Wednesday, October 16, 2013


To our friends on the right who constantly wail and gnash their teeth about how government spends and wastes our money, your heroes in the Tea Party cost us $24 BILLION for their temper tantrum.  Was it worth it?  What did you get for that $24 BILLION, besides the hatred from the millions of Americans you hurt?

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says


  1. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds."

  2. "Almost a year removed from the Obama-Romney presidential election, 2013 has been a lost year for the Republican Party. Has it improved upon its image problem? Nope. Has it fixed its shortcomings with women and minority voters? Nope. Is it in a stronger place than it was in Oct. 2012? No way. Perhaps more than anything else, the GOP remains blinded by the health-care law — and by President Obama himself (who will never run for office again). Indeed, in some ways, you could see this entire shutdown/debt ceiling debate over the president’s health-care law as a replay of the House GOP’s impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 — a last-ditch fight against the term-limited incumbent. The good news for the Republican Party is that the Clinton impeachment is a reminder that its problems can be fixed. After all, the GOP won the White House just after Clinton’s impeachment."

  3. He reaps the fruits of his cowardice. This could have been over a long time ago if he'd had the guts to face down the teabaggers and bring a clean CR and debt-limit increase to the full House. Now, after holding out for over two weeks, he's been forced into it anyway.

  4. As DC fiddles America burns. The implications should be obvious.

  5. "It was over. They lost.
    On Wednesday, those two ugly facts began to sink in among the House’s hard-core conservatives. For nearly three years, they had effectively led the House itself — drawing their power from the intimidating sense that they were capable of anything. They often compared themselves to William Wallace, the Scottish rebel who (at least in the movies) succeeded because he refused to compromise.

    But then — just like in the movies — Braveheart died."

    We wish!

  6. Feb. 7th. Kicking the can down the road? Methinks yes. It is now how America does business.

    Time for morning coffee.

  7. How about some SchadenRyan, Shaw?

    “Oh, nobody believes [Obama's vows to not negotiate on raising the debt ceiling]. Nobody believes that. He himself negotiated Bowles Simpson on the debt limit with Democrats. That was Kent Conrad’s requirement. He himself negotiated the Budget Control Act with the debt limit. Graham Rudman. Bush Andrews Airforce Base. Clinton Gore ‘97. All of those major budget agreements were debt limit agreements. I see this time as no different and I believe he does too. I think most people believe he’s just posturing for now,” – Paul Ryan, on September 28.

  8. Stay out of the street because a can is headed your way.
    What did all this accomplish, not a thing but we will be able to see it again in three months because the elected elite will just pat themselves on the back and do nothing.

    Now that they have decided to not do a thing can we expect employment to improve and businesses to invest, not a chance because the uncertainty of the last five years continues.

    Two things will start soon, we need to raise taxes on those who pay taxes and give more to those who don't.

  9. Since when has money been a concern?

  10. —Acknowledging that the government shutdown was coming to an end, an emotional Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took to the Senate floor today to make an impassioned speech, telling his colleagues, “The dream of keeping poor people from seeing a doctor must never die.”

    His eyes welling up with tears, Sen. Cruz said, “I embarked on this crusade with a simple goal: to keep affordable health care out of the reach of ordinary, hard-working Americans. And while this battle was lost, that dream—that precious, cherished dream—will live on.”

  11. seems, though a bit twisted, that Scud got something right. he said...
    //Two things will start soon, we need to raise taxes on those who pay taxes and give more to those who don't.//

    except...he is talking about, not two classes, but only one. Corporations. Forget what the coporate 'rate' is...cporations and the politicians they have bought...are trying to rule by defult.

    just briefly consider exxon mobil

    ...shit... you can't make this stuff up

    scud is is time to tax corporations that pay no taxes and time to take them off welfare.

    it is NOt BIRTH CONTROL, PLANNED PARENBTHOOD, TEACHERS, SCIENTISTS, AND POOR PEOPLE who are ruining is folks like scud who cannot see beyond the tip of there nose.

    wrong> think i AM WRONG? just did an obscure freshman senator from Texas amass so much clout....that he was able to shut down the government?


  12. @RN -- As DC fiddles America burns. The implications should be obvious.

    I assume you mean the national debt.

    Well, the problem there is health care costs and your apparent strategy to do nothing isn't going to work.

    Your hope is that people see the ACA as a first step toward dismantling our insane "for profit" health insurance system.

    Research what happened with mouth breathers like Paul Ryan complaining that Obama was looking to cut Medicare by something like 100 billion.
    What was proposed was eliminating that portion of Medicare which is managed at considerably more expense by for profit HMO's.
    But they lobbied to keep it in and Obama caved. We still piss that money away.

    Same with prescription drugs.
    This is all fixable but the "for profits" are going to have to be dismantled and that's why the exchanges scare them s---less.

  13. They haven't learned a thing:

    BitterlyClingin said...

    All this served to do is get the GOP Conservative base even more pissed than it already was. The Libs essentially won this fight, so they can go right back to their anal fornicating, carpet munching and muff diving as if nothing ever happened. Comrade C'sucker will probably spend the night tonight whooping it up in celebration with Reggie in the Lincoln Bedroom while Michelle tends to the kids by herself reading them their bed time stories.

    However, if Cruz and Lee did manage to get America's Conservatives fired up enough to put in a massive showing in 2014, fired up enough to win the Senate, it'll be a whole 'nother ball game etc than what we saw today, Barack Obama indicted by the House and tried by the Senate for Treason and a host of other high crimes. Buy stock in the pop corn makers, they'll likely be doin' a land office business come 2015.

    Betraying the American people 24/7 Remember.."Dimitri, tell Vladimir to wait until after the election. I can be more flexible then" and betraying our long time friends and allies non stop. Now he's busy affectionately rubbing his genitals against Rouhani's robes, trying to get a further treasonous interlude started there. Guaranteed to see Obama pivoting on his heels, a la Chamberlain, holding a white sheet of paper aloft in his right hand telling the wildly cheering press corps recording the event "Peace in our time" while mushroom clouds float over Tel Aviv, Haifa, and New York City. I won't shed a tear for New York, they voted 82 per cent for him and got what they deserved."

    Just an indication of how thoroughly insane they've become. I expect the lunatic who punched this out with his fists believes every word of it. And he did it all without his meds...

  14. It must really suck to be a Republican this morning. My heart goes out to you, my Republican "friends". You can always turn on FOX News and hear how you actually won yesterday.

  15. "I assume you mean the national debt.

    Well, the problem there is health care costs and your apparent strategy to do nothing isn't going to work.

    Your hope is that people see the ACA as a first step toward dismantling our insane "for profit" health insurance system."

    @ the Ducky Duckman:

    1) You are right with respect to the national debt.

    2)Where and when in the fuck did I say do nothing. Please point exactly to where I said that. Your consideration of this reasonable request is most appreciated.

    I have acknowledged the problem. I have said something needs to be done to improve the situation. Disagreeing with the approach and or implementation is not doing nothing.

    Also, consider the massive defense budget and the pork laden crap all legislatures bring home for pet projects in their district/state that really is a waste of our money. To difficult for ya Ducky?

    3)I have no idea what you fucking point is nor do I care.

  16. Lee Arnold said...

    "It must really suck to be a Republican this morning. My heart goes out to you, my Republican "friends". You can always turn on FOX News and hear how you actually won yesterday."

    You guys are without simply pathetic.

  17. Jeebus H. Crackers! When I make fun of the coo-coo coconuts at FAUX NOOZ I have reason for it.

    They ARE not just nuts, they are the best at inciting their moronic listeners to believe the any monstrous lie they can conceive.

    Read what this FAUX NOOZ idjitsaid :

    On a radio commentary this week, Fox News commentator Todd Starnes warned that the US military may come after Christians, pointing to a training session in Mississippi that included the American Family Association on a list of hate groups.

    Besides the patently absurd claim that the American Family Association is a “well-respected ministry” — you know, the one that thinks black people “rut like rabbits,” gays caused the Holocaust and God wanted the Native Americans slaughtered — Starnes falsely claimed that the military “labeled evangelical Christians and Catholics as extremists.”

    Starnes went on to suggest that President Obama may be training the military for a potential attack on Christians in America.

    “I am beginning to wonder if the Obama administration is trying to turn the military against the people,” Starnes said. “And what better way to do that than to train young soldiers that the folks down at the local First Baptist Church are members of a right-wing extremist hate group?”

    The TeaPublicans listen to these folks. That's why we're in such a mess, and they're in such disarray.


  18. Who's playing the fiddle while DC burns? Republicans.
    Cheered on by Libertarians, Independents, and Randians.
    Obama has been stymied by Republican "burn down America" tactics.
    That will lead to a Democratic White House in 2016 and probably well beyond, not to mention a Democratic legislative majority.
    A liberal swing in national politics for decades to come. As Republicans offer up their screaming fanatics.

  19. 'Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity. The modern champions of communism have selected this as the time, and ladies and gentlemen, the chips are down—they are truly down.'
    Joseph McCarthy

    hmmm...I wonder how that turned out?

    “Twenty years from now if there is some obscure trivial pursuit question, I am confident I will be the answer.”
    Ted Cruz

    gosh... I hope it doesn't take that long.

    ya know....betcha Ted thinks that old Joe was.... well, a good old Joe.

  20. In the Cephalopod Book of Etiquette, it is considered bad form, bad manners, and Bad Karma to rejoice to excess after a contest is over. Bad winners do not make good losers. So I shall not gloat.

    I shall not gloat.

    I.shall.not.gloat, period (!)


  21. What a great idea, raise taxes on corporations and eliminate profit in healthcare.

    Even for the leftists like ok and ducktail these ideas are looney. One of the reasons we have lost jobs in this country is because corporations move off shore to avoid our non-competitive tax structure.

    Why would anyone become a physician if it didn't pay well.

    A better way would be to do away with all health insurance, go to a cash basis and really see costs go down. The main reason healthcare is so high is because insurance has taken away personal responsibility. Might as well go to the ER for that cut because insurance will pay for it.

  22. Meanwhile @conservative blogs, they're eating their own.


  23. Ich grolle nicht, und wenn das Herz auch bricht,
    Ewig verlor'nes Lieb ! Ich grolle nicht.
    Wie du auch strahlst in Diamantenpracht,
    Es fällt kein Strahl in deines Herzens Nacht.
    Das weiß ich längst.

    Ich grolle nicht, und wenn das Herz auch bricht,
    Ich sah dich ja im Traum,
    Und sah die Nacht in deines Herzens Raum,
    Und sah die Schlang', die dir am Herzen frißt,
    Ich sah, mein Lieb, wie sehr du elend bist.

    ~ Heinrich Heine


  24. Liberdom Truth or whatever her mouth is, is the grunge of poison you just want to slurp down for bloating such a daring anus. She most likely hungers a wife and wiggles too much rhyme on her rod.

    But she flossingly uses her executive mounts of thyme to anneal Mondrian otters, tucks her tail in small meningitis crops, butts into everybody's Bucephalus (except their own argyle) and sprays on pebbles as if they stunk or they were a clod or an impertinent peronium or someone's tang.

    Yes Liberdom Truth is a self-ratcheting scale of a hypotenuse!

  25. Almost like looking in the marsupial, eh, Cucumber?

  26. What a great idea, raise taxes on corporations and eliminate profit in healthcare...Why would anyone become a physician if it didn't pay well.

    Duck is talking about profit in health ins., not health care. It would help if you understood what "profit" is. Come back when you know the difference between paying a physician and paying a shareholder.

    One of the reasons we have lost jobs in this country is because corporations move off shore to avoid our non-competitive tax structure.

    The reason we lost jobs is the passage of "free trade" agreements. Chasing cheap labor has gutted our manufacturing base. Our statutory tax rate is high, the effective corporate tax rate is one of lowest among OECD nations. Propose cutting the corporate tax rate to 25%, in line with our 'competitors', and eliminate all tax loopholes and special breaks. Watch the corporations and their paid lackeys in congress howl.

    When it's legal to HQ a business at a P.O. box in the Caymans, taxes aren't the problem.

    A better way would be to do away with all health insurance, go to a cash basis and really see costs go down.

    That makes sense. When half of America is living paycheck to paycheck. When half of the workers at the largest private employer in the U.S. live below the poverty line, just pay cash. Should my family eat this week or should I have that mole looked at?
    Maybe we can go to the Sue Lowden plan, chickens for health care.

    The main reason healthcare is so high is because insurance has taken away personal responsibility. Might as well go to the ER for that cut because insurance will pay for it.

    That's one reason, not the main reason. People go to the ER because they don't have ins. I don't think you grasp the concept of insurance. The personally responsible thing to do is have ins., unless you are wealthy enough to pay out of pocket.

  27. Craig,

    Insurance is sharing of risk and for that the insurance companies make a profit, I know the word profit is a dirty word but it makes things run. I guess we should have the federalists administer health insurance because they do such a great job of managing taxpayer funds.

    Maybe we should nationalize the oil companies and the entire food industry. After all they are necessary and they make a "profit".

    You made the case for no one was denied healthcare before the obamacare debacle.

  28. "Insurance is sharing of risk and for that the insurance companies make a profit," --skudrunner

    There are millions of people in this world who believe making a profit off of people's illnesses and miseries is unethical.

    And that's what the big insurance companies did when they took insurance premiums from millions of people, then threw them off the insured rolls when they reached their caps-- or found ways of denying coverage that would cut into their profits. It happened all the time. And that is unconscionable.

    When you have a business that does that sort of thing it IS dirty. And rotten.

    Profit off of people's misery is DIRTY.

    That you would come here and defend this sort of craven behavior by the corporatist insurance barons illustrates why you belong to the rightwing.

    Profits Above People!

  29. Ms. Shaw

    There are some aspects of the healthcare act that are good like guaranteed access and elimination of pre-conditions.

    Using your logic medical device companies and pharmaceutical companies shouldn't make a profit. Hospitals should all be state run because even the nonprofit hospitals make a lot of money they just allocate it differently. If that were the case how many new devices, and drugs would be developed.

    Your rage at my being for profit is noted.

  30. No, skud, you've got it wrong, again.

    First off, people are not medical devices or medications.

    Second, I'm not anti-profit.

    I am anti-hurting people so that a corporation fattens its already gargantuan fat bottom line.

    Insurance companies HATE to pay out on claims. Many years ago, I actually worked for one of America's largest insurance companies. I know first hand what they did to avoid paying out claims.

    That IS dirty.

    Nice attempt to divert and change the subject, though.

  31. As a share of GDP, we are the world leader in health costs by far. Layer on layer of profits, and very attractive to investors . If we are looked on as cash cows instead of patients, we might as well see a

  32. So Shaw, if you are not anti profit then one can reasonably assume you are pro profit. Unless of course the organization is a non profit organization.

    Three questions:

    1) Is there any such thing as obscene profit?

    2) If so what would the profit margin be before being considered obscene?

    3) What is, or should be considered reasonable profit and who should set the profit margins, the market or Government?

  33. Three questions:

    1) Is there any such thing as obscene profit?


    2) If so what would the profit margin be before being considered obscene?

    My criticism was on profit-taking off of people's misery, such as catastrophic illnesses and accidents. I did not make a blanket statement about all profits. You and skud made that leap.

    3) What is, or should be considered reasonable profit and who should set the profit margins, the market or Government?

    See above. You mistook my comments to mean all profits.

    Also please see BB-Idaho's answer. He understood what I meant.

  34. Profit-wise, obscene may not be the correct word, but the giant sucking sound as the middle class is further shredded would seem a concern, even to the non-empathetic.

  35. Empathy is a good thing, when justified and when it is not used to create an easy out. Having said that, BB Idaho you are correct and healthcare needs to be much more afforadable.

    I'm hearing (and seeing) the ACA is not going to help out the declining middle class much if at all. Some are saying monthly premiums and annual deductibles are more costly in some cases.

    I have more research to do. There is misinformation being circulated by both sides (interested) parties.

  36. "I have more research to do."

    That sums it up truthfully.
