Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Closing of Mt. Rushmore...


If you haven't seen this in one of those emails your annoying conservative relatives keep sending you , here it is for your Laugh-of-the-Day:

The obviously photo shopped image has gone viral throughout Teapartistan.  How many of the recipients of this fraud believed it, because BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA?!

I'm guessing all of them.  

This is just another example of childish gullibility because of their willingness to believe any sort of lie involving either a liberal or President Obama.  And their eager willingness to believe all the propaganda delivered to them by FAUX NOOZ and the conservative noise machine.


"Fox & Friends Saturday criticized President Obama for offering to personally pay for a "museum of Muslim culture" during the government shutdown, a claim that originated from a satire website. On October 5, the co-hosts of Fox & Friends Saturday discussed the closure of the World War II Memorial, which resulted from the Republican-led shutdown. During the discussion, co-host Anna Kooiman claimed that while the memorial is closed, "President Obama has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the museum of Muslim culture." --SOURCE

I've seen this in operation in another area, the conservative blogshere, where a friend of mine set up a blog identity so that he could comment on my and other liberal blogs, and then one of the cretins in the conservative blogsphere stole his ID and avatar and pretended to be him.  The slimeball perpetrating the fraud thinks it's all a joke.  But the joke is on him and his confreres who believed the fraud was really my friend.  

The larger message in the above example is what we've always known--that too many on the hysterical right are willing to be suckered into believing any wild story or, most especially, a fraud (q.v. Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz).

I saw it happen just recently with my own eyes.


  1. “How did this happen, Papa?” the boy asks.

    “Americans had been filled with existential dread since the 9/11 attacks, but they didn’t realize the real danger was coming from inside the government,” the man says. “It started very small with a petty fight over a six-week spending bill but quickly mushroomed out of control.”

    “Whose fault was it, Papa?” the boy presses.

    The man tries to explain: “The Grand Old Party, the proud haven of patriots who believed in a strong national security and fiscal responsibility, was infected with a mutant form of ideology. It was named the Sarahcuda Strain after the earliest carrier. Remember when you saw that old science fiction movie, ‘I Am Legend’? A scientist described the virus that burned through civilization as being like ‘a very fast car driven by a very bad man.’ That’s what happened: In the infected Tea Party politicians, brain function decreased and social de-evolution occurred. They began ignoring their basic survival instincts.

  2. These days the wingnuts' grasp of reality is so poor that if someone were to make a joke about Obama sacrificing kittens to Satan in the White House basement, it would go viral through the right-wing blogosphere and be reported as fact by Fox and Drudge within a couple of days.

  3. Thanks for the shout-out, Shaw.

    The dumbass is still impersonating me using another different avatar.

    He's obviously mentally disturbed.

  4. But federal workers really did put up the Barrycades at many national monuments.

    Excellent job of using an absurd joke to obscure the very real facts that the District of Criminals is playing another of their political games.

  5. "But federal workers really did put up the Barrycades at many national monuments."

    Because of the GOP shut down of the U.S. government.

    "Excellent job of using an absurd joke to obscure the very real facts that the District of Criminals is playing another of their political games."

    Major FAIL for trying to distract from the fact that the outlaw party, THE GOP, has caused all the pain and suffering. Fortunately, the American people are not buying the GOP's effort to blame anyone else but their crazy, out-of-control Tea Party for this national disgrace.

    The conservative party delivered this mess to the American people, NOT President Obama.

  6. IMO, if one believes the Civil War was NOT about slavery, that FDR was a communist and Joe McCarthy should be elevated to sainthood,
    they will believe anything...and lack critical thinking skills.

  7. BB-Idaho: "IMO, if one believes the Civil War was NOT about slavery, that FDR was a communist and Joe McCarthy should be elevated to sainthood,
    they will believe anything...and lack critical thinking skills."

    Don't say that in front of them, it may hurt their feelings make them feel bad!

  8. ohohoh... the GW Bush Library has been closed! Cruz stole the only viable manuscript. "Green Eggs and Ham" when he returns it the library will again open for visitors. Carry on.

  9. know you're hitting the cons where it hurts when so many of them come here and try to insult you with their pathetic comments.


  10. okjimm: "Green Eggs and Ham"

    I thought the only book in the GW Library was "My Pet Goat."

  11. Octo....well...there is that other book, donated by John Boehner. "Obama: My Pet Scapegoat"
