Wednesday, October 16, 2013


David Weigel of Slate Magazine:

"Cruz was never going to jam the House by delaying a deal and absorbing all the blame for the consequences. That the media thought so reveals that his image has changed radically since getting to the Senate. He’s no longer viewed as the GOP’s answer to Barack Obama. 

The media views him as the Sarah Palin of the Senate."


The man who had high hopes of destroying America so that he could destroy the A.C.A. has conceded.

Houston Chronicle Expresses Regrets For Endorsing Cruz

Wall Street Journal To GOP: 'It's Time To Wrap Up This Comedy Of Political Errors 

"This is the quality of thinking—or lack thereof—that has afflicted many GOP conservatives from the beginning of this budget showdown," the editorial read. 

"They picked a goal they couldn't achieve in trying to defund ObamaCare from one House of Congress, and then they picked a means they couldn't sustain politically by pursuing a long government shutdown and threatening to blow through the debt limit." 

The Journal said that if the Senate passes its compromise to avert default and reopen the government, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will likely have no choice "other than to bring it to the floor and let it pass with votes from either party." 

"At least that's better than getting the blame for whatever happens if Treasury stops sending out Social Security checks in order to prioritize debt repayments," the editorial read. 

"The politics of that are little better than defaulting on debt. Republicans can best help their cause now by getting this over with and moving on to fight more intelligently another day."

"...fight more intelligently...?"  That won't happen as long as they follow the wack jobs that led them to this ignominious defeat.

Infidel753:  Unconditional surrender.

This isn't gloating.  This is righteous anger at the minority of a minority that has taken over a once great political party.  


"After making fools of themselves in front of the whole world, after trashing their approval rating with the American people far below its historic floor, after disastrously exacerbating their party's internal divisions and alienating the business interests which traditionally support it -- after all that, the Republicans are cravenly backing down, tail between legs, and getting nothing. Kudos to Obama and the Democrats for standing firm in the face of blackmail." 

But this isn't the end of the "Threat and Cave" wing of the TeaPublican Party.

I'm betting we'll see more of their destructive behavior because:  BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. 

A commenter who calls himself  schwicksdad had this to say:

"If nothing else this was a stunning exposé to America on RW politics and their vision for governing. When the democratic process doesn't work to your advantage, nullify the will of the majority through extortion and subvert the process. Where it does work, use it as a weapon to obstruct, delay and undermine. Use the American people as your bargaining chip by hanging the axe over their heads or making them otherwise suffer to extract your demands and forward your unwanted agenda. Your concepts of freedom and liberty are entirely self serving. Your vision of future society disgusting. The American people want the American Dream back that you stole, not your society of have's and have not's where you control who has what in order to maintain your need to remain privileged. America now sees clearly how willing you are to drive her to the brink of destruction in order to exact your agenda and god willing, will never allow you to do so again."


  1. Collapse of the House of Turds.

    Teddy, we hardly knew ye.

  2. Boehner's failure to corral his members reached a peak on Tuesday when he could not persuade them to go along with a plan to end the shutdown and avert default. The resulting reaction from the media would be enough to make any Republican weep, let alone the already tear-prone speaker.

    Politico called Boehner's efforts a "disaster."

    The Washington Post described it as a "humiliating failure," and said Boehner and his leadership colleagues had " lost all control of their majority."

    An editorial from the arch-conservative Wall Street Journal board fumed about the GOP strategy, saying that the House caucus "might as well hand the Speaker's gavel to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid" and urging Republicans to give up their fight.

    Things were not much better on the morning shows.

    "After a shutdown that lasted 16 days, a shutdown led by House the end of today, those Republicans may leave with little to nothing to show for it," NBC's Peter Alexander said.

  3. Yawn.

    Will the political junkies as well as the nation at large now take a breather? I mean really...

    Naw, most likely not.

  4. This is an accurate description of your friend F.T. and his conservative buddies:

    What the understandably beleaguered citizens of this new modern order want is a pristine variety of America that feels like the one they grew up in. They want truths that ring without any timbre of doubt. They want root-and-branch reform – to the days of the American Revolution. And they want all of this as a pre-packaged ideology, preferably aligned with re-written American history, and reiterated as a theater of comfort and nostalgia. They want their presidents white and their budget balanced now. That balancing it now would tip the whole world into a second depression sounds like elite cant to them; that America is, as a matter of fact, a coffee-colored country – and stronger for it – does not remove their desire for it not to be so; indeed it intensifies their futile effort to stop immigration reform. And given the apocalyptic nature of their view of what is going on, it is only natural that they would seek a totalist, radical, revolutionary halt to all of it, even if it creates economic chaos, even if it destroys millions of jobs, even though it keeps millions in immigration limbo, even if it means an unprecedented default on the debt.

    This is a religion – but a particularly modern, extreme and unthinking fundamentalist religion. And such a form of religion is the antithesis of the mainline Protestantism that once dominated the Republican party as well, to a lesser extent, the Democratic party.

    Whenyou understand that, you understand his and their rage. And you will have some pity for them.

  5. //And you will have some pity for them.//

    Pity? not a chance. concempt, scorn, disgust... but not pity. I too have a vision of America...and it does not involve fear. I love America...I want to breathe it's fresh air, drink fresh water. Not the unmitigated hate and McDonald Politics spewed by the ilk of a man like Cruz.

    nope. pity I do not have. America has always been a country of PROGRESS.....I have no pity ...for those who really do not understand... change and progress. nope.

  6. 2012 Victory for Obama!

    2013 Victory for Obama!


  7. Thanks for the link.

    Without taking a position here on the gloating issue, it was a practical necessity that the Republicans' defeat be as total and as humiliating as possible. The imperative is that they be deterred from doing anything like this again. Even coming close to default was quite damaging enough.

  8. Lying sons of beyoches!

    Let the rewriting of history begin!

    Rep. Labrador says it's "absolutely false" that GOP sought Obamacare repeal. " We have never asked for a full repeal of Obamacare..."
    — @mpoindc


    Labrador says any reporters saying GOP wanted full Obamacare repeal were "lying to the American people."— @mikememoli

    And just in case you doubt the technical accuracy of Labrador's words, check out this press release on his website:

    Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-ID) announced today that he is a cosponsor of a resolution introduced by Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA) to fund the government for Fiscal Year 2014 while fully delaying and defunding ObamaCare until 2015. The Graves resolution – which has 59 cosponsors – would prevent a government shutdown from taking place after September 30, 2013, when current funding for the government expires.

    "If there’s any single issue that can unite House Republicans and has the strong support of the American people, it’s getting rid of ObamaCare," said Rep. Labrador.

    So if you said Labrador and his fellow Republicans were demanding Obamacare repeal in this government shutdown, you're totally lying, because they weren't demanding Obamacare repeal, they were merely demanding the Obamacare be defunded until 2015 because they were united in support of "getting rid of Obamacare."

  9. So it ends with a bang and a whimper. Was there ever any doubt it would end otherwise?

  10. The GOP showed they are a bunch of spineless bastards who have no principles.

  11. It sounds like Anonymous @2:55 wishes the TeaPublicans had kept this country in a hostage situation until it forced millions of Americans to lose their insurance.

    Anonymous sounds like a TedPublican.

    1. Give it a rest Shaw. Americans may be fickle but contrary to the popular belief of some we are not stupid.

  12. Jacques: It ended most decidedly in a whimper.

  13. If we have to go through a CR to fund the government every two months, we have lost and this is not over.

  14. Conservatives talking about the TeaPublicans:

    "The Republican Party has driven the country to the brink, and this morning, House Republicans bolstered their ranks by … standing together and singing Amazing Grace. It’s Strangelovian. Maybe there won’t be a long-term fallout from this, but I tell you, it’s very hard to see entrusting power to a party that behaves this way, that manufactures crises like this for its own short-term political gain. The Republicans, having lost their mind, have destroyed their brand.

    Amazing Grace. They cause this looming disaster — which, make no mistake, would be a global disaster — and then stand there singing a freaking hymn amid the ruins of their party, and the potential crash of our economy! Raving loonies, the lot. Josh Barro is right:

    Can you imagine the situation this country would be in if Republicans controlled both houses of Congress right now? Or if we had a President whose administration gets jerked around by Heritage Action in the same way that House Republicans do? It would be a trainwreck, and “reasonable” Republicans like Nunes would still be on television saying they understand it’s a trainwreck, but by golly, operationally, they had no way to stop it.

    There is no serious argument for Republican governance right now, even if you prefer conservative policies over liberal ones. These people are just too dangerously incompetent to be trusted with power.

    Yes. I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I hope the House flips to the Democrats in 2014, so we can be rid of these nuts. Let Ted Cruz sit in the Senate stewing in his precious bodily fluids, and let Washington get back to the business of governing."

    by Rod Dreher, "The American Conservative"

  15. Republicans gave President Obama an ultimatum.....Defund Obamacare or we will shut down the Government
    The President refused to give in to extortion

  16. I wish that a conservative, any conservative would tel me what did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives, or to America? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to throw that “Liberal” label at me, as if it were something bad and to be ashamed of or something dirty, pr something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will wear that label. and I will wear it as a badge of honor
    that's all I have to say!

  17. Harry Reid beats his wife Harry Reid beats his meat the only thing that Harry loves is me! on The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame and disgrace. (Proverbs 13:5)

  18. Thersites said: "Harry Reid beats his wife Harry Reid beats his meat the only thing that Harry loves is me! on The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame and disgrace. (Proverbs 13:5)" (October 16, 2013 at 5:11 PM)

    Earlier today, a troll tried to post this at the Seash Zone:

    pShaw Kenawe:
    Harry Reid beats his wife
    Harry Reid beats his meat
    the only thing that Harry loves
    is me!

    (Posted by pShaw Kenawe, August 2013 to THE SWASH ZONE at 4:59 PM, October 16, 2013)

    Shaw, I think we know who your impersonator is.

  19. Yes. You're correct (O)CT(O)PUS, I have saved comments from him that say exactly the same thing. He spammed my blog during the summer of 2012 and forced me to go to comment moderation.

    He's mentally unstable. And a friend of the conservative bloggers.

    What else can I say?

  20. Shame on you thersites using Proverbs to try and make your point. To use scripture to malign someone as you did shows absolutely no understanding of the message of Gods love and reconciliation prevalent throughout the bible.

    Shaw and Octo, you are correct, thersites is a favorite of members of certain conservative blogs, where people openly claim to speak of the rightness of their views as inspired of God.

    Their manner of debate and debasement of others, in Gods name no less, is despicable.

  21. Thersites said... aw gees, I got a proverb for Thersites

    "bITE ME." BOOK OF JIMM 1:23

    gees, I have really come to dislike idiots. Shaw, you have a good night. You may have trolls....but just remember...toe fungus can be worse. just saying. at least you can delete trolls.

  22. RN, where exactly on this thread do I say that? Please back up that claim.


    1. It is the silent message behind the written word of many posts Shaw.

  23. Thersites Shaw is no friend of mine. He is a unstable looney.

    Apparently, by your own words above you believe Thersites is a friend of mine.

    Why do I say this? Because by comparison in relationship to your political proclivities I am a CONSERVATIVE.

    Beware of sweeping stereotypical statements. I refer you to your statement "And a friend of the conservative bloggerS.

    Time to now chill and look forward to the morning coffee.

  24. RN, you're a Libertarian blogger. I refer to the usual blogs that you do NOT comment at.


  25. Thersites has left a new comment on your post "GOP Mouthpiece Insults and Trashes Latino/Hispanic...":

    Harry Reid needs to stop refuting himself. He's an embarrassment not only to himself, but to the hypocrisy of Democrats everwhere.

    Posted by Thersites to Progressive Eruptions at December 8, 2012 5:46 PM

    Thersites has left a new comment on your post "Yeah. Eastwood Was a Smashing Success.":

    Instead of striving to be workers, they should aspire to becoming owners... but that would mean assuming some responsibilities... and we all know how much the Left HATES having responsibilities unless they have a mommy government to spoon feed them and change their diapers for them.

    Posted by Thersites to Progressive Eruptions at September 3, 2012 9:24 AM

    Thersites has left a new comment on your post "No One Watched and Even Fewer Cared":

    Aw shucks, silverfiddle, thanks for protecting my reputation... after all, I'm just a girl, tee-hee, and can't manage anything on my own... :)

    Posted by Thersites to Progressive Eruptions at August 31, 2012 2:27 PM

    Thersites has left a new comment on your post "JUST HOW UGLY IS IT GOING TO GET? by Smartypants":


    When not a single comment survives the censor, trolls are all you deserve.

    Posted by Thersites to Progressive Eruptions at August 11, 2012 12:43 PM

    Thersites has left a new comment on your post "Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)":

    Thersites, and the purpose of these pointless ridiculous comments is?

    Like yours, to respond to Shaw's inane biased posts, of course.

    Every post another Harry Reidesque empty accusatory and insubstantial criticism.

    Speaking of Harry, when IS he going to stop beating his wife? Enquiring minds like Shaw's NEED to know....

    Just an example of what he's left at my blog...

    As I said, a mentally disturbed person. But probably harmless. We need to take pity on poor souls who are so unhappy that they need to harass bloggers who don't share their philosophies.

    He probably kicks the dog but is nice to scorpions.

  26. Thank you for linking to the Houston Chronicle. I get so tired of disengaged liberals who are so willing to give up entirely on the great state of Texas.


    If it's a yawn, why don't you just keep quiet?

    1. I suppose it might be... Because I know you would like that I and all that question your views be quiet. Which is, as I am sure you know, is a hallmark of all those who support tyranny.
