Friday, August 31, 2012

Massachusetts GOPers, Keeping it Classy

And remember, conservatives call Mr. Obama the most divisive president in history.

This is how they treat the president of the United States.

But HE'S divisive?

And we can be sure that liberals didn't create this either:

But President Obama is divisive, and we are meanie liberals when we accuse the GOP of having a racist element in it that the GOP does nothing to stop.


  1. Good grief, that noose poster is horrifying. My first impulse was to ask how the people who created it could possibly have failed to realize the historical monstrousness it evokes -- but of course they no doubt knew all too well, and wanted to evoke that.

    Burning, absolute, palpable evil.

  2. The Rope poster should have a warning before it opens. That is XXX.

  3. The rope poster also came in a real photo version.

  4. Paul Ryan's campaign walked back comments the VP nominee made about running a marathon.

    "I had a two hour and fifty-something" marathon, Ryan said last week an interview. "I hurt a disc in my back, so I don’t run marathons anymore."

    But the Ryan campaign confirmed to Runner's World that he has only run one marathon, the 1990 Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota, which he finished in just over 4 hours.

    If the guy will lie about a marathon, it's reasonable to assume he will lie about things more important to his career.

  5. Yeah. It's like lying about your golf score.

    Why would he do that?

    I was a runner -- 10ks mostly. I never "misremembered" what my times were. Ever.

    I was always smack in the middle of the pack.

  6. Wow. There are Republicans in Massachusetts?

    The noose picture disgusting. Right up there with that Bush assassination fantasy movie, but even worse due to the racial history of our nation.

  7. "I ain't as good as I once was ...
    My how the years have flown ...
    But there was a time, back in my prime ... When I could really hold my own.

    I ain't as good as I once was ...
    But I'm as good once as I ever was"

    Toby Keith // Honkytonk University

  8. Watch the video I just posted on my blog. It'll scare the living daylights out of you.
