Saturday, August 25, 2012

Republican Convention Going Full Birther

No US president, in the history of this nation, has ever had his citizenship questioned for as long as Mr. Obama has--even when incontrovertible proof of it was established.

No US president, in the history of this nation was ever mocked by leaders of the opposition, as well as members of Congress, over the question of his birth.

And no other president in the history of this nation was bi-racial.

To continue to ignore and dismiss the relationship between the persistant questioning and mocking of President Obama's citizenship and that he is bi-racial is to ignore what is in front of your nose.

Romney, who in his ignorance because of his white privileged and elitist background, has no understanding whatsoever about how his careless and nasty "joke" [nudge, nudge, wink, wink] reinforced the suspicions that the GOP has kept going about Mr. Obama being "the other," "the foreigner," and "the you-know-what" in the White House.

And now comes the news that the Republican leadership intends to keep Birtherism going by inviting these personalities to speak at its convention.

Keeping the Birtherism lie alive, the GOP proudly presents:

1. Donald Trump. The famed billionaire/birther king Donald Trump has been the most vociferous — and most closely connected to Romney — person alleging that the President wasn’t born in the United States.

2. Actress Janine Turner. The Northern Exposure star who has her own conservative radio show wrote a long screed titled “Reasoning ‘Kenyan Born.’” In it, she complains that anyone who questions the president’s citizenship is deemed a racist: “If this were a legal case in court, [Obama's] book bio stating that Obama was ‘born in Kenya’ would be taken into consideration.”

3. Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens. During a town hall captured on video (at 3:5), Olens said, “You know the state of Hawaii says he’s produced a certified birth certificate… so on one hand I have to trust the state of Hawaii follows the laws. On the other hand it would be nice for the President to say, here it is, I have a copy.”

4. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. On one radio appearance during Huckabee’s bid for president, the former governor said, “I would love to know more [about where Obama was born]. What I know is troubling enough.” He later walked back the statement.

5. Florida Gov. Rick Scott. In 2010, the Orlando Sentinel reported than an audience member at one of Scott’s campaign events asked “what he would do about President Obama’s ‘birth certificate’ and whether he could legally appear on the 2012 ballot in Florida.” Scott responded, “I’ll have to look into it.”
6. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA). The Vice-Chairman of the House Republican Conference once told reporters “Oh, I’d like to see the documents.”

7. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Jindal was willing to sign a “birther” bill into law. It would have required all presidential candidates to release their birth certificate in order to qualify for a spot on the state’s ballot. 

h/t Huffington Post


  1. Good grief, are they really going to have Donald Trump as a speaker? The man whose picture should appear next to the word "vulgar" in every dictionary? The man who made a speech addressing the nation of China as "you motherfuckers"? The man who wears a mutant tribble on his head? I actually didn't know he was into the birth-certificate stuff too, but it's all of a piece.

    This convention is going to be an absolute circus.

    Notice none of the people you quote actually came right out and said "I don't believe he was born in the US". They all just want to "raise the question". They know this is bullshit, but they want to let the dog whistles out.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thersites has left a new comment on your post "Republican Convention Going Full Birther":

    Will someone please pay attention to me?! Please!

    Posted by Thersites to Progressive Eruptions at August 25, 2012 11:06 AM

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  5. Thersites has left a new comment on your post "Republican Convention Going Full Birther":

    Will someone please pay attention to me?! Please!

    Posted by Thersites to Progressive Eruptions at August 25, 2012 11:06 AM

  6. Stanley Kowalski has left a new comment on your post "Republican Convention Going Full Birther":

    Will someone please pay attention to me?! Please?

    Posted by Stanley Kowalski to Progressive Eruptions at August 25, 2012 11:44 AM

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. pShaw Kanoweenies has left a new comment on your post "Republican Convention Going Full Birther":

    Will somone please, please pay attention to me? Please?

    Posted by pShaw Kanoweenies to Progressive Eruptions at August 25, 2012 12:20 PM

  9. Shaw, you have attracted a school of trolls (or one with many handles if you will) and I suggest you stay with comment moderation for the foreseeable future.

    Otherwise you'll be spending your time deleting the disruptive drivel forever and a day. mentalities like these, be they conservative of progressive enjoy the attention while providing absolutely nothing of substance.

    I know first hand and it is why comment moderation remains on at RN USA. With almost 300 pieces of spam, many from trolls, it is easier to leave comment moderation on.

    Your readership won't mind waiting a bit to see their comment posted.

  10. .

    Please! Yes!

    Say what you want, the RepublicanT Party knows how to put on a show. They want to fight the 2008 campaign over again, let them.

    Why should women voters vote for OMitt?

    Why should Hispanic voters vote for OMitt?

    Why should USA tax paying voters vote for OMitt?

    Go ahead, tell me again that a vote for OMitt is a vote for someone who believes in USA (but banks overseas).

    Ema Nymton

  11. I agree. Either stay in comment moderation mode or follow the laws of kashrut.

  12. Shaw, just in case you're not aware of this, if you click on the garbage-can icon at the end of a comment and then click the box that says "Remove forever -- it can't be undone", then click "delete comment", the comment completely vanishes. You won't have all this clutter with "Comment deleted / This comment has been removed by a blog administrator" over and over. Much neater.

  13. Thanks, Infidel753.

    I have done that in the past. The reason I didn't completely delete the trolls for those few comments is so that my other commenters can see how persistent and brainsick they have become.

    In fact, the troll[s] have copied my avatar and put up two separate blogs mimicking me and Progressive Eruptions.

    It is an interesting insight into the demented minds of the extremists on the right. It appears that some of their lesser-evolved members become so unhinged when a woman has the audacity to express her opinions on her own blog, or in the comment sections of other blogs, that their only way to handle their extreme anxiety is to go after that woman by expending time and effort in creating "shadow" blogs in order to put me in my place.

    What they're basically doing is making little voodoo dolls of my blog and sticking pins in them, hoping this will discourage me.

    I find it hilarious, and somewhat flattering.

    I've enraged their barely functioning minds to the point where they had to take the time to do this.

    It's all of a piece of how the extremist rightwing mind works, vis-a-vis women.

    They've proved my point, and anyone else who understands that essentially, male conservatives of the extreme type are afraid of women.

  14. The fake blog is a bit strange. In general trolling blogs hurts the troll most of all. Our word is the power we have to create. What we feel and what we really are will be shaped by our word and the language we use. Our choices influence all events in our lives. Quantum physics tells us that our emotions are chemical and electrical responses to stimuli. The chemistry is felt in our bodies and the electricity experienced in neurological pathways. The pathways most often stimulated in a neural net become hard wired over time. Repeated emotional chemical stimulation in our bodies dulls our cellular experience of these emotions. In order to generate the same physiological effects, we need more extreme and more frequent cellular dosing. In this respect, the pleasure one gets from trolling is an addiction.

  15. KP,

    The multiple-personality trolls have set up 3 (so far as I know) fake Progressive Eruptions/Shaw Kenawe blogs.

    As nearly as I can determine--from comments over at Free Thinke's place, the troll is enraged that I published his trolling comments with the remarks "Please pay attention to me. Please?" written in place of his trolling comments, some of which were sexually suggestive--naturally, when these types go after women, it's always about sex--after I copied and pasted them.

    The enormity of this troll's chutzpah is rather hilarious.

    He/they has/have been annoying me at MY blog for almost a month now, and when I take defensive action against him/them/it, they become all huffy and indignant.

    They've stolen my avatar [which I've changed], and I've gone to comment moderation, and the troll is whining about what I did to him?

    A troll really is a study in someone who's psychologically unhinged--at least the one/ones who come to my blog.

    In a way, as I've said, they're flattering me.

    My work must be effective and must have set them on their teeth.

    In their sad little lives, the only way they can counter what I write is by setting up fake blogs.


  16. BTW, KP, my new avatar is a photo of my first stone carving I did in soapstone in the early 1980s.

    "Native American Woman"

  17. "Native American Woman"

    That is very cool. In fact, amazing. It would be enjoyable if you would rotate some of your other works into your avatar occasionally (say, monthly). As well, when the photo is selected if it would become significantly enlarged. Nice work!

  18. Shaw, as you know I've been otherwise occupied with my son so haven't been blogging a lot, however, I did pop over at Les's place which took me to Free Thinkie's and voila! What did I see? A blogger called you a "maroon"! Now WHERE have I seen THAT before? Hmmm...seems the fake blogger is at it again, yes? And he has even more fake names! My goodness how does he find the time to follow you all over the internet during a campaign no less? One would think he would be out helping the Republican cause! Maybe he has a crush on you!

  19. Hi Pam,

    I will be in touch. I knew you were occupied with the ordeal you and your family's been through.

    Let me know if it's okay to call now that things are under control.

    I've been thinking of you and your son.

    And yes, apparently Ralphie is back to his obsession.

    I've had a troll infestation and the troll is whining about my blocking his comments.

    He is a bit touched, so I hesitate to say much more.

    The poor benighted soul.

    Imagine a life so sad, lonely, and insignificant that he has to chase a blogger around the internet and then go blubbering to other bloggers because I defended myself.

    Get in touch via fb and let me know when it's okay to talk.

    KP, I did another native american portrait in bronze, but the original is in Italy.

    All I have is a photo of it.

    I'm glad you like the stone carving. She's one of my favorites.

  20. Congratulations, Shaw. You seem to have seriously tweaked someone. Truth does that. Since they can't refute what you say, they try to refute you, the person.

  21. The sick joke implies that he is a racist birther just jabbing at what he thinks is a fact.

  22. Jerry,

    The one particularly annoying brainless gnat has tried to post spam here at PE approx 30 times in less than a month.

    And now he's running around to his fellow conservative blogs complaining that PE isn't nice to him.

    These trolls have set up 3 (as far as I know) fake Shaw Kenawe/Progressive Eruptions blogs. One of them is bashing Jews.

    I don't get it.

    But I do get that these little crybabies are essentially impotent little bullies who get off annoying people they can't argue with.

    You're correct. I've ticked them off royally and this is their only way to retaliate.


  23. Anonymous Reader of TeaPublican BlogsJune 30, 2015 at 3:26 PM

    Thersites and his sockpuppet FJ still raging over a blog war from 3 years ago? What small, brutish, cramped and stupid lives they must live. This happened three years ago and rage is still burning their asses.

    Good for you Shaw for pissing those assholes off as much as you have! They're losing their grip.

  24. Thersites is still butthurt today, 5 and a half years later. On 1/2/2018 he wrote (on WYD)...

    Thersites: "There are four examples of impersonation at the link you provided (not one). She then makes the accusation that my posts were "sexually suggestive", when it was her FAKE post pretending to be Thersites sexually playing with himself and that she subsequently DELETED (too embarrassed by her own obscenity to let it stand) that set off the retaliatory tirade. Ask her".
