Saturday, October 5, 2013

(O)CT(O)PUS Tell Us A Truth

This comment from (O)CT(O)PUS deserved a post of its own.  He has articulated in the most human way an observation I, too, have made but do not have the skill he has to express it.

(O)CT(O)PUS said... 

"My family history is no different from other accounts narrated herein: Immigrant grandparents, hardscrabble lives, traditional values such as a strong work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit. 

My grandparents, both maternal and paternal, came to America as children – penniless and parentless. From my maternal side sprung the writers, musicians, and scholars of the family. On my paternal side were the entrepreneurs who built a family business that became a household name throughout America.

 My generation received the full blessings of this country. My parents worked hard and earned the means to send me to a first rate preparatory school followed by a first rate ivy league college. In later years, I studied abroad, and lived and worked in London and Paris.

 Despite my own good fortune, I have never forgotten the struggles of my forbearers, especially my great grandparents who remained in Europe and ultimately perished in the Holocaust.

 It is the memory of my great grandparents that causes me to regard with deep, deep suspicion the eliminationist and abusive rhetoric that I read all too often in these comment threads – a tendency to regard oneself as superior to others, and a tendency to vilify and offend others in this forum as “weaklings, crybabies, arrogant beggars and militant morons as a result of liberal-progressivism.” 

 It strains credulity when I read the experience of one commenter who lost health insurance due to a pre-existing condition and refuses to lend empathy to Lady of this Blog and the millions of other families who have suffered similar calamities. 

 It strains credulity that a country such as this, a country that conferred its full blessings on my family, would have a government characterized as “kleptocratic.” 

I read these biographical accounts with a sense of incredulity - assertions wholly disconnected from historical facts, personal opinion raised to the level of absolutism, an inordinate focus on self, tinged with misplaced blame, and an inability to validate the family histories and life experiences of others."

Bravo, (O)CT(O)PUS.


  1. Great reflection Octo...

    I too cannot understand what is going on. Perhaps it is simply that people do not like being told that they must have health insurance. At least that is what some say.

    I think it is something much deeper though and maybe Colbert King from the WaPo is on to something...

  2. If you're going to publish a derogatory reaction couched in terms of bilious, biased, blatantly hostile analysis to someone else's personal history, the least you could do in the interests of honesty and clarity would be to publish also the story being subjected to chastisement, castigation and condemnation -- or at the very least post a direct link to it.

    In that way readers would be able to judge for themselves the value of opposing points of view.

    Merely a suggestion, of course.

  3. "So far the government has not stopped me from doing so and until such time as it does I shall not become over worried. When I see it beginning to happen I will, like a mad terrorist, respond in ways that will surprise even the stoutest of heart."

    RN promising he will be the next terrorist, if he doesn't get his way.
    I guess this is Randian ideology.

  4. From Anon - "RN promising he will be the next terrorist, if he doesn't get his way.

    I guess this is Randian ideology."

    @ Anon - Thank you for providing me my "laugh of the day."

    Seeing as how the weak kneed milquetoast progressives with their teary eyes and constant whining have morphed the concept of terrorist and terrorism to mean any activity that fails to meet their approval my statement was rhetorical. In other words when and if the government actually starts morphing into a tyrannical dictatorship (it hasn't, not even under BHO) I will use the PEN in many ways, not the SWORD.

    Since words and concepts you disapprove of apparently constitute terrorism (your words now Anon - "RN promising he will be the next terrorist, if he doesn't get his way.") I am a terrorist. Good one dude or dudette, whichever the case may be.

    Randian ideology? The correct term is Objectivism and those who advocate and adhere to the philosophy are call objectivists. It is clear you lack any understanding of the Objectivist views or you would now The philosophy is vehemently opposed to the use of force except in self defense. So I dismiss your remark out of hand.

    Shaw, I have over time enjoyed visiting and even though I honestly disagree with the full blown progressive agenda I have modified my stands on issues and moved to the center. Sometimes even a bit left of center. So much so the conservative sites and libertarian sites now find me much to "liberal", a scenario I'm comfortable with.

    I actually was going to leave a much different comment in response to your re-posting of O)CT(O)PUS's comment on a prior thread after reading Free Thinke's comment here. ANON changed my mind with his remarks.

    I wish you continued blogging success in the future.

  5. ______ AN EVALUATION ______

    For those in great pain
    Expressing disdain
    May oft prove a source of relief.

    Showing contempt
    Makes churls feel exempt
    From the tenets of righteous Belief,

    For those who lack humor
    Fixate on each rumor
    That tells them the mighty will fall,

    And steadfastly dwell
    On the hope of Hell
    For the clever, good-looking and tall.

    Pouncing on error
    They hope to strike terror
    Deep in the heart of their betters,

    Who’ve made them feel low
    By the virtue they show
    With minds unburdened by fetters.

    These churls wax pedantic
    Whene’er they feel frantic
    To prove to themselves they have worth.

    What they do is invidious,
    So an aura quite hideous
    Soon blots out all traces of mirth.

    They take what’s euphonious,
    Then claim it’s erroneous
    With captious and petulant wrath.

    This conduct so odious,
    Shrill, unmelodious
    Irks even the plaster and lath.

    Each animadversion
    Is a form of incursion
    That ruffles, then plucks out the feathers

    Of birds––especially the dodo––
    Who feels prey for the dragon Kimodo
    That strikes fear and dismay in all weathers.

    These attempts to assuage
    A fierce jealous rage
    Make it hard to find anything stupider.

    The stupidest folk nurse a grudge,
    Hold it long, squeeze it tight, and won’t budge,
    And that’s the sad truth, by Jupiter!

    ~ Gagdon Hash
