Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Here's What The Tea Party Did For Itself During Its "Days of Rage"

While cynical performance clowns like Ann Coulter insist that the Tea Party shut down was  "magnificent" and "run beautifully," in the real world, also known as reality, her assessment turns out to be a double train wreck for the extremist wing of the GOP.  Not only did their collective temper tantrum NOT stop the implementation of the A.C.A., but it also opened America's eyes to what the TeaPublicans are really about:  Expressing RAGE, instead of working to solve policy problems, and that has caused the Tea Party to drop like a lead hog in the polls.  

No matter how they try, and no matter how many Coulters they send out to divert attention from their major disaster, the TeaPublicans will never be able to put enough lipstick on the pig they tried to sell to the American people .

Too bad.  So sad.

Jonathan Chait: 

In the most important ways, though, the tea party’s strategy was not a strategy at all. On the surface, demanding an end to Obamacare in return for reopening the federal government was an insane negotiating strategy. 

Attempting to analyze these demands in strategic terms misses the point. It’s not a plan to achieve a defined legislative end. It’s a demonstration of dissent from a political faction that has no chance of winning through regular political channels. 

The problem they are attempting to solve in each case is not “how do we achieve this policy objective?” but “how can we express our outrage?"


  1. Attempting to analyze these demands in strategic terms misses the point. It’s not a plan to achieve a defined legislative end. It’s a demonstration of dissent

    This is an important point. Teabagger actions are not efforts to achieve a goal by means of a strategy. They are displays of ideological purity and of renunciation of evil. Basically religious rituals, in other words. It's not so much a political movement as a cult.

  2. I never trusted the Moonie in the Wanker Hose, he has been so briney that he accosted me to disgorge and lick everyone else in Wilmington.

    I stink. And the only salutation is to warp the Discomfort of Copulation's cleats and start an oven.

    I’m worming to be privately wrong but I don’t have a munchy hype. I think Stalactites said something along his loins. “It doesn’t mutate who vitiates for whom, it mutates who cloys the vets.

    But don't volunteer any mere Labs into any poison at all. They are all disconsolate from the Rialto.

    I just don’t pet this guy.

    Sometimes he sprays thongs so regarded that it laterally boogers the mound. But I’m getting to the joint where I stink. He really is a bicyclist and he does not have Amerigo's inter-space monkeys.

    The Pro-Grass nocciolino jabs have shown that they're failing to deploy their culottes before they'll loot a blah man and appear to be infallible or succulent as Protestants of the Untied Straits.

  3. "Anonymous K. E., Atlanta, Georgia said...
    We MUST get our country back for these IDIOTS who are running it.

    And I just love Ann Coulter also.
    She is is smart, witty, and a Lob hater.."

    The parodies are writing themselves.

  4. What can I say? There has always been a lunatic fringe engaged in self-parody; but never in the course of American history has a fringe group dominated the news and preoccupied our thoughts as they do now. Ignored, the rabble would slink into irrelevance. I blame their ascendance and newfound legitimacy on mainstream media - shameless purveyors of drama and sensationalism and merchants of mass ignorance. I blame junk journalism.

  5. well, just saying, I always seem to taste a little vomit whenever
    Ann Coulter is mentioned.

    let'a move on...."say, how about them Sox!"

  6. The first multi-trillion dollar debt was left by Reagan and his "Voodoo Economics", yet, Americans kept voting for Republicans and their failed financial policies.
    It's under Republican presidential leadership, that we built 80% of our total debt, yet, Americans continue to vote for failed Republican policies.
    Americans kept voting for Republican "no new taxes" (starve the beast) policies, even though we were already trillions in debt.
    Republicans impeached a president for lying about a BJ in the White house, yet, nothing for a Republican president that lied us into a war and thousands of American soldiers dead.
    Americans elected Bush twice and got a 12 trillion dollar debt with a ruined economy, yet, Americans vote for a Republican majority House with those Tea party members, that are causing more damage to the country now.
    If you think the Republicans are "out of business" because of these fringe wacko's, forget it.

  7. My Conservative Vomit said...

    October 23, 2013 at 5:02:00 PM EDT

    He won't become a peach! He won't even be disgorged! It's not possible in this narcotic of marinated rabbinic Lampreys!

  8. I'm thinking that the viewpoint of "NOBODY WHO PAYS NO TAXES CAN VOTE" law must go into affect before ANYTHING improves in this country. If that happened, I swear I think things could improve for us AND the entitlement dopes.

  9. Ted says: "I'm thinking that the viewpoint of "NOBODY WHO PAYS NO TAXES CAN VOTE" law must go into affect before ANYTHING improves in this country. If that happened, I swear I think things could improve for us AND the entitlement dopes."

    I'm thinking that that's a false and very dangerous assumption.

  10. Shocking News,

    Reid and Obama shut the government down because they didn't want to delay obamacare and now they agree to delay obamacare. So what did they gain but shutting it down beside political points. You know the media will down play this because it makes i look like they only shut the government down for political reasond.

  11. Ted "The Sarah Palin of the Senate" Cruz said...
    I'm thinking that the viewpoint of "NOBODY WHO PAYS NO TAXES CAN VOTE" law,,,,

    well, first off nobody already pays no taxes. you have to be a person to pay taxes. is dumb. kind of beyond taxes,death,foot fungus and stomach flu. ohohoh...and way beyond a reply.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Shocking News,

    Reid and Obama shut the government down because they didn't want to delay obamacare\\

    ....oh boy, anymouse.... and
    Sarah Palin has a bridge to sell you.....gees...get another glass of kool-aid....sheesh

  13. Oh, my GOSH...
    hearing the TV hearings in the other room; now the Dems on the panel are slamming the GOP before they ask the panel their questions, suggesting that they're only trying to scare people from signing up ... that they fought against this act "why are they now trying to make it work by questioning what went wrong?"

    The Dems are using THAT PLOY to befuddle Americans into forgetting HOW MUCH MONEY HAS BEEN WASTED ON THE WEBSITES and how the GOP (and anybody who THINKS) SHOULD be concerned about that.


  14. Just Jihadist said...

    There is a Shinto Maroon Liberian loft-wang specialist Doggie bag who cements on a SHAWL’S blah that Milks, and Mummifies, and refutes the pissers on A&W root beer, and on a GeeeeeK’s bong with his or her’s staunch impressarios from the Convulsive pisser's hair.

    I can underestimate the stupendous impregnation, as there is no lorax in the ideosyncratic and the fallopian foam these lusty soils utter.

    But what grouts me is the luck of interstate and the poopy incisions of SHAME that not only elongates it but streams to envelope it by not defanging any of it, as it’s been groaning for windows upon windows.

    Or maybe I am expectorating to munch a hare?
