Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Light Blogging

Light blogging for the next few days.  Family from California visiting, and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Happily I have no time to watch the boring convention. 

But I found some interesting posters on facebook, and I'm happy to pass them along:

And don't miss this brilliant rant by TBogg:


  1. If the republicans really thought that Obama's economic plan would not improve the economy, they would not have blocked it. The fact that they did block it , proves that they thought that he would succeed.

    Stopping Obama's success was more important to them than helping the American people.

    Republicans are good at obstructing, not so good at governing. (There's a reason they are not talking about Bush.) Unfortunately for them, the president's job is to govern.

  2. skudrunner, I've allowed you to come here time after time after time to comment, but now all you do is repeat unsubstantiated talking mush and vapid slogans.

    You add nothing and subtract from the level of thoughtful commenting.

    I will delete you if all you do when you come here is promote RNC talking points.

    Plus, your level of whining and baseless predictions are becoming laughable.


    Remember Mitch McConnell said in effect that defeating Obama was more important to the GOP than helping America.

    And we know for a fact that the GOP did everything it could to sabotage anything Mr. Obama proposed to help the economy.

    Then we get people like skudrunner coming here, ignorant of this very real fact, and whining about what I'm doing to my grandkids.

    The only thing he and the GOPers have is "You Didn't Build That" which anyone with a functioning intellect knows is a stupid lie built on a deliberate misinterpretation of what the president actually said.

    But that's the modern GOP.

  3. As the poppycock and hyperbole continues to take center stage for the specific reason that neither side actually has a substantive plan to resolve the real and important issues of the day.

    Watching movies has become a more rewarding as well as rational endeavor of late.

  4. Watched Condi Rice last night on rerun last night, she was phenomenal!! Certainly could be President.

  5. Condi Rice was the head of the NSA when the United States suffered the worst attack by foreigners on 9/11. Or have you forgotten?

    She failed in that job, and I can't think of anything she distinguished herself in as Secretary of State.

    She was a good provost at Stanford, but she reached her level of incompetence on the national stage.


    Your childish comments will be deleted.

    You're rude and insulting, and I don't tolerate that here.

    I have a suggestion: Start your own blog so that you can admire your own comments and agree with yourself.

  6. Shaw, is carrying water hard. Seems to me it must be heavy work.

    And on that note I'm going to hit the iron (as in plates) and do some real power lifting. Got to keep ones health and strength in these turbulent times, now doesn't one. ;-)

  7. "I have not watched a Sunday morning show in probably ten years, and I haven't watched any "news" or political shows in probably six years"

    This quote from a right wing blogger who writes a blog everyday about politics.

    It's not about the facts, or truth; just pushing the party line, true, or not.

    This blogger did admit that he listens to and loves Michael Savage. So even his quote is a lie, but I'm sure he doesn't think Savage is talking about politics, just a moral (religious) view of where America has gone wrong.

    A typical case of right wing nuts and how they see America. Truth and facts have nothing to do with anything.

    Can you guess who this "well informed" right wing political blogger is?

    RN would want Condi as president, even though Condi was one of the principles of the "mushroom cloud" lie, that falsely convinced Americans invading Iraq was necessary for stopping an atomic attack on America.

    Of course the truth came out later, after the death of thousands of American soldiers.

    Powell admitted (San Francisco Chronicle April 2006) that he knew the information he gave the UN was not correct, but he gave it to the UN (world) anyways; to not only justify an attack on Iraq, but to try and get world governments to join America in an attack on Iraq. We know most countries refused to join America.

    Ambassador Wilson told the president there was no yellow cake sale, but Bush publicly destroyed Wilson and his wife, and a Bush administration official went to jail to protect the lie, but Bush pardoned him.

    Eventually the US Army declared (after a two year search) that there were no WMD's. Shortly after that, Bush himself told the country there were no WMD's in Iraq.

    The whole lie was based on ONE source used by many countries. That source lied under water boarding torture. Which is why torture is unreliable, the person being tortured will say anything to stop the torture.

    These are the kind of leaders RN would want to see leading our country!? He's either a fool, or a liar, and so are the many who still defend Condi, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, and the rest of the liars.

    This party of liars has now moved onto birthers, economic hypocrisy (they vote for debt but claim to be economic hawks), pushing voter ID laws that suppress legitimate voters by the thousands based on the lie that there is a voter fraud problem. And so much more deceit.

    This is the kind of garbage an RN (who claims to be so smart about politics) and millions of others (including our mystery right wing blogger) believe in, have supported for years, and thinks will be the salvation of America. They deny the destructive effects their policies and lies have had on America, and blame it all on Democrats.

    As the president points out; cutting taxes to spur growth is a lie and has been proven a lie decades ago. The same old lies that built this 16 trillion dollar debt.

    But based on their own "rational self interest" Republiscums have, again, made that economic lie the top economic policy for America, if they win.

    So are they liars, or idiots?

    They are both.

  8. And Shaw, in my never humble Obama reached his level incompetency on the national stage as well, as senator of my once state of residency Ill.

    I'm quite sure millions of average hard working middle class individuals, as well as the highly educated like yourself agree with that truth of the above statement.

    You remind me of my aunt, who would vote for anyone with a D behind her/his name. Irespective of anything else.

  9. A lot of people, think congress, were on board with Iraq, even democrats. Many in congress had the same intelligence as the White House. Iraq was a mistake on several levels. Said as much many times.

    Was this post about Iraq by the way?

    Time to leave the room. Master of Stench and lies Steve has arrived.

  10. "And Shaw, in my never humble Obama reached his level incompetency on the national stage as well, as senator of my once state of residency Ill.

    I'm quite sure millions of average hard working middle class individuals, as well as the highly educated like yourself agree with that truth of the above statement."

    RN, just because you, who is biased against anything connected with the Democratic Pary writes something negative about Obama, with no example whatsoever to illustrate what your biased opinion is about, doesn't mean it's correct or accurate.

    So, no. An intelligent person doesn't take someone's biased opinion, just because he states it.

    RN: "You remind me of my aunt, who would vote for anyone with a D behind her/his name. Irespective of anything else."

    And you remind me of my next door neighbor's grandfather who liked to think of himself as an expert on everything and blamed the Democrats for all of his failures.

    You and skudrunner have become nothing more than scolds and nags here.

    Neither of you ever bring any factual evidence to your diatribes against the current president. You just don't like him, and are irritated because I don't see things as you do.

    You comments to me about "carrying water hard" are interesting.

    You've NEVER said that about your GOP pals on their conservative blogs, you've never, to my knowledge, gone after them for their support of their candidate--Romney.

    You've said Romney is no better than Obama, true, but you've never attacked your conservative pals, nor insulted them, over their support of their candidate.

    I wonder why you feel the compelling need to do that to me.

    You're voting for Gary Johnson. Good for you.

    Can you find the courtesy somewhere inside your supercilious self to allow me to support the candidate I choose without having to, every day, read your condescending remarks about my choice?

    Your cliff notes are getting repetitious.

  11. @ Shaw who said... "
    Neither of you ever bring any factual evidence..."

    Why bother, whenever anybody who differs from your water carrying dEmocrat collectivist agenda you rip it apart anyway. Based on YOUR bias.

    Toddles since I've become a nag. But do indeed continue to entertain the sewer rat Steve.

  12. the outlaw jersey whale, that's good.

    i saw a picture of the whale's parents and they are quite thin. i'd like to see his birth certificate.

  13. WASHINGTON — A federal court has ruled against a Texas law that would require voters to present photo IDs to election officials before being allowed to cast ballots in November.

    A three-judge panel in Washington ruled Thursday that the law imposes "strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor" and noted that racial minorities in Texas are more likely to live in poverty.

  14. This sounds like a president Romney and how he will treat Americans:

    "Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has banned small vendors from setting up shop at the 2012 Republican National Convention, CBS San Francisco (KCBS) reported on Thursday.

    In order to maintain control over all official campaign souvenirs, the Romney-Ryan campaign has barred small vendors from selling campaign buttons and other political souvenirs at the RNC, KCBS found. As a result, small vendors are "are conspicuously absent" from the convention, the news outlet reported."

    In order to maintain control over Americans who did not vote for him, Romney will make sure the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. Poor people have no power in politics.

  15. skudrunner posted this over at Silverfiddle's blog:

    "skudrunner said...
    Be careful with the truth on PE because you will be demeaned and deleted. As long as it is pro the incompetent incumbent you can write what you want and not have to prove anything. Present a negative truthful anything, with reference about obummer and you are history."

    This conservative poster has come here and posted for months and months without any interference from me, except the last few comments by him that were nothing more than complaints and undocumented and unlinked charges and opinions.

    Then the little weasel went running to a conservative blog and trashed Progressive Eruptions.

    If there is a more perfect example of vulgarity and boorishness, I haven't seen it.

    No one forced skudrunner to come here and vent his spleen and spread his propaganda and yet day after day after day he returned.

    I told him to either back up his charges with evidence or I would delete him, since this isn't his private venue for his anti-Obama propaganda.

    And like most conservatives I've encountered on the internet, he is a weakling who when asked to back up his claims, folded like wet cardboard and went blubbering to a safe blog and denigrated me.

    Coward. And weakling.

    [I want to make it clear that I do not consider all conservative commenters who come here to be as rude and childish as this particular one.]

  16. Convention News, you are of course correct, poor people have no power in politics. Never have, and both majors have made sure it has remained the order of American politics for a very long time.

  17. Skudrunner, you were not attacked.

    Show us where you were attacked.

    My last comment about you was written because you behaved badly.

    I have let you, day after day, come here and repeat your talking points. That's not discussion.

    This isn't a public forum. If I see that a commenter is using m blog simply to further YOUR propaganda, I have the right to delete.

    You don't seem to understand that.

    You were not attacked.

  18. RN

    I gave a lot of comment you could have disagreed with, but no, you go right to the insults as usual.
    You do that to anyone who disagrees with you.
    I have not lied about you.
    I only printed your own hate filled words.
    Not my fault you are a white supremest, writing bigotry.
    A condescending jerk who thinks that's a smart way to respond.
    An uneducated fool who thinks a liar would make a good president.
    Please, leave the room.

  19. Oh how sweet Stevie Pooh. Asking me to please leave the room.

    You have lied , intentionally misrepresented, taken out of context, and it was you who started this and refuse to stop. Therefore I have responded in kind. It is what it is.

    Uneducated fool? Condescending jerk? Nice to see you talking about yourself Steve. It will certainly, with any luck, lead to your healing of your mental malady.

    Now, since you said please I shall leave the room.

  20. Again, what did I lie about?
    Never any answer
    Because there was no lie
