Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sarah Palin: Mega Star of the GOP Convention in 2008...

Where is she in 2012?

She not only was NOT invited to speak at the GOP convention, she wasn't even invited to attend it.

How far the once idolized darling who electrified the GOP four years ago has fallen.  She's been reduced to starring in cheesy cable reality shows, having books ghost-written for her, watching her children make fools of themselves proving they can't dance or do much of anything else, and nipping, like a pesky chihuahua, from her facebook page, at the heels of real politicians.  Oh, and she's got a gig at FAUX NOOZ, where even her bosses don't like her

We knew what the "Pit Bull With Lipstick" was about the moment she opened her mouth and the minute she couldn't answer what she called a "gotcha!" question by Katie Couric:  "Which newspapers and magazines do you read?"

Her interview with Charlie Gibson was a train wreck, and she failed to distinguish herself in the vice presidential debate, unless you believe that flirting and winking is evidence of a deep understanding of domestic and foreign policy.

She is the only candidate for vice president in recent history to NOT appear on the Sunday morning talk shows.  Those are unscripted shows where she would have had to rely on her knowledge to answer difficult questions.  She never showed on any of those panels because her handlers knew she would have made a fool of herself as well as them.

John McCain deserves the blame for foisting this woman on the American people and for putting an unprepared, intellectually lazy, attention and vendetta-seeking mean girl one heart beat away from the presidency.  Incredibly, despite evidence to the contrary, he still maintains it was a great choice and that Palin was a star. 

But that was then, and this is now.  Palin's lost her "star" quality in four short years--to the point where the party that encouraged her apotheosis is now shunning her during its most important quadrenniel dog and pony show. She is the GOP's persona non grata extraordinaire.   Her most ardent fans blame the media for "destroying" her, but the truth is that she is a deeply flawed person who has no idea of the qualities one needs to lead.  She had a real opportunity to show us the right stuff, and instead she stuffed her pockets, which apparently was her only goal after she quit her governorship half way through it.

We knew she was a fake then, and she's where she is today because of her own inadequacies. No one else delivered her own political self-destruction.

The important take-away from the review of Palin's downward career spiral is this:

The leading lights of the Republican Party and its followers were all disasterously WRONG about Palin and what she would accomplish.  Horribly wrong.  How many times do we have to remind them of how awful their judgement was about this woman?

Think about their very flawed, very, very bad judgement of character in politicians as the Republican Convention plays out next week.

PS.  Good-bye Sarah, and thanks for all the dish.

Here are some of the hilariously WRONG perceptions the starry-eyed dreamers on the right had about Sarah the Charlatan:

"What she's done in Alaska is what we would hope to do in Washington."
-- Lindsay Graham, U.S. senator (R-SC)


(Sarah Palin) "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States."
-- Mike Huckabee, former governor (R-AR)

"She's got foreign policy experience because you can see Russia from part of Alaska."
-- John McCain, U.S. senator (R-AZ), Republican nominee for president

"She could not be a better vice-presidential pick."
-- Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List, that works to elect women opposing abortion rights

"She is a courageous, successful reformer, who is not afraid to take on the establishment. She has run a municipality and she has run a state."
-- Fred Thompson, former U.S.senator (R-TN)

Oh, yeah.  Remember him.  He was going to get the nomination!  He's selling insurance on teevee now.

"She's a real person and she has handled real problems."
-- Pete Dominici, United States senator (R-NM)

Rachel Maddow gets it perfectly correct with this timely observation of Sarah Palin:


  1. .

    ! Let us all support the RepublicanT Party.

    Ema Nymton

  2. My hat has always been off to Mrs. Palin. She saw an opportunity where she could make more money doing speeches that don't make any sense, or starring in scripted reality shows that no one watches, or giving biased and uninformed opinions on news shows that would always take her side than she could ever make as mayor of town less populated than the street where I live or as Governor of a State that was about to throw her and her husband in jail. She caught the ball and ran with it...all the way to the bank. I have nothing but respect for her. She's like the Tony Soprano of Wasilla, stuff will happen but in the end she comes out on top.

  3. That's what is known as a back-handed compliment.

    Quite perceptive, nonetheless.

  4. Rowr! Some real sour grapes there...

    You should change your avatar back to the blue thing (I liked it, it made me think of the Fauves). The avitar you have now looks like a wad of chewing gum.

  5. Oh, and on this subject. I don't think Palin is a ditz, but I also never thought she was qualified to be president, and I said so, almost getting banned from Free Republic for offending their tender sensibilities.

    Sara's value was in driving the loony left to even loonier and more hilarious heights.

    Having said that, I am glad she is not speaking at the convention. This is a serious election.

  6. This post content matters how? Is it just another opportunity for catty self indulgence in trashing a women who has managed to become wealthy doing nothing of real significance.

    You are right that she is not taken serious by serious people. Perhaps it would be more effective to just ignore her, then just maybe her irritating broken record voice and shallowness will finally go home to Wasilla to stay.

  7. Your critique of my sculpture is duly noted and ignored.

    Your judgement on Palin fits with your judgement on most other things.

    Driving the looney left to hilarious heights?

    We predicted what her career trajectory would be, and it happened.

    A political lightweight and has-been is hardly the type to drive anyone, who isn't a delusional type, looney.

  8. The above comment is directed at Silverfiddle.

  9. The GOP won't even let her in the parking lot, let alone show off anything.

  10. RN: "This post content matters how?"

    It is a mistake to ignore history. We also have Palin to thank (blame) for all the neo-Neanderthals convening in Tampa as well as the ones who visit here.

  11. RN: "This post content matters how?"

    You obviously didn't read the end of it. The point of it was that the Teapublicans believed Sarah Palin was going to be the best thing that happened to the GOP and this country, and eventually, she would run for president and WIN!

    Remember how the Teapublicans kept telling us how "scared" we were of her? Ha!

    The point of the post is to show how appallingly wrong their judgement is, and that the GOP is the party that encouraged that woman to believe in her unfounded fantasies.

    How can anyone trust the GOP judgement on other candidates?

    RN: "Is it just another opportunity for catty self indulgence in trashing a women who has managed to become wealthy doing nothing of real significance."

    So it's "catty self indulgence" when a woman criticizes a politician but not when YOU do it day after day after day.

    Typical male self-conceit.

    Get over it RN. I'm a woman and have opinions that are as strong as yours. Sadly, you're not the only one who has a problem with that.

    At least you don't troll my blog and make up fake PE and Shaw Kenawe blogs to vent your frustrations with someone who writes what is important to her.

    RN: "You are right that she is not taken serious by serious people. Perhaps it would be more effective to just ignore her, then just maybe her irritating broken record voice and shallowness will finally go home to Wasilla to stay."

    Thanks for the unsolicited advice.

    How about we make a deal: I don't tell you what subjects you should cover in your blog posts and you do the same. 'mkay?

  12. "You should change your avatar back to the blue thing (I liked it, it made me think of the Fauves). The avitar you have now looks like a wad of chewing gum."

    This from a guy who uses a stupid cartoon character as his avatar!

  13. Jerry and Leslie,

    Both SF and RN missed the entire point of this post:

    The astonishing lack of judgement conservatives showed in encouraging Sarah the Charlatan.

    RN calls the fact that I reviewed what happened 4 years ago being "catty."

    I wonder if he thinks it "catty" when people, say, like Silverfiddle and Free Thinke write their rants and screeds trashing Mr. Obama.

    I'm betting good money he would never characterize men in that way, but is perfectly comfortable to do it to me.

    "Catty" is sooooo 1950s sexist language, RN.

  14. If we are fortunate, no one will care about Ryan four years from now either. He will be Palinized!

  15. shaw...what you said to silverfizzle hit the nail on the head...he and his party continue to support cretins, charlatans, and randians...his judgement on anything is about as reliable as the judgement of a ten year old playground bully...

  16. Well Shaw it is clear you're over sensitive today. Nonetheless I stand by my statements, all of them.

    I have no problem stating my opinions that differ from SF or any other individual. Just ask them.

    I actually prefer strong, intelligent women with strong opinions. Ask Mrs. RN if you like, perhaps it is why we've been together for 27 years. The first lasted less than 10.

    Do have a good day Ms. Shaw.

  17. RN, go back and read my comments.

    I said nothing about your opinions differing from SF's opinions.

    My point is that you characterized my blog post as "catty" because it criticizes Sarah Palin (BTW, you missed the entire point of the post).

    I wrote that you do not characterize Silverfiddle's or Free Thinke's screeds and rants against Obama as "catty."

    Is there a reason why you had to label my post in such a way while never doing so to your pals on the right?

    THAT was the point of my comment.

    And you didn't address it.

    1. Your over sensitivity is telling Shaw.. I merely used an admittedly dated term. If you were offended accept my acknowledgement of hor concern.

      I criticize in my way, You so so in yours. It has been said people who love in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. It has also been said if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

      BTW, I'm still waiting.

  18. On tables?

    We could characterize RN as being overly defensive.

    1. As expected you dance around the issue.

      I have Nothing to be defensive about.

      But of course I would fully expect the defensive progressive mentally to not see that. It doesn't fit you're collectivist narrative.

  19. i love the smell of trolless comments in the afternoon...good going...getting rid of that trash...

  20. RN wrote posts praising Palin and how good she was for the party. So much for consistent, honorable, convictions, or the brains to judge good character, or political talent.
    Palin has no honor either. She quit being Governor, decided not to run in lieu of making millions selling a trash book and doing trash TV shows. There's conviction for you, the conviction of selling yourself for the highest dollar, like a prostitute.
    SF's avatar fits him perfectly.

  21. Ewwww. How condescending RN is becoming. Or, maybe he's just getting worse.

  22. RN: "But of course I would fully expect the defensive progressive mentally to not see that. It doesn't fit you're collectivist narrative."

    Really, RN. This is tiresome.

    Talk about dancing around an issue.

    You've been doing the hokey-pokey in explaining why my criticisms of Palin earn a "catty" characterization from you, but no "catty" characterization when you buds SF and others criticize Obama or Pelosi or anyone.

    Yes, I picked up on it because you--who keeps telling everyone who will listen--are not partisan, yet almost all of your comments belie that claim.

    My blog post is about rotten judgement on the part of the majority of conservatives who believed Sarah Palin was qualified to be the President of the United States.

  23. You are absolutely correct about one thing Shaw; it is becoming exceedingly tiring.

    Just as it always does when pure collectivist partisanship is the only order of the day. Same applies to when pure socon and neo conservative fascism is the only order of the day.

    On to more compelling issues than Sarah Palin and your over negativity sensitivity to all things not progressive.

  24. "Shaw, I have a question about your avitar, is that a nose with a wart..."


    You must have seen a reflection of yourself on your pc screen.

  25. She must be important; she is a
    FoxNews talking head...and she completed almost half a term as
    governor. (to be "fair and balanced")

  26. Either it's a wart Shaw or a blemish in the reproduction of the picture when you uploaded it.

    O like to old Avatar better as well.

  27. skudrunner,

    I didn't post your last screed you left because it had nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this post.

    You continue to come here and repeat the same unsubstantiated lies about President Obama--even when the subject post is not about him.

    This post is about Sarah the Charlatan, her failed political career, and the rotten judgement of those conservatives who believed she was qualified to be vice president and president.

  28. Palin's political career, especially her stint as V.P. nominee, should by itself tell the voting public all they need to know about what complete disinterest and disdain Republican politicians, party leaders and sugar daddies at the highest level have for governing in the public interest. Of course, there was never any hope for that epiphany. People who didn't get it after George W. Bush's eight years of outrageous misleadership are incapable of getting it. Politically speaking, they're like 5-year-olds playing with loaded .38 revolvers.

    Governing responsibly and picking a No. 2 capable of stepping up at any time to do that didn't matter to John McCain and his handlers. McCain knew his campaign had become one long series of embarrassments and that his election prospects were nil. He hoped to turn all that around with a showbiz move that would change everything. He could've made a responsible bid for the women's vote by picking either of Maine's senators, both qualified, or Texas' Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson. He wanted the GOP equivalent of a Playmate of the Month; someone who'd have dessicated old gomers swallowing their false teeth and daydreaming about having sexy Sarah sit on their lap, or better, give them a lap dance.

    Palin's interest in governing, as you point out in your post, can be easily measured in how and for how long she bothered with governing after voters gave her their trust and their votes. Governing is not like campaigning for office. There's a lot of nitty-gritty, boring details to learn about many subjects. There are long, tedious meetings with people going back and forth about things that aren't fun or fascinating. It takes grit and self-discipline just to make sense of the nuts and bolts of a budget.

    Palin lacks grit, self-discipline and any sense of responsibility to those who pay her way, much less trust her with position and power. She couldn't even sustain her responsibility to people good enough to buy her ghost-written book when her publisher sent her on a book tour. More than once she cut signings out and walked out early, without apology or explanation. The store good enough to host her appearance and the people who turned out to meet her and ask for her autograph meant nothing to her.

    Palin is simply a hustler, selfish and self-possessed to the core. She's not lacking in the raw material of intelligence, but as you said, Shaw, she's intellectually incurious and lazy, much like George W. Bush. Also like him, she's got the moral compass of a Ken Lay or Jack Abramoff.

  29. Even the republicans are not interesting in listening to,her.

  30. Unleashing Sarah Palin on the American people will likely and sadly be John McCain's most lasting legacy. Like Curious alluded to, Sarah took the money and run. As intellectually lightweight as I think she is, her staunch supporters are even worse. There are still some misguided fools who think she could have defeated President Obama in the 2012 election.

    When I think of the many differences between liberals and conservatives, one that comes to mind is the career of former Democratic nominee for U.S. Senator Alvin Greene. After his disastrous interviews with the likes of Keith Olbermann and Lawrence O'Donnell, Greene deservedly faded into obscurity. Had Greene been a Republican, the right-wing probably would have turned him into Sarah Palin 2.0.

  31. The republican right wing crazies love Palin because they see her as "one of them". I don't want my president to be "one of me". I want him to be better. I want a leader, not a friend or a drinking buddy.
