Friday, October 18, 2013

Dear Mr. President...

How could your administration allow this to happen?

This needs to be remedied now!

Your opponents constantly use lies to discredit you, so why did your administration hand them this as a tool to further criticize the A.C.A?

With all the best techies in the country to choose from, there was no excuse for this crack-up.

Fix it.

Obamacare Website Failure Threatens Health Coverage For Millions Of Americans 

 "The website that was supposed to do this all in a seamless way has had way more glitches than I think are acceptable," Obama said during a Tuesday interview with KCCI television in Des Moines, Iowa. But the administration won't disclose exactly what's wrong with the health insurance exchange website, or when consumers can expect to see the promise of convenient, one-stop shopping for health benefits and financial assistance fulfilled. 

 Time remains for these problems to be resolved, but not much. "If things aren't resolved in three weeks, we've got some serious, serious problems," said Timothy Jost, a law professor and health care reform expert at Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Va., and an Obamacare supporter. "I don't think we're anywhere close to there yet, but if the whole thing collapses, it'll be another generation before we get this problem fixed."


Meanwhile, over in La-La Land, this from "The Sarah Palin of the Senate."



  1. Too much hype about what is wrong with the sign up process. If you have ever bought a Microsoft product on it's initial release you know to wait for PL3 so some of the bugs were worked out.

    They will get it functional in time people just need to be patient. After all those five million who will sign up have another three months to sign up before you pay up.

  2. You want elitist? I gotchor ELITIST RIGHT HERE!

    "A profile on Cruz in a recent issue of GQ quoted a Harvard Law School roommate who said that the junior senator from Texas refused to study with anyone who hadn't been an undergraduate student at Harvard, Princeton or Yale."

  3. On the Cruz quote, wasn't it once said of a disastrously-failed war that "We should just declare victory and go home"? I'd happily allow Cruz an empty declaration of victory if he would, indeed, go home.

  4. Teh Stupids at work again.

    Tea Party Group Founder Calls For Class Action Suit Against Homosexuality

    Rick Scarborough, the founder of Tea Party Unity, thinks homosexuality is worse than smoking, and is calling for a class action lawsuit against homosexuality — just like attorneys general of 46 states brought against the top four tobacco manufacturers in the 1990s. No word yet on who the manufacturer of homosexuality is, but given that Scarborough is a self-described “Christocrat,” it’s a pretty good guess that serving papers will be an other-wordly experience.

  5. That's pretty stupid, George, but THIS is even more stupid.

    So much stupidity; so little time to document it all.


  6. Skud, I am hopeful, but getting worried. The longer the problems persist, the more likely it is we will bump up against a hard stop date when the process will have to be shut down, not for being a bad idea, but because of a bad operation and implementation.

    I have tried daily to get into the system here in Nevada, a state that took the money and set up our own system, as opposed to using the Feds system. Articles abound saying states like mine are working wonderfully.

    The closest I can get is this... I have a user name and a password that works on my smartphone, but not on any computer. I send emails asking for help, and get told to call the center, which is answered on the first ring. The answer I get ever time is the same, Mr. Miller, we are working on that problem tonight.

    It's a joke.

    Shaw, whoever said it was right... the Obama admin is saying they were unprepared for the demand... but isn't that like 1(800)Flowers not being prepared for Valentines Day?

    We literally are seeing the very ineptitude that the Tea Party and conservatives say is endemic in government.

  7. Shaw,

    I couldn't help but notice this language in your referenced link: “to prohibit certain individuals from enforcing or attempting to enforce such unconstitutional laws; and to establish criminal penalties and civil liability for violating this article.

    Unconstitutional? Oh, really! Notwithstanding the fact that the SCOTUS issued a ruling on ObamaCare, and found it constitutional.

    This is not about constitutionality but about the Confederacy, and there is no way this bill will pass mustard, custard, or any other turd.

    The legislators of North Chinalina must think the word 'constitutional' refers to potty training.

  8. "To that end, we will not pursue the type of government-run health exchanges being forced on us by Washington,”

    Essentially the argument that
    states rights are being infringed on by the federal government.

    SCOTUS of course aside. This the south after all.

    But I do find it to to be less stupid than Rick Scarborough's stupidness.

  9. Daniel McCarthy examines the self-delusion of the Republican base:

    [A]nyone who is psychologically satisfied by actions that in fact cost taxpayers additional money, and that are counterproductive in the public arena, really an opponent of big government? A feeling of courageous satisfaction here is perverse: it subverts the principle it’s supposed to support.

    Imagine what the Tea Party would accomplish if this incident became paradigmatic: government would grow, anti-government sentiment would be discredited, and the people responsible for both would continue to applaud themselves as the only true champions of limited-government principle.

    The self-defeating emotionalism of Ted Cruz’s admirers won’t allow them to think through this problem. Instead they present themselves with a false dilemma between Cruz’s counterproductive incompetence and RINO liberalism. That there could be a more intelligent strategy for limited government than merely doing what feels good never occurs to them—it’s too painful to contemplate.

  10. I really don't want to agree with Skud...but I must. I worked for a Fortune 100 a bit back, as a subcontractor, and their roll out of a new consumer response program was a disaster...for weeks. And that was nothing of the scope of the ACA. is being tea party programmers!

    ohohoh... homosexuality is manufactured in Menominie Falls, WI...has been since 1276,lllthey have a foreign manufactoring plant in Branford,ON too. But that one is only for bi-sexuality. Tose Canadians, eh.


  11. "Yet there was a lot of ill will among Republicans, who were angry at Mr. Obama for his refusal to bend or angry at one another for a failed strategy or both. Representative Raúl R. Labrador of Idaho told a Heritage Foundation forum on Wednesday that “it would be crazy” for House Republicans now to negotiate with the president on immigration, because “he’s trying to destroy the Republican Party.”

    No mr. Labrador of Idaho, Mr. Oh!bama is not "trying to destroy the Republican party." The TeaParty morons led by the elitist jerkoff Ted Cruz is doing that for him. You're just too stupid to understand that simple fact.

  12. Cucumber: No word yet on who the manufacturer of homosexuality is, but given that Scarborough is a self-described “Christocrat,” it’s a pretty good guess that serving papers will be an other-wordly experience.

    Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstedt has identified the manufacturer. Winning a lawsuit against The Big Man Downstairs isn't gonna be easy, though. Can you imagine how many lawyers he's got down there?


  13. Lib Bustier says:

    "The bittern hat-munching, lift-wanking extortionists such as the flacks over at Professional Etruscans, Hunt ALL Repositories, especially Conservationist TeePee-farty mambos, Capitulation, Chrysanthymums, Jaws, successful Bustiers, Large Carpal Tunnelists, Smarmy Contortionists, Remedial Concussionists, Succor Memes, Faust News, ALL Convulsive Talk show Heists, George Whyte, Rosh Hashanah, Michele Bunkermann, Glenn Pecker, Ann Poultergeist, Sean Insanity, and Para Sailin', Gum Homos, Conservative African Violets, Apple Pips and Busting balls. But what's the neck, No Body Is Putrescent!

    They obliviously hunt the trundle, and the Circumcision as well. __________________
    And may I be odd that Libraries not only Hanker consumptive women but they fart consumptive women because not only are most merely intolerable but more atavistic than Lional Train women. If you knead any excisions try Nimrod Peppermint, Maxwell's equations, and Pizza Napolitana!"

  14. Shaw,

    I was extraordinarily rude. Please accept my apologies. It was uncalled for.


  15. Andie,

    Apologies accepted. It's forgotten.

    I wish you well.

  16. Dave Miller, you are as legit as it gets. I hope I get to meet you face to face one day. Blessings.

  17. Kudos to Dave for his intellectual honesty and balance. We could use a hell of a lot more of that it bloggo land.

  18. If the government web site is malfunctioning as badly as reported, the company should refund all monies paid to the government so that the taxpayers don't end up holding the bag.

    We shouldn't have to pay twice!

    Find a company such as the company who created the Amazon web site. A site that works!

  19. Dave Miller: “ We literally are seeing the very ineptitude that the Tea Party and conservatives say is endemic in government.

    Yes, and what we are also seeing is an error of attribution always advanced by partisans who blame every glitch on government when the finger of blames points to corruption in the procurement process. In this case, one culprit is Booz Allen, a legacy contractor with deep political pockets and the same company at the center of the Snowden mess.

    An estimated 47 firms won contracts, stalwarts such as Booz Allen, Rand, CGI, Deloitte, Xerox (a $72 million contract to build the Nevada exchange and $68 million for Florida), and Vagent (a subsidiary of General Dynamics), as examples.

    On the lobbying and political contribution side of this story are: QSS-United Health ($10 million), Vagent ($24 million), and Verizon Business Services ($$35 million). Did I say lobbying and political contributions? Oops, perhaps I should have used the word graft.

    Every glitch feeds the narrative of an inept government, but highly visible public controversies fail to focus attention on creepy things lurking under rocks: Legacy contractors with an overreaching entitlement attitude but no obligation to be held accountable, and the incestuous relationship between the captains of capitalism and the politicians who enable them. In short, here is your free enterprise system at work.

    Remember Halliburton, the company that won hundreds of billions of dollars in no-bid contracts and then rewarded American taxpayers by moving company headquarters to a tax-free zone in the Mid East?

    Those who blame ACA or blame Obama miss the point. No amount of partisanship, pandering, or intellectual dishonesty will get you to the root of the problem unless you are willing to dig deeper.

    Corruption in the procurement process is systemic and decades old.

  20. boy...Octo nails it again. stuff!!

  21. Octo, while the influence of money is hugely corrupting on our political system, we still must find a way to work through it.

    From where I stand, and I dare say millions of others, the proof will be in the pudding...

    We are expected to sign up for something that we cannot access because the people in charge of providing us access were unable to provide us a way into the system.

    We cannot even get prices or shop around in the system because we must register first. A better approach would have been to have made the information freely available before hand so people could shop and compare.

    Then, when we were ready to "buy" we could have registered and made our choices. The method the designers of this system used only increased the amount of traffic...

    The bottom line, in the opinion of many is that the Admin really muffed this one up.

    I tend to agree, and I'm a supporter.

    I feel like I am living in either a Ground Hog Day scenario or my own private Nightline... Day 18, Dave held hostage as he tries to get insured...

    1. You nailed it Dave. Congress and the Senate need people like you.

      So does the administration.

  22. Dave: "Day 18, Dave held hostage as he tries to get insured..."

    Believe me, Dave, I do sympathize. However these glitches are not unexpected. Every Windows release by Microsoft, for instance, has been problem-ridden.

    The launch of the prescription drug extension under Medicare (during the the Bush/Cheney administration) was also unstable initially: Confused and angry subscribers, error messages, and substantial cost overruns.

    What makes this launch different: The GOP has been hell bent on aborting it and capitalizes on every excuse to sabotage it.

    If you look at Medicare and Social Security websites, the convention is to combine interactive subscription information and registration forms together. The design of ACA follows this convention. Reasons why? Every region offers different plans from different vendors, and one Internet site avoids duplication of effort and the most logical way to distribute information while implementing registration.

    Another problem which is more short-term than long-term: The problem of bandwidth when you have a crunch of subscribers accessing a site at the same time, and lingering for a long time. As traffic subsides, the bandwidth problem tends to resolve.

    One word of advice: Wait a few weeks, then try registering in the middle of the night when there will be less traffic.

  23. Octo,

    Can you possibly name three things that the federalists manage efficiently. Certainly you won't point to the post office or Amtrack, maybe it is the military. Name one please so I can feel assured you have a sound basis for you ideals.

    As they say voting has consequences and when the demo's voted obamagout without reading it and refused to admit it is a huge mistake and will cost everyone, except those five million with no means of support, these are the unintended consequences.

  24. Anonymous (at 10:50 above): "Can you possibly name three things that the federalists manage efficiently."

    Bad grammar and even worse manners: An interrogative sentence closes with a question mark. Common courtesy is to wait for an answer. When you ask a question while continue talking, it signals to me that you are not really interested in my answer, that your only intent is to taunt.
