Friday, August 24, 2012

WILLARD ROMNEY: Classless AND a Birther!

Oh it's just his little coded way of reminding all those folks of that "blah" guy who's living in the White House.

"Maybe this will get chalked up to Romney’s awkwardness and get dismissed, but it looks to me like a major mistake. Coming just after days spent debating Todd Akin’s "legitimate rape" remark, this is again a reminder of the extreme voices in the GOP, which Romney has at times been slow to denounce. And it seems less than presidential, to put it mildly. The fact that uncomfortably large numbers still believe Obama has perpetrated an elaborate plot to fake his birthplace and ascend to the presidency illegitimately is a pretty damn big deal. "  --Greg Sargent

Can someone explain how Romney's birth certificate comments qualify as a "joke"? Crowd doesn't laugh, they cheer.

No, Willard, no one's asked to see your birth certificate, but the American people (63% pg.12) have asked to see your income tax returns. 

And you're ignoring them.

President Obama released 12 years of tax returns. You've released one.

What are you hiding, Willard?


  1. No wonder Mitt's kids joke about this... like father, like son...

  2. Maybe the following would clear things up for Mittens. I happened to run across this at a site I visited today on the net.

  3. Les... no one was talking about Mitt being a racist... a birther yes, a racist no...

    How is your link to a site about racism and criticism of Obama being racist germane to this post?

    Shaw, posited no such idea in her post and yet you, a conservative, a member of a group that frequently decries racism being brought into posts, did just that...

  4. A birther is a racist

  5. Hey Republicans, can you all try to space out the gaffes a bit better? We're not even finished talking about Akin and the Republican platform yet, and now this comes along.

    Can someone explain how Romney's birth certificate comments qualify as a "joke"? Crowd doesn't laugh, they cheer.

    Not a joke. A dog whistle. Trouble is, Romney's just at clumsy at doing those as he is at telling jokes.

  6. Romney graduated with honors from the Biden School of Gaffes methinks!

  7. @ Dave Miller who said... "you, a conservative, a member of a group that frequently decries racism being brought into posts,.."

    1) I decry racism as being immoral sub human.
    2) Progressive implied racism is not necessarily (actual) racism.
    3) A birther is indeed a racist with respect to President Obama.
    4) It is not certain Romney is a birther and therefore a racist.
    5) It could be inferred that Shaw was doing just that.

    Finally Dave, I am a fiscal conservative and a social Libertarian.

    I'll leave i up to the jury to ascertain exactly wha that means.

  8. No US president, in the history of this nation, ever had his citizenship questioned for as long as Mr. Obama has--even when incontrovertible proof of it was established.

    No US president, in the history of this nation was every mocked by leaders of the opposition as well as members of Congress--over the question of his birth.

    And no other president in the history of this nation was bi-racial.

    To continue to ignore and dismiss the relationship between the persistant questioning and mocking of President Obama's citizenship and that he is bi-racial is to ignore what is in front of your nose.

    Romney, who in his ignorance because of his white privileged and elitist background, has no understanding whatsoever about how his careless and nasty "joke" [nudge, nudge, wink, wink] reinforced the meme that the GOP has kept going about Mr. Obama being "the other," "the foreigner," and "the you-know-what" in the White House.

  9. Hitler boy defining racism, now there's a good laugh

  10. Willard rommeys birther comment is so typical of the party of fools called republicans! Obama's been president for 4 yrs now why keep talking about this non issue birther nonsense??? It's because many republicans are bigots and racist!! The republican party isn't 89% caucasian by accident!!
