Thursday, August 9, 2012

Your Surrogate Is Worse Than Our Surrogate!

Conservative heads exploded when Senator Harry Reid said that a former Bain employee told him that Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years.

Harry was hammered by the right, the fact-checking gurus, and the Exploding-With-Explosive-Outrage blogsphere.  How dare Senator Reid suggest something with NO PROOF!  "Dirty Liar! screamed the head of the RNC, whose name sounds like an electric car company.

Then this happened, and the right blogsphere is as silent as Mitt Romney's magic underwear floating down on a field of cotton:

"While the political media have been all over a brutal SuperPAC ad attacking Mitt Romney this week, the actual Romney campaign has been pressing a completely false, culturally loaded attack on President Obama, spearheaded by race-chummer Newt Gingrich.

On Wednesday night’s Anderson Cooper 360, however, Gingrich admitted that there was “no proof” for the Romney campaign’s claim that 'under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check.' "  --HuffPost

In addition to ignoring their surrogates' lying, the Professional Pouters of the Right have gone all funny over a recent anti-Bain ad put out by Priorities USA, linked to HERE.

But the Professional Pouters had nothing to say about the Romney ads that falsely claim President Obama meant business people "didn't make that."  The Romney people left out the following sentence which clearly says the opposite.  Nor did the Professional Pouters clutch their pearls when the Romney campaign shamelessly lied about President Obama taking away Ohio military vets' right to vote.

The Obama campaign is scoring points against Romney, and that what's behind all the faux outrage.  This election, the Democrats have grown a spine and will respond in kind when the Republicans play hardball.

This is a presidential campaign, afterall, not a debutante's cotillion. 

But wait!  There's more!  There's this from US Representative Joe Walsh (Jackass-IL)

"At a campaign barbecue in his district Sunday, Walsh was explaining what he hopes will be the tea party’s role in the election:

'There’s something different on the ground, and I think it’s going to overtake us all again, think it’s going to overtake the political class. I think it’s going to respectfully pick this president up and pat him on the head and say, son, son, son, Mr. President, you were never ready to be president, now go home and work for somebody and find out how the real world works.' ” --TPM

Those words did not come from some bat guano crazy-ass nutcake from East Bumcrack, Illinois.  Those are from a Republican US Congressman, who didn't have the cajones to actually say"boy," but came within a micron of doing so with the far more acceptable "son," and a sprinkling of condescending "pat on the head" in describing our 51 year old bi-racial president. 

When rightwingers howl about being unfairly labeled "racist," I would suggest to them that they grow some and tell the idiots in their ranks to not act like racists by repeating racial slurs and forwarding racist emails to their constituents, friends, and family. 

Paging  Sarah Palin!   Sarah Palin! 

Y'know, the conservative who was shocked! shocked! shocked! I tell ya, when Mr. Obama made reference to his awful bowling skills by suggesting he should enter the Special Olympics.

Palin freaked out in her usual scolding "holier-than-thou" high dudgeon theatrics, and went postal about the awfullness of the president to say such a nasty, unforgivable, hateful and muslimy, kenyany thingy!

"A long-time Pennsylvania GOP official reportedly earned a warm reception Tuesday for comparing a supporter of President Obama to someone who is 'mentally retarded.'

Allegheny County GOP chair and former county executive Jim Roddey told this joke:

"There was a disappointment tonight. I was very embarrassed," Roddey told the crowd, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "I was in this parking lot and there was a man looking for a space to park, and I found a space for him. And I felt badly -- he looked like he was sort of in distress. And I said, 'Sir, here's a place.' And he said, 'That's a handicapped space.' I said, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, I saw that Obama sticker and I thought you were mentally retarded."

Oh, Sarah!  Where is your righteous indignation NOW?!



  1. As the lies continue from the racists, Obama is pulling ahead.

  2. News Flash:

    WASHINGTON - A top aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) gave new details Wednesday on the identity of Reid's source for the claim that Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years. Romney has since called on Reid to release the name of the source.

    "This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody who has been dealing with Romney's company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge of this," said Reid aide Jose Parra, referring to Romney's tax bill.

    Romney has told ABC News that he would check his records to determine if he ever paid a lower rate than the 13.9 percent he paid in 2010. Despite requests from the network, however, Romney has yet to provide the information.

    Parra teased the details in an interview with Mario Solis-Marich on KTLK’s Diverse LA radio program, according to audio of the show provided by the station.

    Reid Chief of Staff David Krone previously described the source to Politico as a successful businessman, and CNN's Dana Bash reported that the source was "credible."

  3. My banker and broker always give me copies of their tax returns. Whatever you are smoking must be good.

    The democrats will win the war of the lie because they have such practice. Cut requirements for a mortgage, then blame the republicans when it falls apart. They are masters of the lie.

    BTW word is that Obama registered as a foreign student to get loans. What he did was illegal, what Romney did was pay a fortune in taxes.

    Can't blame Obama for all the lies, he has nothing else to run on.

  4. "BTW word is that Obama registered as a foreign student to get loans. What he did was illegal, what Romney did was pay a fortune in taxes."

    skudrunner, I'm used to your whiney complaints about how President Obama is doing better at campaigning than is Romney, but do I really have to tolerate your spreading rumors here, and then at the end of your sentence about the rumor declare it's true?

    Unlike your rumor mongering here, Harry Reid at the least said from the beginning he wasn't sure that what the Bain guy told him about Romney's taxes was true.

    That left room for people to decide whether to believe what Reid said or not.

    Your rumor mongering doesn't.

    What you did here is much worse than what Reid did.

  5. Stop acting like a troll, Thersites!

  6. WASHINGTON - A top aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) provided new details Wednesday on the identity of Reid's source for the claim that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years. Romney has since called on Reid to release the name of the source.

    "This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody who has been dealing with Romney's company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge of this," said Reid aide Jose Parra, referring to Romney's tax returns.

    Romney told ABC News that he would check his records to determine if he ever paid a lower rate than the 13.9 percent he paid in 2010. Despite requests from the network, however, Romney has yet to provide the information.

  7. I find it interesting as well as shameful that the looney left, and I'm not refering to Shaw or other rational liberals, call anyone who questions Obama, his policies and or record racist. A gross generalization on their part. It is reasonable I think to question THEIR stability.

    The ones I speak of know who you are.

  8. "Harry Reid at the least said from the beginning he wasn't sure that what the Bain guy told him about Romney's taxes was true"

    Sorry Shaw but your indignation was not very genuine. Slimy followed up his statement by sicking his staff on it.

    Granted Obama is running a better smear campaign than Romney but he has a lot more practice. It doesn't bother the left that in almost four years Obama has accomplished little. Unemployment rising, food stamp recipients rising, national debt rising, confidence in the government being able to fix anything declining.

    It would be good to see Obama run on his accomplishments but we all know that won't happen. He never has run on his accomplishments and never will. But the left will accept that because he promises more free stuff and it's not their money.

  9. RN, when a United States Congressman refers to our 51-year-old bi-racial president as "son," and suggests he'd like to "pat him on his head," anyone who knows the history of racism understands that very LOUD dog whistle.

    Can you imagine a US Congressman or woman referring to any other president as "son," or wanting to "pat his head," except this particular president?

    The "looney left" doesn't call people who question Mr. Obama's policies racists. They call people who refer to him as "son," and people who pass around racist emails about him and his family, racists.

    And deservedly so.

  10. skudrunner,

    You're whining again.

    Go look at the most recent polls and internalize the fact that the American people DO NOT agree with you. Okay?

    Mr. Obama is doing quite well as the campaign goes into the last 2+ months.

    Even the Republicans don't like Mitt. Take a look at what they said about him after his campaign spokeswoman misspoke by telling the truth about Romneycare. LOL!

    Romney's negatives are WORSE than the most hated politician, Sarah Palin.

    That's not the Obama campaign's fault. The American people perceive Romney as a man without core beliefs, a gazillionaire who mocks poor people wanting "free stuff," but who screwed the tax payers by getting a $77,000 deduction on his pet horse, and by paying a lower tax rate than a school janitor.

    Not to mention having no faith in America by being the ONLY presidential candidate to stash his cash in off-shore bank accounts.

    Yes, that's legal, but doesn't speak well of the man who sings "God Bless America." Those actions seem, well, a bit off key.

  11. Shaw, do you consider yourself part of the looney left? Because if you reread my comment I was obviously referring to a small segment of the left, not you or other rational liberals.

    The ones I am referring to are those that make sweeping statements that are gross generalization calling the right (conservatives and libertarians en mass) racist. If you have been paying attention you know this is so. Those to whom I was referring (speaking to) know full well who they are.

    As to the reference of "patting him on the head" and "son" I understand your point, and will not dispute it. You are of course correct with respect to historical context and meaning.

  12. I understood you didn't mean me, RN.

    I was clarifying those on any political spectrum who see racism in the actions of racists.

    Criticizing a president on his/her policies is fair game.

    I just wish those who do so leave the dog whistles hom.

  13. skudrunner,

    Here's another rebuttal to your continuous allegations that President Obama keeps his records "sealed."

    You're wrong AGAIN.

    And will continue to be wrong so long as you get your "facts" from conservative emails:

    Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

    A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.


  14. Shaw,

    Now you are back to the race issue but have yet to stand up for his magnificents record.

    Obama will win the election because the democrats are better at negative campaigning. Remember Slimy making the comment that BHO is light skinned and has no negro dialect, but of course that is not racist.

    Sad day when the president demonizes successful small businesses with his "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

    The election is all about Free Stuff and no personal responsibility.

  15. I never said they were sealed, I just said he hasn't released them.

    I am not an Obama fan because he has targeted me as someone to blame and punish with his tax the middle class small business and the "Rich" for their efforts and his
    "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

    Sorry but the only thing the federalists do for my business is cost me money and waste my time.

  16. The last person to know they are a racist, is a racist.

    If Republiscums priority is to deny minorities the vote, that's racist.

    To question the first black presidents birthright, is racist.

    To make disparaging, hate filled remarks about a race, is racist. (You know who you are).

    To use slave language when referring to the president of the United States (who is black) is racist.

    To claim the problems of the country are caused by the government helping (spending to much money) citizens who have been denied opportunity because of their skin color, is racist.

    "Dirty politics" has been part of the process since George Washington, so to say the first black president is the "dirtiest" politician ever, is racist.

    Those who think the above actions are not racist, are the racists.

    I could go on, but like I said, the last person to realize they are engaging in racism, is a racist.

  17. A description of skudrunner's comments:

    A noun, a verb, and "you didn't make that happen."

  18. To RN (Mr. Ego) who thinks the many who disagree with him are (couldn't possibly be) just one person, I agree with Steve.

    Those words and actions are coming from the leaders and elected officials of the Republiscum party, not just the always present "wing nuts."

    They are the stated positions of the Republiscum party.

    So when you make anti-Semitic statements you don't see them as anti-Semitic because you are an anti-Semite.

  19. Lying and misrepresenting are things that collectivists like Steve, RR et all who circle in their pack of howling wolves do well.

    Egotistical? I have never met the collectivist elitist snob that wasn't egotistical. Which is precisely what you are.

    On the other hand rational egoism is a positive attribute. Something the likes of you, and those like TAO will forever fail to understand.

    Toddles hypocrites.

  20. Stop beating your wife, Harry Reid!

  21. Stop beating your monkey, Thersites!

  22. Word is out that Hairy Reed molests little boys, and Nancy Pelosi's international company procures them for him.

    They need to come clean and clear that up...
