Saturday, September 28, 2013

Give 'em hell, Barry!

President Obama to the kamikaze maniacs in the GOP:

“Nobody gets to threaten the full faith and credit of the United States just to extract some political concessions.” 

 “That is not how our constitutional system is designed. We’re not going to do it.” 

The president’s message to House Republicans:

“Do not shut down the government. Do not shutdown our economy. Pass a budget. Pay our bills on time.” 

The president added: 

“Do not threaten to burn the house down because you haven’t gotten 100% of what you want.”


  1. Yikes. Wouldn't mess with the guy if I were them.

  2. A farcical poseur is all our Barry is and a master of mendacity as well.

    The Greeks knew and understood him well:

    "The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs. When he first appears, he is a Protector . . . In the early days of his power he is full of smiles. . . When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies . . . and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader. . . Has he not also another object . . . that they may be impoverished by taxes and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and [be] therefore less likely to conspire against him?"

    ~ Plato (427-347 B. C.)

    "Democracies are most commonly corrupted by the insolence of demagogues."

    ~ Aristotle (382- 322 B. C.)

    Remember too these words of Abraham Lincoln:

    "You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

    Barry, dear boy, you have never fooled ME for an instant.

    The Secret Sharer

  3. anon...first...get a name and quit hiding....and
    "The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs" That seems most approps of Ted Cruz. His vile and rank appeal to fear...his 'my way or the highway' rhetoric.... trying to call Obama a 'tyrant' is blatantly ridiculous....but then, Anon, you seem to fit the Lincoln quote of 'fool"

  4. Anon, and the other extremist cons, who claim that our duly elected president, Mr. Obama, is a tyrant, are obviously extremists and part of the kamikaze maniacs.

    If Mr. Obama were truly a "tyrant," the Anon@12:55 PM--and the bat-shyte cray crays who are holding this country hostage to their demands--if it were true, Mr. Obama would have sent his secret police to round them up, torture them, then disappear them forever. And the likes of Ted Cruz would never have advanced as far as he has in the GOP. That what tyrants do--they wipe out their opposition.

    No sane person calls President Obama a tyrant. And those who do so should be shunned and pitied for their complete disconnect from reality. That's what happens when people are driven by hatred, fear, and blind partisanship.

    So sad.

  5. "Democracies are most commonly corrupted by the insolence of demagogues."

    That perfectly describes Ted Cruz and his ilk.

  6. "anon...first...get a name and quit hiding...."

    Yeah, right. Like you're really a cartoon character with the name okjimm!

  7. "Murder will out"

    - Geoffrey Chaucer from Canterbury Tales

    What might that mean?

    It means that no amount of propaganda, shrieking, and roaring on the streets, sly whispers in the parlor, erudite calumny, maniacally tendentious rhetoric from partisan bigots, or ruthless oppression from establish power can defeat the truth in the long run.

    It may take a long while, but the truth, whatever it may be, always triumphs over falsehood.

    I am not "Anonymous," I am:

    The Secret Sharer

  8. Well why didn't you say so in the first place?

    I still stand by my claim that only extremists say or imply that Mr. Obama is a tyrant.

    He is not. And you know so!

  9. There have been 2 elections and a Supreme Court ruling that the law (ACA) is constitutional.

    It was litigated in the election in 2012 and it will be the law of the land.

    The only reason the GOP holds the House is through gerrymandering districts. Democrats got 1.8 million more votes than the republicans did for the House.

    Republicans are playing with fire with the world economy and relegating to a position of back burner status as an economic power.

    There was discussion around the world the last time we had a hostage situation regarding the debt ceiling about discontinuing the dollar as the world currency.

    If that happens it will have devastating consequences for America. We cannot give in to blackmail and there should be no negotiation on any level of ACA which is law.

  10. My Conservative Vomit September 28, 2013 at 3:40:00 PM EDT

    Shaw Kenawe said...
    ”I still stand by my claim that only extremists say or imply that Mr. Obama is a tyrant.”

    Well then call me an EXTREMIST!

  11. I do enjoy the poll graphic.

    The number critical of the Affordable Care Act because it does not go far enough toward single payer has always been lumped in with the Baggers for some reason.
    I can guess at the reason. Something to do with showing Obama in as negative a light as possible.

  12. Of course he's not a tyrant -- yet. I would maintain, however, that he -- or rather his "handlers" behind the scenes to be more exact -- have distinct long-range ambitions in that direction. In my opinion we are moving closer each day toward a government not of by and for "the people" but towards a dictatorship manned by an elite oligarchy of business tycoons, international bankers and financiers, owners and suppliers of raw materials. These powerful international influences are in effect our true rulers, because they do in fact OWN us.

    That's what I see, Ma'am. Many agree, many more do not.

    These routine exchanges of partisan invective from both right and left in which we indulge every day play right into the hands of "The Oligarchs."

    The Political Punch and Judy Show presented in the enemedia is designed purely to DISTRACT us from the true causes of our greatest woes.

    Centralized, Concentrated POWER is the worst enemy of all human tribes.

    That is why our Founders -- men in whose remarkable intelligence, wisdom and far-sighted Vision I still fervently believe -- created a loosely-FEDERATED REPUBLIC made up of INDEPENDENT states, instead of a pure DEMOCRACY governed entirely from one capital city.

    The idea behind all that was too keep political power DIFFUSE -- to prevent it from being too CONCENTRATED.

    Ever since the early 1900's the move has been AWAY from the Founders' Vision and TOWARDS an all-powerful, ultimately dictatorial Central Government.

    Opponents can say "That's just fine and dandy with us, we LIKE it that way," but I don't think they can deny what has in fact been happening for a very long time.

    The Frankfurt School, I believe, referred to the tactics as "The Long Slow March Through the Culture" calculated to transform from within through a process of relentless ATTRITION.

    Supporters of The Oligarchs may celebrated that as a great victory, and praise it to the skies, but they cannot deny what they've done and keep a straight face.

    I undoubtedly disagree with supporters of The Oligarchs, but I must defend their right to exist -- at least up to the point where they try to deny me MY right to speak out against them.

    Vilifying opposition -- or "demonizing" it as too many would say today -- should be declared unacceptable by all serious-minded people.

    There's too much heat and not enough light these days.

  13. Ducky, wish you were at Haymarket today. Saw two amazing women in colorful African dress, beautiful. One of them was balancing a big plastic bag of bananas on her head while picking through some oranges. How did she DO that?

    I grabbed my iPhone to take a photo, but then thought they would be unhappy to have someone take their picture without their permission.

    You'd have been able to capture it, I'm sure.

    I went late in the day and got myself 18 limes for a buck!

  14. THE INTER-BLOG MESSAGE SERVICE issues a request from FreeThinke:

    My readers and I eagerly anticipate the recipe for Clam Chowdah you offered to share, Ms Shaw.

    Perhaps you'd permit us to feature it as a special Food and Culture Post? 'Twould be pleasant, I'm sure

    After all, all politics all the time can't be good for us.

  15. That is why our Founders -- men in whose remarkable intelligence, wisdom and far-sighted Vision I still fervently believe -- created a loosely-FEDERATED REPUBLIC made up of INDEPENDENT states, instead of a pure DEMOCRACY governed entirely from one capital city.

    Was it designed so that a rump minority cult has the power to suspend government if their hissy fit demands aren't met?

  16. I grabbed my iPhone to take a photo, but then thought they would be unhappy to have someone take their picture without their permission.

    You have to relax and flow with the moment.

    A transvestite told me the fee was $20 bucks after I snapped one the other day.
    Actually a pretty decent fellow, we settled on a buck.

  17. "Was it [our federal system of government by representative republic] designed so that a rump minority cult has the power to suspend government if their hissy fit demands aren't met?"

    Well, Canardo, ol' buddy, it has taken me a long while, but I've finally accepted your inability to phrase thoughts and couch questions in any but the most abrasive, disrespectful style. I see through all that, and know you are much better than you, apparently, want "the audience" to believe. You've been playing this character part so long you've stereotyped yourself. It would be refreshing if you'd do something a little different for a change.

    But to answer your question, ill-phrased though it be, YES. The government envisioned by the Founders was intended to protect the rights of the INDIVIDUAL as much as possible without lapsing into anarchy.

    I'm a little shaky on the history of the filibuster, I doubt it came in at the time of our founding, but I d know that until fairly recently a really determined individual could, indeed, hold up the business of the senate just as long as he could stand up and keep talking. There were NO provisions for "cloture" NO way at all of stopping him, unless he either gave up voluntarily, or collapsed with a stroke, a heart attack, or simply from sheer exhaustion.

    It was a perfectly legal, perfectly constitutional maneuver, and whether you loved or hated the "filibastard" depended entirely on whose ox was being gored -- as it always has and always will.

    The stout defenders of "Minority Rights" are always railing on about the necessity of overcoming "The Tyranny of the Majority." Quite predictably, however, all that ceases when the former minoritarians happen to be IN the majority.

    History is rife with examples of the formerly oppressed becoming oppressors and the formerly abused becoming abusers, etc.

    That's what "revolutions" always seem to do -- i.e. supplant ONE form of tyranny and injustice with another.

    It is MY considered opinion that it is LONG past time that we abandoned that depressing paradigm, and tried something different.

  18. Jihadist TeaPublicansSeptember 29, 2013 at 9:28 AM

    Former Vice President Al Gore branded the GOP's latest ransom note "political terrorism," White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer insisted President Obama would not be "negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest."
    Predictably, that kind of heated language has sent the usual suspects among the conservative commentariat swooning to the fainting couch. But it shouldn't. After all, when it comes to blackmail over raising the debt limit, Republicans including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have been calling Republicans "terrorists" and "hostage takers" for years.

    That didn't stop former Nixon presidential library director turned conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt from coming down with a case of the vapors:

    "The quaint notion of the GOP as suicide bombers shocked me, and I am not easily shocked."
    Of course, Hewitt shouldn't have been shocked. After all, as the new Tea Party-infused Republican House majority first began threatening the previously unthinkable in the spring of 2011, former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill sounded the alarm:

    "The people who are threatening not to pass the debt ceiling are our version of al Qaeda terrorists. Really. They're really putting our whole society at risk by threatening to round up 50 percent of the members of the Congress, who are loony, who would put our credit at risk."

  19. I’ve been having a discussion via e-mail with someone about the Tea Party and conservatives in general, in reference to someone that posted an article written by some newspaper columnist in Asia, entitled The Perils of American Stupidity. In the eyes of the writer the stupid people are only on the right. The article said that after the results of the election, the biggest loser is education since conservatives are anti-intellectual. The article focused on the denial of global warming/climate change and denial of evolution. The writer asserted that conservatives are anti-science. Are conservatives anti-science? Finally, what can we do to defeat people on the left that can only characterize us as a bunch of ignorant buffoons?

  20. "Finally, what can we do to defeat people on the left that can only characterize us as a bunch of ignorant buffoons?"

    Nothing. You can't fix stupid.

  21. conservatives fighting with each other on who's more crazy...glad I put in a good supply of popcorn this weekend...they're screaming past each other...and still not getting what their real problem is...the 21st century has left them behind...

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