Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day 2014

Love Your Mother --  Earth Day 2014

Earth Day began in 1970, when 20 million people across the United States—that's one in ten—rallied for increased protection of the environment. "It was really an eye-opening experience for me," Gina McCarthy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator, who was a self-described self-centered teenager during the first Earth Day rallies, told National Geographic.   

"Not only were people trying to influence decisions on the Vietnam War," she recalled, "but they were beginning to really focus attention on issues like air pollution, the contamination they were seeing in the land, and the need for federal action."

Owen Ullman, USAToday: 

 "To grasp how much attitudes about the environmental movement have changed over the past 44 years, consider a resolution the Daughters of the American Revolution passed to rebut Earth Day in 1970: "The real problem of pollution of our environment is being distorted and exaggerated by emotional declarations and by intensive propaganda." 

 Tuesday, as we observe another Earth Day, there is broad public support for cleaner air and water, and as a nation we have taken dramatic steps to improve the environment. The coming challenge is what to do about climate change, which a nearly unanimous collection of scientists says is real and potentially calamitous if we don't act now to reduce greenhouse gases."


  1. Averting the disaster of climate change is both technologically feasible (with solar and wind power having proven their potential in many countries) and easily affordable. The major remaining obstacle is that a small number of knaves have spent so much money to convince a rather larger number of fools that the problem does not exist.

  2. Speaking of knaves and fools:

    Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels

    How many times do we read on conservative and libertarian blogs how the government sticks its nose in what a private citizens does? Well here we have a red state that can't help but stick its environmentally ignorant nose where it can be the most obstructive.

    This is the same red state where some state representative proposed not allowing ANYONE to get married because: gay marriage.

    It's difficult to believe we live in the same country with these sort of backward yahoos.

  3. Forgot the link:

    Lawmakers Consider Preventing ALL Marriage In Oklahoma

    Your "small government" red staters at work, helping to make everyone's life more miserable than it already is.

  4. I saw that Oklahoma story the other day... breathtaking isn't it?

    Sorta related, did you know that in most states it is actually illegal to collect rainwater as the states own mineral rights, even if it falls from the sky.


  5. Fidel,
    No one has ever denied there is climate change, winter, spring, summer, fall, but there is still a lot of aspects of global warming that are suspect, unless you make millions off it like algore.

    Shaw, Great way to cut down the divorce rate. Using your description of Bundy, he must be a democrat.
    Now don't you think it is a little harsh to use armed troops to evict someone to protect a turtle. They should use those agents to protect the people of Chicago from all those illegal guns.

  6. Calling okjimm! Calling okjimm! You're needed here!!!!!!!

  7. Shaw....your duplicity disturbs me; perhaps it's not true because I've gone only once to "THE" conservative blog (as if it's a popular one and the only one!? that makes me laugh and the comment by others is so transparent I'm surprised the followers don't leave links!)...Anyway....I have seen what you say about us here and that's fine..you're entitled, but please don't act as the one who's misread.

  8. Has that cheeeze been into the wine? WTF?

  9. Earth Day????? Stuff! I am holding out for Moon Day...much more romantic and we have only left a little trash there...so far. Pluto Day...was always my fave, but Mickey Mouse took him for a walk and he ain't no planet no more. Maybe he just fleas the Solar System. just saying.

  10. Skudrunner, no one on this thread is called "Fidel."

    Chicago has to be an NRA dream city.

    Bundy is a conservative, and he fits the description on that poster. He's all yours.

  11. okjimm, "fleas the solar system?"


  12. ok...so..speaking of Planets...


    ...Pluto, Bringer of Change. Which made him/her a Progressive Planet, which is lots better than the muck Earth has changed into...and see, what I wanna know, about Pluto, see, is how come Mickey, a Mouse, gets a dog in the first place and if Pluto is a dog, what does that make Goofy anyways...and Minnie has to wear a skirt and Mickey has to wear pants but no no no, Donald and Daisy run around bare feathered butt naked...AND no one cares!!! AND Pat Robertson says NOTHING about this indeceny!

    ohohoh...I can prattle about as well as any TeaPublican, make as much sense, and still go to bed feeling clean.

    say cheeeeeze???? gimmmee a break.

    get well mother earth...

  13. I think Hollywood nailed it when they made some movie about language-enabled Troglodytes.

  14. there is [sic] still a lot [sic] of aspects of global warming that are suspect, unless you make millions off it like algore [sic].”

    Is gravity a theory or an observable fact? If you have any doubts, jump from a tenth story window and let us know what you find out.

  15. Gravity is one of the best things ever invented. Great on rice, potatos, pasta. and...situations. all situations could use a little gravity. and then you can sop it up with bread to clean the plate. Like the great American Patriot, Patrick Cudahy said, "give me gravity or give me tartar sauce" stuff...you can look it up!!!

  16. oops, dyslexia again. never mind. I think I am hungry, is all.

  17. Earth day is an obvious failure. 44 years and we are on the brink of disaster.

  18. anon...a disaster....aw, shit and whiskes...you think it is bad now....you shoulda seen it, Earth, in 1969...rivers were catching fire, couldn't swim in the lakes, air was getting hard to breath...anon, you dummy...44 years of progress to revert centuries of misuse...long way to go, and we have come a long way.

    oh and by the by... Earth Day Founder...Sen Gaylord Nelson...WISCONSIN...it isn't all Scott Walker and Paul Ryan...Forward, Wisconsin!!!

  19. Man oh man, speaking of gravity, aren't we so lucky having discovered helium, and it even makes you sound funny when you suck it in through your mouth. Really bitchin no?

  20. Q: What do you do with a sick chemist?

    A: If you can't helium, and you can't curium, then you might as well barium.

  21. Sorry.

    Making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon

  22. LOL!!! Good ones Shaw.

  23. ohohoh...those be bad. Like so bad they are good...or maybe so good cause they is so bad. Doan know..must have been something..I think..but I don't enough chemistry to be funny ...but speaking of theories...the one about relativity was always my favorite. I like relativity...except for my dead uncle Clarence...he was one bad relativity.

  24. ohohoh...I reread the post...'if we don't act now to reduce greenhouse gases.'

    BEST way to reduce greenhouse gases is don't drink too much beer with Irish boiled corn beef and cabbage...always made me green and gave me gas. hehehe

  25. By gummit okjimm youse right. That thar beer -n- cabbage flatulence rightly do set that greenhouse gas needle a spinnin.
