Thursday, October 3, 2024

Trump's cultists seem a bit agitated today:

"He’s up against a media that’s UNBELIEVABLY biased and protective of their candidate. He’s up against his own personality (I can’t tell you how many Conservatives I know who aren’t voting for president at all, and these are smart people who just can’t bring themselves to vote for his personality and what they think is his character…..and yes, I KNOW that’s dumb but we’ve covered that subject plenty here). He’s up against a DOJ doing all they can to really eliminate him. He’s up against Soros and whatever that monster’s got up his sleeve. He’s up against physical danger. He’s up against another bunch of voting corruption (Say what you will about whether he won or not in 2020, there WAS voter fraud), etc." 

Poor, confused dear. 


  1. "He’s [Trump] up against a media that’s UNBELIEVABLY biased and protective of their candidate."

    That statement is certainly what many conservatives believe. But is it true?

    AM Talk radio... Overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    The most watched FOX News... Overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    OAN... Overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    News Max... Overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    CNN... now moderating and right of center.

    MSNBC... Overwhelmingly progressive but with former a GOP Congressman, a former Pres Bush Staffer, the head of the GOP and other conservatives hosting, not just participating, hosting programs.

    CBS News, ABC News, NBC News... mostly center, but with waning influence.

    Podcasts? The bro shows, like Joe Rogan, Kickback, et al are overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    Crazy You Tube Conspiracy Channels... Overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    Twitter... The Musk outlet is also overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    Local news outlets, with Sinclair and Nexstar leading the way are overwhelmingly conservative and supportive of Trump.

    Here's what I've seen.

    Conservative outlets not supportive of Trump, but mostly supportive of conservative principles, [abortion, the budget, 2nd amendment] are seen incorrectly as liberals.

    For many MAGA folks and Trump supporters, they care not one bit about issues that have animated the conservative movement for decades. They just want to win... with Trump and no one else. So any media not 100% aligned with that is seen incorrectly as a sell out and "liberal."

    They're stuck deluding themselves.

    They had a chance to run the table this election. All they had to do was nominate Haley, Chris Christie, Asa Hutchison or Mike Pence and it would have been a walk over, including the Senate and the House.

    So of course they're agitated. It was all within their grasp, but they shot themselves in the foot. AGAIN!

    As they have every election since 2016, all to assuage the ego of Donald Trump.

  2. Golly, that quote sure looks familiar. Hmmm, oh yeah, the club that is so exclusive, anyone with an IQ over 78 is barred.

    1. Here's one of their more voluble posters who does have a way with words, even if her ideas are steeped in paranoia, bitterness and bigotry, describing VP Harris:"

      "By nature she is a good-time girl, a party animal, essentially a camp follower who got lucky. She doesn’t want the job or the responsibility that comes with it or the 3 a.m. fone calls or the cabinet meetings. She wants the fun, the attention, the bowing and bootlicking of toadies, the dinners, the expensive wines, the adulation of zombies and bandwagoners.

      Given her druthers, she’d sit regally grinning in a plush chair behind The Desk in The Office, catered to by obsequites and sycophants, elegant charcuterie within arm’s reach and a sommelier at the ready to quench her thirst for the fruit of the vine.

      To Kammie life is indeed just a cabaret, a series of foto ops in charming bistros with smiling enthusiastic supporters eager to stroke her ego, a forever-young Shirley Temple existence in a lush Xanadu peopled with fawners, lickspittles, flatterers, and contributors.

      Governance is simply an annoyance she must occasionally endure, at least until she can find a trained minion or qualified eunuch to go fix it and and get back to her. She’s a butterfly, a bon vivant, a sybarite . . . a brown-skinned XX chromosomed human version of Jar Jar Binks, and an insidious threat to this deteriorating republic suffocating under the weight of self-generated climate hysteria, futile self-indulgence, and delusional wokism."

  3. And by the way... Today Veep Candidate answered the question he dodged at the debate saying Yes, Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

    And in so doing, calling every governor in the list of "contested states" a liar along with every SOS and heads of election departments across the nation. Many of whom are longtime GOP supporters and leaders.

    I guess he missed the math classes at Yale.
