Thursday, August 30, 2012

No One Watched and Even Fewer Cared


From reading conservative blogs, one would think that the whole country has gone all Rmoney/Ryan over the past few days.  But the truth is that most Americans don't care, and they haven't been tuning in.

The convention has appealed only to the folks who are already cheering for the ticket.  No one else.

Oh, and even their most ardent propagandists, FAUX NOOZ, called Ryan's speech mostly lies.

The convention apparently has been on a noisy lie fest with the usual mouth pieces repeating the same half-truths and misrepresentations.

The good news is that fewer people tuned in, so it doesn't matter.  The only people thrilled by it all were the ones who were going to vote for Mittens against President Obama anyway.

A very large yawn.

"Republican Convention Bombs As Viewership Drops by 17 Million

Paul Ryan is no Sarah Palin. The viewership for Paul Ryan’s speech was down across every network compared to what Sarah Palin averaged in 2008.

NBC was down 3.5 million viewers. ABC was down three million viewers. CBS and MSNBC were down 2 million viewers each. CNN lost a whopping 5 million viewers compared to Palin’s 2008 speech. Even Fox News was down 1.5 million viewers. In total, only 20 million people tuned in for Paul Ryan compared to the 37 million who watched Sarah Palin.

Ryan’s ratings nosedive isn’t the Republican convention’s only problem. Only Fox News and ABC saw their viewership rise or stay the same from night one to night two. Fox News saw their viewership rise from 6.89 million on night one to 7.70 million on night two, while ABC has drawn to 2.86 million viewers on each night.

What really jumps out in the ratings data is how limited the appeal of this convention is. Fox News has led the ratings for all networks on both nights.

If the Romney campaign was hoping to reach Independents with their convention, it isn’t working. Over one third of the total audience is coming from the Republican cheering section known as Fox News."


The RNC's "mystery guest" was Dirty Harry, as reported here by Infidel753.

And apparently he bombed big time.  Some of the words used to describe his performance:  "weird," "confused," "rambling."

Here are some twitter reactions:

— “20 years ago I wanted Clint Eastwood to make my day. Now I just want him to take his pills and b grateful he doesnt need medicare.” — Nancy Lee Grahn, “General Hospital” actress.
— “I demand to see Invisible Obama’s invisible birth certificate.” — Michael Schaffer, The New Republic.

— “And so on this day, August 30, 2012, (at)MittRomney became a better actor than Clint Eastwood.” — Lawrence O’Donnell, host of MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

— “I can’t believe I just watched (hash)ClintEastwood turn into somebody’s DRUNK UNCLE HARRY on the stage of the (hash)GOP (hash)RNC. He humiliated himself.” — Star Jones, “Today” contributor.

— “I heard that Clint Eastwood was channeling me at the RNC. My lawyers and I are drafting our lawsuit.” — comic actor Bob Newhart, referring to his signature one-way-conversation routines.

— “’If Clint Eastwood ever talks to a chair on national TV, people will need a way to reassure each other’ — inventor of Twitter, March 2006.” — Patton Oswalt, comedian and actor on “The King of Queens.”

— “Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech was to imaginary Obama in an empty chair. I’m drafting a DNC speech to imaginary Romney in an empty factory.” — George Takei, Mr. Sulu of “Star Trek.”
Jamelle Bouie@jbouie
This is a perfect representation of the campaign: an old white man arguing with an imaginary Barack Obama.


  1. This could be good news for the growing Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson as well as the growing liberty movement.

    The reality is millions of Americans on both sides of the political debate are going to hold their nose as they vote for "their" lesser of two evils.

    It's sad really. Pitifully sad.

  2. In the polls so far -- admittedly early data -- I've seen no evidence of any significant "convention bounce". Romney didn't get much of a bounce from the VP announcement either, by normal standards.

    I'm looking forward to the reaction on Republican sites as further polling data in the days to come confirm that the convention was a flop with the voters.

    Did you catch the much-anticipated "mystery speaker", Clint Eastwood? Satan preserve us, Palin would probably have done better.

  3. .

    So now it is up to the Democratic Party to give the people a reason to vote for Mr Obama.

    Electoral College Totals:

    Obama = 258

    Romney = 191

    Needed to win = 270

    Of course these numbers will change. So will the people's reasons for laughing.

    Ema Nymton

  4. Dirty Harry was their secret guest?


    No, I didn't see that because I didn't watch.

    Family from California is visiting.

    Happily, I missed the entire convention!

    PS. I thought the GOP hated "Hollywood" types.

    The only Hollywood types they hate are the ones who support the Democrats. LOL!

  5. This is hilarious. The left cheers Clint's super bowl halftime commercial, he was a hero!

    Oh, how things change. Get it America? Disagree with the left and refuse to bow down to their idols and you are dirt.

    Modern day American liberals are very illiberal and doctrinaire. Disagree with them and the media start in the Ministry of Propaganda anathematize you.

    Progressives should just announce their totalitarian intentions and be done with the whole "democracy" charade.

  6. Eastwood came on and debated an empty chair.

    He lost.

  7. SF: "Modern day American liberals are very illiberal and doctrinaire. Disagree with them and the media start in the Ministry of Propaganda anathematize you."

    Hello Mr. Pot, meet this little black kettle.

    I have been to your blog as well as FT's and RN's and have had everything I've written there either trashed as "propaganda," "untrue," or "liberal talking points," and have been trashed PERSONALLY by some of your commenters--to the extreme point where they mocked my blog name and stole my avatar!

    [I've never seen that done to that degree to any male liberal commenter on your blog. Your male pals apparently get off on going after women. Ha! What brave little mice they are.

    You are blind to how you practice exactly the same thing you come here to criticize. Amazing.

    The reason Eastwood is getting all the negative talk is because he was awful, and his presentation bombed! He was a joke.

    And everyone's talking about his major FAIL instead of Mittens' acceptance speech, which I didn't see, but heard wasn't bad.

    For a robot.

  8. BTW, I actually like many of Eastwood's movies. He's a talented director and composer.

    He should stick to that.

  9. Conservatives should announce their fascist intentions and be done with the whole "we are not bigots" charade.

  10. It was laughable to see Mitt say that we are worse off than we were 4 years ago. A bald face lie.
    Check the facts Mitt.
    Oh, that's right you don't bother with fact checkers.

  11. Republican Racism will never win any awards for originality...

    @ Shaw: to the extreme point where they mocked my blog name and stole my avatar!

    I deleted those posts anywhere I noticed them. That is dirty pool.

    ...have been trashed PERSONALLY... [I've never seen that done to that degree to any male liberal commenter on your blog. Your male pals apparently get off on going after women. Ha! What brave little mice they are.

    I guess you've never seen any comments directed at Liberalmann, Steve, Ducky or Jersey!

    Look at yourself, lefties. Your politics has turned into a high religion.

  12. SF, I didn't see that you deleted those comments. Thank you for that. That was gentlemanly.

    I've seen the comments directed at those people you mentioned, but there was a sort of special sort of hatefulness in their actions toward me that they never delivered to Liberalmann, Steve, Ducky or Jersey.

    That's all I'm observing.

    You never saw the comments some of them left here because I deleted them. The guy who calls himself Stanley Kowalski left some sexually explicit trash here directed at me.

    I don't get what their problem is.

    And Thersites left almost 40 spam messages in less than a month here.

    I don't think the liberal commentators, as contentious as they can be, have ever done anything as sleazy as that to you.

  13. If Eastwood's embarrassing comedy routine was the highlight...

    Robmey and Ruin will lose.

  14. Aw shucks, silverfiddle, thanks for protecting my reputation... after all, I'm just a girl, tee-hee, and can't manage anything on my own... :)

  15. @ Shaw, Because I disagree with your politics most of the time does not mean I think think they shouldn't' be considered. I am a man of strong beliefs and opinions based on my observations during my near 60 years of cognition, very much like yourself methinks.

    I find strong willed and intelligent women with strong opinions particularly attractive, in the philosophical sense of course. Although I admit after seeing a picture of you that you posted on PE you are physically attractive as well.

    I would remind you that on more than one occasion I have defended you at RN and even refered to you as a class act. I disagree with most of your positions but I respect you and your right to your opinions. I also have no problem correcting those who might show you disrespect.

    Having said that, there are commenters here who have done worse to me and continue to do so.

  16. SF, I didn't see that you deleted those comments. Thank you for that. That was gentlemanly.

    You're welcome, and as I said, I think "imitating" someone is dirty pool.

    If any counterfeit comments are still up at my site, it's because I've missed them. So if any are still there let me know and I will delete them.

  17. "Thersites said...
    Aw shucks, silverfiddle, thanks for protecting my reputation... after all, I'm just a girl, tee-hee, and can't manage anything on my own... :)

    August 31, 2012 2:27 PM"

    As you all can see, this is only type of comment the troll, Thersites, is capable of leaving here.

    Nothing more than a taunt and childish mockery.

    That's the level of his intelligence. And he demonstrates it every time he visits here.

    I don't know why he bothers. He has these urges, I know, which he can't control.

    In less than a month, Thersites and his sock puppets left 40+ comments, all of them nothing more than taunts and trash. The troll, Stanley Kowalski, left a sexually suggestive one here.

    And Thersites feels all put upon because I don't welcome him here.

    He and his friends came here, pissed all over the place, then pouted because he was not welcomed.

    There's a word for people like that.

  18. GOP convention must have been boring; seems the rednecks
    wing were watching something else.

  19. Voter ID laws turned down by courts in Ohio and other States.

