Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Many "Two-Faces" of Mitt

Good going, Governor Romeny.

We in Massachusetts thank you for your vision and your courage to be the first in the nation to institute universal health care. 

And thank you for recognizing the help given to you by our great Senator, Ted Kennedy.

Well done.

Stealth Candidate?

"Mitt Romney, one need look no further than what he communicated to Massachusetts voters before becoming a presidential candidate.

Peter Wallsten and Juliet Eilperin highlight this anecdote, for example, from a meeting Romney had nine years ago with abortion-rights advocates.

[A]s the meeting drew to a close, [Romney] offered an intriguing suggestion — that he would rise to national prominence in the Republican Party as a victor in a liberal state and could use his influence to soften the GOP’s hard-line opposition to abortion.

He would be a “good voice in the party” for their cause, and his moderation on the issue would be “widely written about,” he said, according to detailed notes taken by an officer of the group, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts.

“You need someone like me in Washington,” several participants recalled Romney saying that day in September 2002, an apparent reference to his future ambitions.

Romney made similar assurances to activists for gay rights and the environment, according to people familiar with the discussions, both as a candidate for governor and then in the early days of his term.

It’s important to appreciate what, exactly, Romney was saying at the time. His pitch to these center-left advocates was that he, a moderate Republican, could slowly work his way into the national GOP spotlight, and in time become a key player, able to shape the Republican Party’s agenda. And if they supported him, they would help empower Romney to change his party, moving it to the left in the coming years.

As Jon Chait put it, Romney “was promising behind closed doors to act as essentially a sleeper agent within the Republican Party, adopting liberal stances, rising to national prominence, and thereby legitimizing them and transforming the Party from within.”

There are a few key takeaways from a story like this. [One] is that Mitt Romney has such deep character flaws, I don’t think Americans have seen a politician this craven in a very long time.

But wait...

Mitt Romney is like New England weather: If you don't like what he deeply believes wait a minute, he'll change:

Mitt Romney speaking against coal companies that pollute [this was before he flip-flopped, and now says the EPA kills jobs].

"I'm running for office, for Pete's sake!"

From Andrew Sullivan's The Dish:

"I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that. I don’t know how much our contribution is to that, because I know that there have been periods of greater heat and warmth in the past but I believe we contribute to that. And so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing," - Mitt Romney, June 3, 2011.

"My view is that we don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet. And the idea of spending trillions and trillions of dollars to try to reduce CO2 emissions is not the right course for us," - Mitt Romney, October 27.


Four years ago Markos mocked Mitt Romney's 2003 endorsement of Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson's reelection campaign. Why? Because aside from being a liberal Democrat and a Daily Kos diarist, Rocky Anderson was a leading opponent of the Iraq war who went on to support the impeachment of George W. Bush—not exactly the kind of a guy "conservatives" like Mitt Romney are supposed to endorse.

And it turns out that that it wasn't just the Iraq war that made Romney's endorsement of Rocky Anderson such a big surprise. Anderson was also a supporter of gay marriage, a truly progressive position to have taken in 2003—especially in Utah. Here's what The Boston Globe wrote at the time:
As he tries to build up the GOP in Massachusetts, Romney has endorsed a candidate whose politics are far to the left of him and the Republican Party on key social issues. While Romney is pushing for a death penalty, Anderson opposes it. The Massachusetts governor opposes gay marriages, but Anderson supports the idea. Romney supports President Bush on the Iraq war, but Anderson last winter issued a proclamation condemning President Bush's push to wage war.
And Anderson didn't just support gay marriage, he was a big proponent of GLBT rights. He even—gasp—held a fundraiser at a gay night club called Club Naked. Back to The Globe's report:
Anderson used a gay night club, Club Naked, to raise funds for his campaign. The sponsors credited Anderson with Salt Lake City's "wonderful transformation" in accepting diversity and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender lifestyles.
And to top it all off, Anderson went on to write diaries at Daily Kos. So Mitt Romney endorsed a Daily Kos diarist who supported Bush's impeachment, led demonstrations against the Iraq war, disagreed with capital punishment, and supported marriage equality. Sounds pretty good right? Well, yeah ... if you're on the political left. But if you're a right wing Republican who already has doubts about what Mitt Romney really believes (if he believes anything at all) then this kind of story will only make your doubts grow.



  1. So you are making the case that there is not a lot of difference between Mitt and Obama. Both spoke out of both sides of their mouths, promised something to get elected and lied.

    Since Romney is a closet liberal and Obama has proven to be a complete failure, why wouldn't any same liberal vote Romney. At least with Romney you have someone who has accomplishments other that organizing a community for a year or so. I haven't read anything about his success as a community organizer, was he successful?

  2. skudrunner,

    You're a silly person.

    Mr. Obama was a Illinois state senator for 7 years and a US Senator from 2004 until elected POTUS. By November, he will have been President of the US for almost 4 years.

    Mitt Romney? 4 years as a governor.

    "I haven't read anything about his success as a community organizer, was he successful?"

    Yeah. I'd say so. Senator Obama and his team were successful enough to organize a community of American voters to get him elected POTUS.

    Romney failed at his bid for Mass. US Senator, and his last attempt in 2008 to get the GOP presidential nomination.

    Mr. Obama got the presidential nomination on his first try against one of the most powerful political machines in the country--the Clintons.

    And even though he will be the 2012GOP presidential nominee, people still don't like him--Americans like Mr. Obama 2 to 1 against Mr. Romney.

    Reality is a bitch.

    Now go and put your head back in the sand.

  3. Mitt is unique. He is the only republican who is more liberal than Obama.

  4. *Gasp!* A politician that changes his positions! How Shocking!

    And right here in River City!

    Politics runs off of hypocrisy and BS.

  5. "Gasp!* A politician that changes his positions! How Shocking!"

    Mitt may be in a class all by himself on the abortion rights issue, since as a mature grown man, he gave his word "his word" that he would always support a woman's and girl's right to choose.

    Then realized that in order to get the base to vote for him, he'd have to be a bit more fungible on "his word," and say exactly the opposite, giving as his excuse that he's thought more about it and realized he was wrong.

    Yes, he thought more about how he needed to flip-flop to appease the GOP base, and he was "wrong" in not realizing how nutty the GOP base would become on the issue.

    "Those are my principles, and if you don't like them, I have others."

  6. Yes, SF, but...

    from your link:

    Obama Does Well in Rich Electoral Vote States

    Obama's approval rating by state can give a rough indication of how the Electoral College vote might look this fall. Voters' evaluations of how Obama has performed as president will arguably be the most important factor in determining their vote. The ultimate outcome in each state will also be dependent on voter turnout and how voters evaluate Mitt Romney as a potential alternative to Obama as president.

    It is certainly possible that voters' evaluations of Obama in various states could be more positive or less positive on Election Day than they were during January through June of this election year. However, presidents' approval ratings on the national level historically haven't changed much in the final few months before the election.

    The list of states in which Obama had majority approval during the first half of the year includes three of the largest states -- California, New York, and Illinois. This helps boost the combined Electoral College vote of states with majority approval of Obama to a total of 185. All of these states have voted reliably for Democratic presidential candidates in recent elections."

    It's still a long slog to election day, and anything can happen. But your link is encouraging.

  7. it's really amazing to see the goopers grovel for a guy who changes his core values like he changes his socks...and then say all politicians do they don't change core values...and go back on their word...the way romney has...flip-flopper is too nice word for what romney is...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. shaw that was the cowardly worm radical balls...had to use anon after he posted under his blog name...hahahaha...what a

  11. SF said,

    "Politics runs off of hypocrisy and BS."

    Politicians reflect their constituents, BS, hypocrisy and all.

    You are full of hypocrisy and BS, and your candidate reflects your character and two faced beliefs.

    I got news for you, not all politicians are as full of BS and hypocrisy as Romney.

    There has never been such a Flip-Flopper, liar like Romney who has ever run for president.

  12. Shaw,

    I guess if you consider occupying a political office as an accomplishment then BHO has experience.
    I am trying to define his true accomplishments and think I have done a good job.
    1. He has divided the country more than any previous president
    2. He spent almost a trillion dollars to keep unemployment at over 8% for almost four years
    3, He jammed through a healthcare plan that the majority of citizens didn't want then exempted all bust big business and unions.
    5. He participated in the cover up of the sales of guns that caused a US citizens life.
    6. He redefined wealth as anyone earning over $250,000 per year and decided they should be hated and punished.
    7. He increased taxes on the middle class to pay for healthcare for the poor.
    8. He gave billions of taxpayers dollars to campaign contributors who either went bankrupt or moved the jobs and money off shore.
    9. He took over two auto companies so he could bribe the unions by giving them half.
    10. He had and autobiography ghost written that will be listed in the fiction section.

    That is just a short list but about sums up his accomplishments.

  13. skudrunner wrote: "Shaw,

    I guess if you consider occupying a political office as an accomplishment then BHO has experience."

    Excuse me? That's EXACTLY all the experience Sarah Palin had, and the righties said she had more than Mr. Obama.

    "I am trying to define his true accomplishments and think I have done a good job.

    1. He has divided the country more than any previous president"

    Lie. He has tried to work with the Republicans from day one to the extent that he angered and alienated his own base.

    It was the GOP and the Tea Party that blubbered "I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!" two and a half months after he was inaugurated. THAT'S divisive, and the GOP has done it with the enormous help of Limbaugh--who barked to his audience "I HOPE HE FAILS!" before Mr. Obama even took office, and, then of course, the propaganda arm of the GOP, FAUX NOOZ has been relentless in its misrepresentations and lies about Mr. Obama.

    THAT, skudrunner, is DIVISIVE, and the GOP has contributed mightily and with purpose to it, so that little lazy thinkers can point to the president and blame HIM for the results of the GOP's own work.

    "2. He spent almost a trillion dollars to keep unemployment at over 8% for almost four years"

    Wrong. And you know it. More Lazy Thinking. Correction. NO THINKING.

    "3, He jammed thcrough a healthcare plan that the majority of citizens didn't want then exempted all bust big business and unions.

    The country is now evenly divided over the health care issue. It took time for people to get to understand what was there. And you have to back up that last claim, or it's more lazy-thinking and parroting conservative talking points, which you do all the time.

    "5. He participated in the cover up of the sales of guns that caused a US citizens life."

    This is an outrageous lie. Darrell Issa himself said there is no connection.

    "GOP Report Finds No Connection Between White House And ‘Fast And Furious’ | Despite insistence from GOP leadership that the White House was behind the so-called “Fast and Furious” gunwalking program, a report from House Republicans released Tuesday names five officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as culprits in the misguided effort."


    "6. He redefined wealth as anyone earning over $250,000 per year and decided they should be hated and punished."

    Moronic blather. Give us a link where the president says that.

    "7. He increased taxes on the middle class to pay for healthcare for the poor."


    The rest of the idiocy you wrote isn't worth answering.

    But this is the culmination of your paranoid, undocumented claptrap:

    10. He had and autobiography ghost written that will be listed in the fiction section.

    You are an ill-informed troll who contributes nothing here. In my newest post, I've documented THREE fact-checking groups that unequivocally disproves your insistence that Mr. Obama said to businesses "you didn't make that." That is another lie.

    Only a fool would continue to believe that President Obama or any president would actually say such a thing about American business people.

    Clearly he didn't, and only demented fools would continue to insist he did after it is patently clear he didn't.

    All you have are regurgitated lies, misrepresentations, and Republican emails to use to back up your dislike of Mr. Obama.

    I'm getting tired of having to post links that disproves the crap you leave here.

  14. Shaw

    Excuse me? That's EXACTLY all the experience Sarah Palin had, and the righties said she had more than Mr. Obama.

    We aren't talking about Sarah Palin

    Fails to be a two term president which if he was a republican, the democrats would feel the same way.

    "2. He spent almost a trillion dollars to keep unemployment at over 8% for almost four years"

    Did he spend almost one trillion YES
    Is unemployment above 8% for almost four years YES
    Not lazy thinking just the truth

    "3, He jammed through a healthcare plan that the majority of citizens didn't want then exempted all bust big business and unions.

    A new poll shows that while 56 percent of Americans oppose the law as a whole, most back its key provisions.

    "5. He participated in the cover up of the sales of guns that caused a US citizens life."

    This is an outrageous lie. Darrell Issa himself said there is no connection.

    What you posted was the WH was not involved in the FAF not that they didn't cover it up. Holder should be investigated and BHO stopped it.

    "6. He redefined wealth as anyone earning over $250,000 per year and decided they should be hated and punished."

    So are you saying Obama hasn't defined rich as $250,000 and they should be taxed. You need to catch up.

    "7. He increased taxes on the middle class to pay for healthcare for the poor."

    Are people who do not get healthcare going to be taxed. YES
    Are the middle class and small businesses the ones most likely to not get healthcare ---- YES

    10. He had and autobiography ghost written that will be listed in the fiction section.

    You are an ill-informed troll who contributes nothing here. In my newest post, I've documented THREE fact-checking groups that unequivocally disproves your insistence that Mr. Obama said to businesses "you didn't make that." That is another lie.

    You are the one who posted
    "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

    Guess I need to find a more reliable source.

    Face it, he needs his prompter back because when he says what he feels, trouble.

  15. I'm not interested. You give no links to back up anything. It's all just your skewed gop talking points.
