Monday, September 3, 2012

For Progressive Eruptions' Trolls

Thank you Infidel753


  1. Cristina is such a gem, isn't she?

    She's got your pests down cold, even though they'll never admit it.

  2. I had no idea she was reading my blog! LOL!

  3. Sounds mucho grande like some hipster libbies i've run across.

  4. .

    Good video. On this blog though for every losing hater, there are many more positive supporters. The best solution is for the moderator simply delete any all entries made by the troll. It does not take any time 'not to read' and entry.

    Ema Nymton

  5. I don't know who Christina is, but she's smart, and she's got this strain of sociopathy down pat. Good video. Unfortunately, I'm sure some who might learn from it will reject it out of hand, if they even bother to watch.

  6. SWA: Cristina Rad is a prominent atheist YouTuber; she has a blog. She's from Romania originally.
