind allegiance to Putin.

    3. ...nope, doesn't sound blind to me.

  5. It's now been confirmed that Kamala Harris is a BINO (Black in Name Only). She genetically closer to Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren than Laphonza Butler. I think Trump should start calling her "Tiana Harris" after another famous fake Disney Princess.

    1. Why are you so obsessed with Kamala's DNA? Racists are always obsessing over what color people's skin is and where their ancestors came from. Why? We care only about whether someone is a decent human being, not if their mother or father was African, Asian Indian, or Native American. Why would you care? VP Harris is American. That's all that should concern a normal person.

      BTW, your ancient DNA is from out of Africa -- Black. And if you go back billions and billions more years, you'll discover you're star dust.

      Now go somewhere and twinkle.

  6. Racists must suffer a great deal of insecurities and live in fear the "bad POC" Immigrants are coming for them. Of course Trumpty Dumpty the rapist insurectionist loves playing to those insecurities and fears.

    Poor JC.
