Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Unclean Rot"

"The shutdown was so magnificent, run beautifully. I'm so proud of these Republicans, and that is because they have branded the Republican party as the anti-Obamacare party."

Sure, Coulter, be proud of the Republican Party for making "Obamacare" more popular with Americans than the GOP!

That is a singular accomplishment.  Even if you, Coulter, try to divert attention away from that fact with your silly balderdash and incoherent rot.

"According to the survey, 54% say it's a bad thing that the GOP controls the House, up 11 points from last December, soon after the 2012 elections when the Republicans kept control of the chamber. 

Only 38% say it's a good thing the GOP controls the House, a 13-point dive from the end of last year."

Did you know that an anagram of "Ann Coulter" is "Unclean Rot?"

Go HERE to the "Anagram Generator" to see what else it configures for her name.  

Surprisingly accurate.


  1. I actually watched her make that remark on Hannity last night (I was bored but didn't want to start a movie). Coulter is anorexic in more than physical appearance.

  2. The Counter Coulter is herself a troll ... a belligerent and bellicose media troll who trades in "schlock for shock," nothing more.

  3. That's a highly bizarre use of the word "magnificent". She probably thinks the Hindenburg explosion was magnificent.

    Anyway, the right-wingers need to get their taking points straight. Half the time they're claiming it was the Democrats who shut down the government and it was a bad thing, the other half they're calling it a good thing and trying to take credit for it.

    Your larger point is spot on -- it's incredible how impervious the Republicans have become to the actual effect of their antics on public opinion. I'm half expecting them to announce a policy of strangling kittens on national television every day, and then when polls reveal that this is unpopular, they'll decide it's because they weren't strangling enough kittens.

  4. Replies
    1. Ducky, that'a good one. LMAO! I can just imagine Shaw vacationing in that environment.

  5. RE: Your headline.

    Crotch rot is more popular the the GOP, so it really doesn't say much about the unpopular program known colloquially as Obamacare.

    The infomercial the President blessed us with yesterday was entertaining, though. Giving out the 1-800 number was a nice touch. All we needed was the voice over announcer breathlessly urging us to 'Call now!'

  6. Ann Coulter is an attention whore. I picked up one of her books, once (25 cents at rummage)and could only read half way through. and that, only because I was on a bus. It was the most poorly written piece of garbage I had ever read.

    awast of paper as well as a waste of time.

  7. RN, did you get sick after watching her? Afterall, she delivered "Unclean Rot."

    (O)CT(O)PUS, it's true that she desperately craves attention, so she needs to be more and more outrageous every time she opens her unfortunate mouth.

    Infidel753, thanks for getting the point of the post. Some of the trolls who came here focused only on the slam I gave Coulter, and missed it.

    Ducky, the link is broken. But I am on the Cape enjoying the local scallop festival, some lovely weather, and Nauset Beach.

    Dear Jack Shit (a translation of Jacques la Merde), Jacques Lamaire, was one the greatest forwards to play hockey. Are you Canadian? And don't you know Jack Sh...?

    okjimm, what a waste of intelligence and education she is. She has squandered whatever chance she had at being a serious pundit and took the easy money by being a loud-mouthed jerk. There are enough people who think being a lying loud-mouth jerk is awesome, and that's why she's still around.

    1. I must say no, I didn't vomit or anything quite that dramatic. But I certainly did note that Ann sank to a new low as I just shook my head and turned the TV off.

  8. Stop making fun of Ann Coulter. He's very funny sometimes.

  9. Infidel... it won't be because they did not strangle enough kittens... it will be because they did not communicate clearly enough the need to strangle the kittens...

  10. That anagram generator is neat.
    Rush Limbaugh = Bag Hurl Mush I

  11. On the Ducky vacation link:

    "You need a vacation, Shaw"

    Too funny. I don't have enough Ducky in my life.

  12. For some reason Ducky, the link didn't work yesterday. It's fine now. And hilarious!

  13. To All: I made a choice not to publish insulting anagrams that were submitted for America's First Lady and for President Obama's deceased mother.

    There are enough rightwing blogs out there that trash these two women on a regular basis. My blog will never be a vehicle for insulting these two women.

    Ann Coulter is fair game, since she is deliberately controversial and has used slander and name-calling in her insults against the First Family. IMO she deserves it.

    Michelle Obama and Stanley Ann Dunham do not.

  14. I just love mAnn Coulter's colitus, as she really boils the treakle for trees.

    This is why labs hate mAnn Coulter. she curses like a nipple, rotten to the pistil and unclean. And s/he takes no pensioners.

    Her simplicity is like mustard and an old TRILOBITE.

  15. Face it my flaccid racists!

    Oblong Chair is here to say, and I’m a fraud. This is just the boinging. Just pee on your noxious door, your Labial neighbor. Where were all of you Orangatang hooters when Sorry Pukin' tried to tell you that. You culled her Nuts, and Cozy and every derby name in the brook.

    But she was white! But you continued to hear the propitious foam from the loft and guess what? Here we aren't, just a few steps from Scatology. Yes, we will continue to defenestrate.

    Ignominy makes us blush!

  16. "To All: I made a choice not to publish insulting anagrams that were submitted for America's First Lady and for President Obama's deceased mother."


    Thank you for the admission and the explanation.

    My own submission contained no vulgar insults or racist stupidity, but you banished it anyway.

    Your blog, your rules, but such censorious actions discourage dissenting opinion, but perhaps that is your goal.


  17. @Anon, 11:41: "Thank you for the admission and the explanation.

    My own submission contained no vulgar insults or racist stupidity, but you banished it anyway."

    Perhaps you're unaware of how Blogger deals with comments submitted by "Anonymous." Blogger dumps them into "Spam." That means I have to go through sometimes dozens and dozens of "Anonymous" spam comments, and I don't always have the time. Sometimes I read the first dozen to make sure they're not all spam, and then I just delete the rest, if I'm pressed for time as I have been this week. Your comment may have been at the bottom of the pile, and therefore, got deleted.

    Mocking the FLOTUS and Mr. Obama's deceased mother is not "dissenting opinion," it is, IMO, being rude and low class to two women who don't deserve it.
