Friday, September 27, 2013

GOP to President Obama: If you don't give us EVERYTHING we want, the country gets it!

Nothing surprises me anymore, not even this piece of Republican extortion.  Nothing surprises me anymore from a political party whose elitist leaders--I'm looking at YOU Sen. Cruz and Jim DeMint--believe THEY know better than the American people, who believe it is THEY who have special knowledge of what the American people really, really want.  It is Republican leaders like them who are hoping for nullification of two presidential elections.  And here's proof:  In return for extending the debt ceiling, House Republicans are demanding this, or else

  • A year long delay of Obamacare
  • Rep. Paul Ryan’s tax reform plan 
  • The Keystone XL pipeline, 
  • More offshore oil drilling 
  • More drilling on federally protected lands 
  • Rewriting of ash coal regulations 
  • A suspension of the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to regulate carbon emissions, 
  • More power over the regulatory process in general 
  • Reform of the federal employee retirement program 
  • An overhaul of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations 
  • More power over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s budget 
  • Repeal of the Social Services Block Grant, 
  • More means-testing in Medicare, 
  • Repeal of the Public Health trust fund, and more.

(Why not demand President Obama's resignation while they're at it?)

"Put another way, the House Republicans have taken virtually every single item on their agenda and, if this bill gains the approval of the House GOP Caucus and Republican leadership, are preparing to declare that if the entire agenda of government these past five years is not undone—despite the fact that the very president who shepherded these items into law or regulation was re-elected to office by the American public—the United States will default on its debt obligations."  --Rick Unger, Forbes Magazine

The GOP is no longer a political party; it has become a gang of extortionists and malcontents who won't accept the will of the people. 

80% of Americans DO NOT SUPPORT shutting down the government over the ACA.  

President Obama campaigned in 2007 and 2008, promising to deliver universal health care.  He won over the conservative candidate.  The ACA was passed by Congress and ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States. During the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney promised to repeal the ACA as soon as he was elected.  

Mitt Romney lost.  

The American people voted (TWICE) for the man who brought universal health care to this country.

The GOP has voted to repeal the ACA 40+ times in a wasteful show of stubborn recklessness, and now they're  threatening to bring the country--and the financial world markets--to the brink of chaos, because they can't get their way.

This is not governing; this is harebrained thuggery by a lunatic minority that has taken control of the GOP.

More from Rick Unger:   

"While the Congressional lunatic fringe may have nothing to fear from a default—their districts would, no doubt, continue to send them back to Congress—the loss of the nation’s financial class to the Republican Party would mean the complete destruction of the party for years to come. Why? Because the demographics of the country, and the unwillingness of the Republicans to get out in front of these changes, now virtually assure that the GOP has ceded control of the White House for the foreseeable future. 

That means that their sole hope for power rests in the legislative branch. How long does anyone imagine that the GOP will retain control of either branch of Congress if the money leaves the Republican Party and sits on the sidelines? 

 If a default should occur as a result of a plan by the House Republicans to insure such a result—which is precisely what the Appropriations Committee proposal appears to do—The GOP will no longer be the Grand Old Party but will rather a fringe operation whose members are comprised by a shrinking minority of people who currently identify as members of the Tea Party."

This is what's really driving the extremists in the GOP nuts:

"The money is already moving down the pipeline, and Americans are about to get much cheaper healthcare.

There are bottom lines behind Congress’ latest Obamacare gyrations that are easy to miss as the most desperate Republicans keep threatening to kill the health insurance law by defunding it.

 They can’t stop it from taking effect, just as they haven’t been able to repeal or defund it in every federal budget fight since it passed in 2009—including their latest rants. 

Moreover, there’s billions already in the fiscal pipeline to states to implement the health insurance market reforms, whether or not there’s a federal government shutdown. Thus, their posturing, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest bill for complete defunding and his Tuesday filibuster, needs to be seen as the old cliché it is: a desperate measure for their desperate times. 

 What’s scaring Republicans is that the president’s most significant domestic initiative is about to hit prime time. Starting October 1, it is poised to start delivering on its central promise, which is giving millions of Americans more and cheaper choices to buy health insurance."

"Is there an example in American history of a losing party issuing threats to force the majority party to implement its rejected agenda?"  --Jonathan Chait, via Andrew Sullivan's blog 


  1. Charlie Pierce:

    Jonathan Gruber, MIT economist: "In my experience," he said, "it is totally unprecedented to keep challenging a law that's already been passed. The Republicans know that, once this takes place, they're in big trouble because it's going to work."

    Gruber shares my amusement with the fact that the Republicans are all in favor of those parts of the law that poll really, really well -- the protections for folks with pre-existing conditions, the ability of kids to stay on their parent's insurance until they're 25, and the ban on lifetime caps -- but have announced their unyielding opposition to all the provisions in the law that make those things possible, specifically the individual mandate. This, he reminds us, hearkens back to the golden days of St. Ronnie, who told us we could have a massive tax cut, a massive military spending spree, and no cuts at all in the programs we love because...sparkle ponies!

  2. Shaw, be aware that someone @the conservative blogs is using my ID and avatar. I don't comment at those blogs, so why someone does this is crazy. If you link to my name you will see I started blogging in Aug. 2013 and it says so. The fake George Whyte link has blocked info to his profile.

    If it happens here, check the name first.


  3. "Lib BusterSeptember 27, 2013 at 11:38:00 AM EDT
    By the way, that person "George Whyte" is full of crap, I have seen his post on the progressive sites and he has said EXACTLY what he is denying that he said here.!
    He is a shill for the Witch of the Blogisphere, make NO mistake about that."

    Lib Buster, like most of the trolls at the blog where he posts is a numbskull of the first degree.

    I did not deny anything. I complained about an identity thief who posted under my name.

    Lib Buster is especially thick headed and can't read.

    So much for his "lib busting." More like brain busted.

  4. No. Anonymous. We hit the button because you're a troll. And stupid.

  5. The GOP is no longer a political party"

    very sad...very true. But I do agree with the idea of less government spending on entitlements.....Congressional Penisons....Retirement benefits...Free Health Care fo ex-Congressman, Government paid travel. "fact" finding missions to the Bahamas. When my money started running out... I cut out the small things, magazine subscriptions...a weekly latte... I would like Congress to reform itself....cut useless defense spending out the erroneious Bush Tax breaks for Corporations. I would like them (Congress) to cut their salaries It is time for a new Party.....
    Where is Bob Follette when we need
    him ?,_Sr.

  6. Did you happen to take note that 60% of Americans do not favor Obamacare but according to zprez, it is Fox News fault, what no blame bush.

  7. Where is Bob La Follette?
    His son, another WI senator was defeated by Joe McCarthy in 1946.
    It has been said by some that one of WI's best senators was defeated by one of their was an ugly turn in politics which still
    plagues us.

  8. The LaFollette name is still revered Wisconsin politics. Wish the Nation had someone like him.....or Bill Proxmire. Now all we have is whats-his=face..... Paul 'bite me'Ryan.

    hey... if no one has read it.... and it goes a long way to explaining destructive politics, I highly rcmnd Thomas Frank, 'the wrecki9ng Cres' I have a copy I cannot read any long...but will give it exchange for a beer. or go to Amazon

  9. gees..."The Wrecking Crew" Can't type for shit,either

  10. Anon, among those who say they do not like Obamacare are those who believe the law doesn't go FAR ENOUGH nor DO ENOUGH.

    Also there are folks who don't like Obamacare but like the ACA.

  11. "Opposition to the federal health care law is higher when it's called "Obamacare" than when it's referred to as the "Affordable Care Act," according to findings in a CNBC poll released Thursday.

    Half of the respondents were asked about "Obamacare" and the other half about the Affordable Care Act, the proper name of the 2010 law.

    From CNBC:

    First thing: 30 percent of the public don't know what ACA is, vs. only 12 percent when we asked about Obamacare. More on that later.

    Now for the difference: 29 percent of the public supports Obamacare compared with 22 percent who support ACA. Forty-six percent oppose Obamacare and 37 percent oppose ACA. So putting Obama in the name raises the positives and the negatives. Gender and partisanship are responsible for the differences. Men, independents and Republicans are more negative on Obamacare than ACA. Young people, Democrats, nonwhites and women are more positive on Obamacare.

    Those findings follow a Fox News poll earlier this month that showed something similar: Republicans like the law more when it's called the Affordable Care Act than when it's referred to as Obamacare."

    From Talking Points Memo

    If President Obama's name is attached to the healthe care law, people, especially cons, hate it! If it's just the ACA? Not so much.

    And that says enough about Anon @1:45 so-called poll.

  12. Thanks for pointing out my error. According to your statistics the number who are not in favor of Obamacare is far greater than I stated.

    Maybe if the privileged class, congress, would sign up the American people would have a different view. Talk about an I got mine to hell with you attitude. We must remember that according to Obama the 15% who had no health insurance now have it and the 85% who had it can pay more.

  13. anon...' congress, would sign up ' Congress already gets FREE health Care...courtesy of the government. They also get very genrous pensions....courtesy of the taxpayer. and free postage to tell you what a great job they are doing.

  14. Anon, once the ACA is up and running for everyone, everyone will benefit.

    As for polls, just remember how Americans all supported GWB's excellent adventure in Iraq, until they saw what a disastrous policy it was and what a fubar his administration made of it.

    Conversely, the American people have been subjected to the lies and misinformation set out by the Kochporations who are doing all they can to sabotage the ACA. And you are among those gullibles.

    In the end, as you know, this will be accepted and even liked by the American people, once the truth overcomes the insidious lies.

    You can take that to the bank. And Elizabeth Warren will protect your investment.


  15. Cons on a blog calling President Obama the "Lair[sic]in Chief."

    What would we do without them.

    Best laugh of the day.

  16. "No one in this country has died due to lack of access to health insurance, because no one is denied health care. Emergency rooms are required by law to treat everyone; no one is turned away." --Voice of Reason

    And who pays for this treatment at ERs, asshat? YOU DO! IDIOT!

    "There are also free clinics that will see anyone, and other resources." --V.o.R.

    And how many are there to service the 300+ million Americans, asshat?

    "No one who needs healthcare is denied treatment when then seek it." --V.o.R.

    Total asshattery, since insurance companies deny people all the time for reaching their limits or for pre-existing conditions. But this particular asshat is so excruciatingly stupid, it wouldn't know this.

    There is a REASON the stupidest of the stupid are attracted to the Teapublicans. The asshat who wrote the above crap is a perfect example of their followers.

  17. In the fall of 2007 during the campaign, polls showed 75% of Americans wanted the government to step into health care insurance. Part of that was driven by abuses of the health care insurance companies, but mostly to save money.
    The then Senator Obama was talking about single payer.
    I'm not convinced we will save that much money, because the insurance companies are still in the picture as the middle man.
    I am one of those who wanted single payer (thought we should go further) and eliminate health care insurance companies whose only interest is making as much profit as possible.
    The only way Social Security worked, is because it was mandatory, deducted from paychecks, and the government was the insurer.
    The only penalty in the ACA for not buying in, is the IRS can withhold a tax refund, which is way less than paying for the insurance for most people.
    If you have customers forced to buy your product; where is your incentive to drop prices?
    My chances are probably better if I go up against Obama's death panel, than some big insurance companies death panel.
    The young people are going to be paying more and getting less benefits (screwed) the older one gets the less they pay and more benefits they receive.
    Seems to make sense since health care costs are higher the older one gets, but if young people don't participate, the ACA will not work.

  18. The drama of it all. Americans seem to thrive on drama. And tomorrow is another day.

  19. anon said " "No one in this country has died due to lack of access to health insurance, because no one is denied health care." a totally erroneous statement. The fact of it is...many are denied, because of lack of insurance, access to routine, preventative health care. This leads to tragic illness that does lead to fatal aor irreversible conditions. Going to the ER when it is already too late helps no one. In fact.. it can incur MORE costs that will bbe absorbed by the tax payer. Insurance companies will GLADLY include less expensive preventative coverage for premiums because in the long run is cheaper. Free clinics? That is an oxymoron. Directly or indirectly...they are funded, either through private donations from tax payers or through government programs......IF they were truly free, comprehensive, and top rate....we would not need other clinics and facilities. Just think about it.
