Wednesday, August 1, 2012

President Obama Didn't Say That

A number of annoying people come here and continue to post the lie that President Obama said in a speech that if you have a business "you didn't build that."

PolitiFact,, and the Washington Post's fact-checker all agree that the Romney campaign is deceitful and dishonest to keep running the ad when they took President Obama's words out of context and LEFT OUT what came next:

 "...the point is ... that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

The Lazy Thinkers on the Right heard part of the speech and ran with it, and we expect that from Low Effort Thinkers. 

Thankfully, smarter, more thoughtful people have seen through the deceit.  Mr. Romney may be exciting his Lazy-Thinking Followers, but not much else. 

He had them anyway.




"President Obama was saying success "is the result of government," not "hard-working people," when he said, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

We believe, as do our friends at and the Washington Post Fact Checker, that Romney has seriously distorted Obama’s comments. Romney cherry-picked a quote that made it sound like Obama was dismissive of businesses when in fact he was making a point that success comes from the combination of "individual initiative" and the fact that "we do things together."

The biggest problem is that the Romney campaign has left out the lead-up to the statement -- that "if you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges."

These words indicate that Obama was referring to infrastructure and educational opportunities that were paid for by taxpayers through the government -- things that established a necessary foundation for making private businesses successful.

We think his meaning is clear -- that both business people and government play a role in the American enterprise system, not purely one or the other.

Our ruling

In speeches and videos, the Romney campaign has repeatedly distorted Obama's words. By plucking two sentences out of context, Romney twists the president's remarks and ignores their real meaning.

The preceding sentences make clear that Obama was talking about the importance of government-provided infrastructure and education to the success of private businesses.

Romney also conveniently ignores Obama's clear summary of his message, that "the point is ... that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

By leaving out the "individual initiative" reference, Romney and his supporters have misled viewers and given a false impression.

For that, we rate the claim False."

Because commenter, skudrunner, cannot grasp the concept that taking words out of context is dishonest and deceitful, I present here words that Mitt Romney ACTUALLY SAID, and they are scandalous!!!!!


  1. Yes, Steve, that, and apparently, today, a sodium filled chicken sandwich.

  2. But Shaw, that came directly from your blog and now you say it isn't what he said. So instead of Romney misquoting Obama you are! I do find that hard to believe coming from you.

    This came from you blog:

    "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

  3. Maybe you really ARE too dense to understand that words taken out of context are not what those words mean.

    You WANT to believe Mr. Obama said that, and no amount of logic or reasoning or truth will dissuade you.

    I can't deal with brick heads.

    Maybe this will help you understand. Every single thing in the video was said by Mitt Romney.

  4. Love your banner of the gymnastic team. They were sensational.

  5. Skud doesn't think, just regurgitates Republiscum talking points, and badly at that.

    And by the way, writing, publishing, selling a (2) book/s IS business experience. And hard work.

    It amazes me that Republiscums think being a community orginizer (helping people help themselves) to better peoples lives, is distasteful, or destroying America.

    That's what they say about a man who spent an early part of his life making other lives better.

    And to say that's not experience for leading a country of 300 million PEOPLE, is more than absurd, it is a lie.

  6. What can I do, Steve. I gave skud a solid example of how words: can be taken out of context Maybe we need to tell skud that:

    Mitt Romney said:

    "We should raise everyone's taxes!"


    "There's nothing unique about America!"

    I think I'll post his words on my side banner.

    Afterall, Mitt actually said:


    Mitt Romney said "There's nothing unique about America!"


  7. Even worse was his "because you're so smart" comment, and the overall sarcastic and populist tone of the speech.

    Your messiah said what he said. Every time he goes off the teleprompter we see the real Barack, and it looks a lot like Hugo Chavez.

    That speech looks even worse when you examine it in context.

    And Shaw, you don't find it the least bit ironic that someone who provides very little analysis or original thinking, instead relying on cutting and pasting, is also accusing other of lazy and low effort thinking?

    ingesting and regurgitating is the laziest and lowest effort at all. It requires no thought whatsoever.

  8. SF, do you know how to comment in any other voice other than condescending?

    Not everyone has the luxury of being able to write long and discursive posts during the summer when family is visiting from all over the country.

    I have had the pleasure of enjoying 3 of my children and their spouses and 6 grandchildren over the past month.

    It would be nice if you learned to hold your sharp tongue once in a while and take into consideration that some people, apparently unlike you, have lives and responsibilities other than blogging.

    In addition to being a liberal basher, you've now taken upon yourself the job of a self-appointed blog critic?

    May I suggest you get over youself?

    Your desperate need to belittle and insult people you know nothing about on subjects that are none of your business is very unattractive.

  9. You accuse me and fellow neanderthal conservatives of shallow thinking and low IQ's, and then you take offense when someone pokes back?

    And I do have a life. I work and I come home to my family. We all just got back from eating at Chick-Fil-A.

    This Obama comment is dripping with contempt for those who have started their own businesses:

    “[L]ook, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

    Watch the YouTube video and see how he says "...because I was just so smart ..."

    It positively reeks of populist pot stirring and a pompous sneering at anyone who dare think themselves smart. Obama's the only smart one!

    Here's my favorite charitable criticism of the speech:

    "You didn't build that," Mr. Obama explained to the nation's entrepreneurs, and has been explaining ever since. He only meant to say we need government as well as private initiative, and who could disagree? This argument is anodyne, dispositive of nothing that is in dispute.

    Yes. So why did he say it? To get the base stirred up against those mean, greedy rich people.

    It's going to be a long, dirty campaign.

  10. Shaw, youy are correct about the calories and sodium content of the Chik Fil A wraps. One of them has 3400mg of sodium!

    However, the charbroiled chicken fruit salad is decent depending on who eats it (see below).

    230 Calories
    6g Fat
    4g Saturated Fat
    0g Trans Fat
    60mg Cholesterol
    450mg Sodium
    23g Carbohydrates
    5g Fiber
    17g Sugar
    22g Protein

    Over all, my personal review of their menu supports my (likely yours too) reasons for almost never eating outside my house and if I travel I always get a place with a kitchen and prepare my own food.

    One thing to remember about sodium; we all process and lose sodium at variable rates. This is important to know because proper electrolyte balance and hydration is essential for health, blood pressure (mine was 104 / 65 yesterday), muscular function, controlling heart arrhythmia, liver and kidney health, etc.

    For those exercising or living in heat and humidity it's essential to know your sweat rate and sodium or electrolyte loss in persperation.

    For example, while exercising at steady effort and in a controlled 80 degrees I lose 32oz of water and over 1500mg of sodium an hour. More if I am in Hawaii in October or werre in your hometown in August. I know another athlete that loses 3000mg of sodium an hour. A client/patient of mine trains in Maryland. She is only 125lbs and loses 750mg of sodium an hour at steady effort and a significant amount just sitting at the beach.

    If you have ever suffered from hyponatremia you know it is a bad experience (cramping, brain freeze, loss of coordination, nausea, diarhhea and in severe cases, death). It's not unheard of to see a runner drown at a marathon from over hydrating and lack of sodium.

    When I ride long on my bike I take 1100mg of sodium and hour in capsule form that includes potassium. I am diligent when it comes to hydration as well. So you can see that a sandwich with lots of salt may be helpful to me (or you) after an extended ride or run or yard work or walk, etc in severe heat. I often seek out miso soup after long training days.

    I burn over 1000 calories an hour, so a 24oz coke might hit the spot on a mid ride pit stop in New York during summer.

    On the other hand, if you have type two diabetes you shouldn't be eating out and should be watching your health like you and I do!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It amazes me that Republiscums think being a community orginizer (helping people help themselves) to better peoples lives, is distasteful, or destroying America.

    Who did he help? Chicago is unarguably poorer, more violent, and worse off than when he arrived there.

  13. KP: Excellent nutrition advice!

    I agree. We very rarely eat out.

    Rule of the Caveman: Eat foods with one ingredient! I remember that one!

    I grill a lot, and I started to do my own spice mixes because all the store-bought stuff has so much sodium and Lord knows what else.

    Plus, mixing your own is so much more rewarding.

  14. Look, Mr. Silverfiddle, a self-appointed scold shouldn't be throwing stones at the president and his perceived "tone" of voice.

    You despise the man; nothing he says will be taken in good faith by you, least of all what the GOP has been taking out of context.

    "You accuse me and fellow neanderthal conservatives of shallow thinking and low IQ's, and then you take offense when someone pokes back?"

    j'accuse?! Moi? No, dearie, I did no such thing to you. You're hallucinating if you believe that or that I called anyone neanderthal.

    Aren't you busy enough at your own blog impressing people with your awesome superiority on all things?

  15. KP,

    I don't eat at fast food restaurants unless it is an absolute necessity, and then I go for the salads and water. Even the salads have been depressingly unattractive. I'll eat them only if I had no other choice.

    I'm a whole food advocate--not to be preachy, but because that was the diet I was raised on, and I still like it.

    I remember running a 10K years ago on a hot humid day on Cape Cod. I foolishly hadn't hydrated enough, and by the end of the run, my skin felt dry, my face was beet red, and my legs were cramping badly. I got water into my system as quickly as possible and when I reached home cooled off with the backyard hose.

    I was much more careful the next time. But it was a scary experience.

  16. "Who did he help? Chicago is unarguably poorer, more violent, and worse off than when he arrived there."

    Don't be foolish. Mr. Obama worked in a particular neighborhood of Chicago, not the whole city and that was 20 years ago.

    Your implying somehow Mr. Obama is to blame for not solving all of Chicago's problems in the few years he worked in a few neighborhoods.


  17. People prepared to vote for Mitt Romney who aren't backing him because it will mean more money for them should reckon with this:

    If it takes about $1 billion and nearly a year's worth of nonstop lying by Romney and his halfhearted supporters to sell him to voters, what does that say about his suitability to lead this country? What does it say about the likelihood his lies won't be restricted to deliberately misleading the uninformed, misinformed, the perpetually disengaged and the hopelessly gullible? Inveterate liars know no limits on who they will lie to and the lies they will tell.

    In short, Romney supporters, you're likely to find out too late he's been lying to you too.

    If I were an Obamaphobic racist and right-wing extremist whose fantasies include drowning the government in a bathtub, I'd be worried sick about the possibility of Romney getting his hands on the levers of power in Washington. Or gettin his hands on the levers of power anywhere else, for that matter. Liars, by definition, are not to be trusted.

  18. So your saying he was a successful community organizer, but that was 20 years ago so it doesn't count. Agree

    What his wonderfullness should have added to his "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." was just because you took a chance, worked 60 to 70 hours a week not drawing a paycheck, risked everything you have and are successful, you don't deserve the rewards. You need to pay more.

    I do agree that everyone should have their taxes raised not just a select few, isn't that discrimination? We need to do what is fair because "it's the right thing to do".

    1. Fair is a completely subjective concept.

      What we need to do is focus on equitable.

      I think we're on the same page essentially .skud.

  19. @Shaw << I remember running a 10K years ago on a hot humid day on Cape Cod. I foolishly hadn't hydrated enough, and by the end of the run, my skin felt dry, my face was beet red, and my legs were cramping badly. I got water into my system as quickly as possible and when I reached home cooled off with the backyard hose. >>

    Classic signs of heat stroke, as opposed to heat exhaustion. With heat stroke we stop perspiring and the body's core temp can rise to 104-106. As your gut told you, it can be life threatening. Once we have heat stroke we can be more succeptible to it again.

    I am with you on the whole foods. Colors colors colors. If it grows out the ground, swims, flies, or runs, I can eat it. If it is packaged or boxed I do not eat it (except non fat yogurt and non fat cottage cheese).

    It's not complicated ...

    It's simple ...

    But it's not easy.

  20. skudrunner wrote: "So your saying he was a successful community organizer, but that was 20 years ago so it doesn't count."

    No. I didn't write that, you did.

    I pointed out to SF that Mr. Obama worked in a section of Chicago over 20 years ago. I didn't write that his work there 20 ago doesn't count. You wrote that, and it's wrong.

    skudrunner wrote: "What his wonderfullness should have added to his 'If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.' was just because you took a chance, worked 60 to 70 hours a week not drawing a paycheck, risked everything you have and are successful, you don't deserve the rewards. You need to pay more."

    But Mr. Obama didn't say any of that, you did. And I'm finished with your dishonest harping on his words that have been taken out of context. You are obviously an angry person who dislikes the president and no matter what evidence anyone shows you, you will not change your mind.

    I have shown you that 3 fact checking organizations call Mr. Romney's use of that out-of-context sentence DISHONEST AND DECEITFUL, and claiming that Mr. Obama referred to businesses as something "you didn't" create IS FALSE yet you continue to come here and obsess on it.

    There is something wrong with someone who continues with that obsession, not Mr. Obama.

  21. KP,

    I like to tell my family this story--I call it "The Mysterious Little Round Green Thingies."

    My parents immigrated to this country from Italy,so my siblings and I were raised on the Mediterranean diet. One strange [to my friends, anyway] custom was to eat spring peas from their shells as an "after supper" treat.

    My mother put a bowl of sugar snap peas--from our garden or the greengrocer--on the table after supper, and we sat around the table grabbing the pods, slitting them open and eating the sweet raw peas inside, while chatting about the day's events.

    When my grammar school friends were invited to dinner, most of them had no idea what the hell we were doing, but joined in, giggling the whole time. They'd seen peas only from cans, and I'd never eaten peas from a can!

    In fact, the only canned foods I remember my mother or nonna using were canned tomatoes for the weekly "gravy."

    After Sunday dinners, my mother and Nonna put a large bowl of fresh fruit and nuts on the table, and that's what we had for our "dessert." On special occasions, that was followed by cannoli and other Italian pasteries.

    Good times.

  22. Obama didn't catch Bin Laden someone else did that.
    Someone else created the military,someone else trained those seal, someone else built those helicopters,someone els planned the strategy.
    Someone else gave you a pen and said "sign here"

  23. And someone put some acid in anonymous@12;12's corn flakes.

  24. you didn't post this and I didn't comment
