Friday, August 10, 2012


I usually start my day by reading the excellent blogger Smartypants.

Yesterday she put up a blog that needs to be read by more people in order to understand how crazy the crazies on the right have become.   And no!  I haven't read anything on the left that claims Mitt Romney is secretly gay. 

Fact:   Both President Obama and Mitt Romney are devoted husbands and fathers. The crazies on the right can't leave it at that.  This is the latest slime coming from them:

From Smartypants:

Just how ugly is it going to get?

Yesterday I read a column by David Frum that frankly disturbed me. He talked about the fact that a Fox News moderator said the following:
Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare.
Frum then goes on to explain the context.
It's very important to understand that for Fox viewers, Fox is only the most visible part of a vast alternative reality. Fox's coverage of the news cannot be properly understood in isolation, but only in conjunction with the rest of that system—and especially the chain emails that do so much to shape the worldview of Fox viewers.

You cannot "get" Gutfeld's joke unless you "get" that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette like extravagance to compensate her for her husband's neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.
And finally, he gives what happens when you google obama + gay + "reggie love."

Remember - this is coming from someone who, as a conservative, is "inside" the system in a way that many of us are not. And he's trying to warn us about what's going on under the radar.

It's ugly out there folks!!!

I thought of all of that this morning when - in a couple of different places - I ran across people talking about a new entry in the Urban Dictionary for
Harry Reid. I won't quote it directly, but it basically refers to "an explosion of reports" saying that Reid is a serial pederast.

This is the kind of thing that's circulating via emails and off-the-beaten-track web sites (although the Daily Caller has a story on the Urban Dictionary definition).

I'm not writing about this to gin up our rage. I frankly think that's a waste of time. But we DO need to know that this stuff is out there and understand how the system for communicating it works.

And we need to see it for what it is...the white male patriarchal system in its death throes.

As I've said before, after the Bush/Cheney years, the Republican Party had a choice to make...whether to rethink their position or stoke the fear. They chose the later and have unleashed the beast. I hold the people who made that decision as responsible for this as those who propagate it directly.

P.S. If you need some cleansing after all that trash, go check out
Chipsticks' diary about the beauty that was on display at the Obama rally in Colorado yesterday. Our beauty trumps their ugly...every time!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you, Smartypants!


  1. "The Campaign" opens today in theaters. From a movie review:

    "... and the voters themselves are ranting, red-faced rubes who can't stop fulminating long enough to realize that calling the other guy's pug dog "communists" is about the silliest thing ever."

    Will Ferrell // Zach Galifianakis

    I think I have seen (read) this movie. It replays daily -- like Grounhound Day :-)

  2. Thanks for helping to get the word out.

  3. Facts:

    "Both President Obama and Mitt Romney are devoted husbands and fathers."

    "the Republican Party had a choice to make...whether to rethink their position or stoke the fear. They chose the later and have unleashed the beast."

    Also a fact, Romney and Obama are not of equal intelligence and skill. A genetic reality

    Also a fact, It is arguable the Presidents policies are a failure.

    Also a fact the if elected Governor Romney's tenure may also prove to be a failure.

    False, ridiculous, and irresponsible:

    "Obama is now out of the closet … he's officially gay for class warfare."

    Although it is arguable the he, and perhaps Romney as well, is engaging in class warfare.

    The level of political rancor and resulting unethical activity is thick. It is no wonder that politicians and their handlers are so distrusted. Those who put out the stuff Frumm addressed are not to be trusted and are indeed dangerous to our liberties. Of course this is my opinion.

  4. I've said it many times on your blog:

    This is the last gasp of a dying political culture, white supremacy.

  5. "Also a fact, Romney and Obama are not of equal intelligence and skill. A genetic reality"

    I've never seen either man's IQ scores, have you? So how can that be a fact?

  6. "Also a fact, Romney and Obama are not of equal intelligence and skill. A genetic reality"

    Genetic reality?

    As Steve said, the last one to know they are racist, is a racist.

    Right RN, it's a genetic reality that blacks are inferior in intelligence.

  7. RN said,

    "Also a fact, Romney and Obama are not of equal intelligence and skill. A genetic reality"


    A "genetic reality"

    Thanks for proving me correct.

    I'll let your own words (again) speak for themselves.

  8. Again you bigoted fools have proven yourselves beyond stupid.

    Romney and Obama are not equal ypu fools. Every individual is genetically designed if you will. The results of their genetics determines many things.

    So, point to where I said or indicated that Romney has the greater intelligence or skill. You can't. Because I never did.

    In fact it is my firm belief Obama is the more intelligent and by far the more skilled [politician. My judgement is that his policies are misguided and misdirected. Nothing more.

    Now bigoted fools that you are go blow some more smoke out you a**es.

  9. "Also a fact, Romney and Obama are not of equal intelligence and skill. A genetic reality"

    That's funny, RR and Steve, I thought RN was saying Obama was gifted.

    From Bob Dylan's 1975 "Blood In The Tracks" album:

    We always did feel the same ... We just saw it from a different point of view ... Tangled up in blue.

  10. Ha!!

    I posted before I saw RN's response :-)

  11. Steve and RR,

    RN said Obama and Romney are not of equal intelligence and skill, and that was a genetic reality.

    He didn't indicate who was superior to whom.

    My question to him is how he knows they are not of equal intelligence.

    One can be intelligent in various areas: emotional, social, etc., and not in others. One can be skilled in various areas and not in others.

    I have no idea what RN was trying to say about Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney.

  12. I didn't see RN's answer when I posted either.

  13. << the last one to know they are racist, is a racist. >>

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    --From Hamlet (III, ii, 239)

  14. I posted before I saw your post Shaw. I was not referring to you, my lady.

    I meant the other ladies :-)

  15. RN is given to write Jew hate, Obama hate, and blame government on pacifying blacks through social programs, which he thinks are destroying America.

    If he was talking about Romney being dumber, then he also attributed that to genetic inferiority.
    The whole genetic theory, is racist.


    You are late for your chicken lunch supporting the anti-gay agenda

  16. Sorry. But this thread will deteriorate into nothing more than name-calling if I don't stop it now.

    Thersites, you're acting like a troll. You left that comment several times now. I get it.


    If you have something intelligent to say do so, otherwise you'll be deleted too.

    I'd like to be a blog host, not a playground monitor.

  17. I don't have to speak for KP, because he's more than capable of doing that himself.

    The KP I know hasn't a bigoted bone in his body.


  18. Well Shaw I see you deleted my last comment, however you allow Stevie the bigoted racist comment to stand. How equitable of you. So Liberal and understanding of you.

    I need no further proof of the rea,l face of the left.

    Let the war begin,.

  19. Comment moderation is on because RN USA and Thersites insist on acting like trolls.

    1. Romney names Paul Ryan... Double R team prepares to destroy Obie and Dufus... Progressives in a twist...

  20. And this site allows fallacious remarks that are meant to assassinate the character of those that simply disagree with the order of day leftist talking points.

    When you are treated the same you get your panties on a twist.

    Rank hypocrisy is what it is. Alinsky lives here.

  21. lol!

    When not a single comment survives the censor, trolls are all you deserve.

  22. When is Obama going to stop snorting coke? I hope it's before Harry Reid stops beating his wife....

  23. This kind of thing isn't new. It's been SOP for right-wing Republican "operatives" for decades. Remember "troopergate"? Remember the conspiracy stories about Vince Foster's death? Then there was the years-long, open-ended, $80-million Whitewater witch hunt that charlatan Kenneth Starr conducted at taxpayer expense. It came up with as much evidence of wrongdoing as the probe then-Republican Sen. Fred Thompson carried out, also at taxpayer expense.

    And, how about that black love child John McCain supposedly fathered, thanks to a rumor campaign conducted during the 2000 GOP N. Carolina primary?

    People motivated by fear and bitter resentment, if not outright hatred; people who believe greed is good, selfishness is standard operating procedure and those who disagree are enemies deserving of whatever you dish out to them — people like that need an alternative reality. They need not just a cable TV network, but a big propaganda infrastructure that includes everything from mean-spirited, whackjob e-mails to an American Enterprise Institute; from Rush Limbaugh, Micheal Savage and Glenn Beck's ugly, dishonest spew to swiftboat veterans' lies, James O'Keefe's dirty tricks and the late Andrew Breitbart's edited videos.

    Put their ideas in front of people. Let people try to make sense of their philosophy. Show people their arrogant, ignorant and corrupt pols for what they are. Most people will reject the whole rotten lot.

    So, a constant torrent of lies, distortions and dirty, underhanded tricks are absolute necessities for conservative Republicans and their backers and constituent groups. They need the alternative reality they create for cover and to divide, frighten and dupe as many others as possible.

    Throw in an NKVD, some police-state domestic terrorism and a few gulags, and what have you got?
