Monday, September 3, 2012


 This is so hilariously true.


  1. Maher nails it.

    The GOP runs away from their shining stars of only 3 1/2 years ago.

    They loved GWB's ass, and Cheney was their tough-guy hero.

    And the pit bull with lipstick?

    The GOP abandoned their bright lights like they were lepers.

    Not one single mention of the man who was president for 8 full years.

    Imagine that?

    BTW, Bill Clinton will be speaking at the Democrats' convention.

    We understand all presidents are flawed. But unlike the Republicans, we don't pretend they never existed.

  2. .

    As a member of the choir, I have heard this before and agree with the sermon. This, though, is only a part of the problem and not a solution.

    The Democratic Party is capable of defeating the propaganda efforts of Murdoch Media/Fox Networks and the RepublicanT Party. Mr Obama has been quite good at keeping the MM/FN GOP on the defensive. Now Team Obama must drive home the reasons why the voters should vote for the President for a second term.

    Why should I vote for Mr Obama?

    Ema Nymton

  3. To not put the country in the hands of Romney and a Republican majority House.
