Monday, April 21, 2014

Six Years Later


  1. "... you don't have government implants ..."

    Isn't the right wing working to get themselves in a position of authority to implement this? ;-)

  2. oh ya....where is the free beer he promised????

    hey, America is doing is time to pull together, not pull apart. America has always been a work in progress...and we need all Americans to make that progress....Cmon, get on the bus!

  3. okjimm, hope things are better for you today. Please email me. I have a question for you (private).

    shawkenawe (at) yahoo (dot) com

  4. Dumbasses are rarely smart enough to realize they are dumbasses.

  5. True, J.C. And all one has to do is visit some conservative blogs and read how fervently believe that Mr. Obama is a Communist who's shredding the document on which are laws are based.

    Meanwhile, they're still cheering on the rancher in Nevada who's breaking the law.

    They've surely been driven to madness because of the blah in the White House.

  6. RN, I wasn't sure what the government "implants" were about.

    I thought it might be free boobs for everyone, then I remembered the TeaPublicans: Louie Gohmert and Michele Bachmann, and figued we didn't need anymore free boobs, those two are more than enough.

  7. Shaw said... "RN, I wasn't sure what the government "implants" were about."

    I took it to mean cranial or brain implants so the government (maybe the fundies as well) could track and or control our thoughts.

    Somehow it just seems to me the far right (fascist right)would be more prone to do this.

    Hmm, free bigger boobs for the finer sex just might fly :-)


  8. Dumbass people believe Obama is responsible for Nevada rancher, Bundy, breaking the federal law. But here're the facts:

    Ronald Reagan
    Executive Order 12548 - Grazing Fees
    February 14, 1986

    Public Papers of the Presidents
    Ronald Reagan
    Book I
    Ronald Reagan

    "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to provide for establishment of appropriate fees for the grazing of domestic livestock on public range lands, it is ordered as follows:

    Section 1. Determination of Fees. The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior are directed to exercise their authority, to the extent permitted by law under the various statutes they administer, to establish fees for domestic livestock grazing on the public range lands which annually equals the $1.23 base established by the 1966 Western Livestock Grazing Survey multiplied by the result of the Forage Value Index (computed annually from data supplied by the Statistical Reporting Service) added to the Combined Index (Beef Cattle Price Index minus the Prices Paid Index) and divided by 100; provided, that the annual increase or decrease in such fee for any given year shall be limited to not more than plus or minus 25 percent of the previous year's fee, and provided further, that the fee shall not be less than $1.35 per animal unit month.

    The rest is here.

    The right's hero, Bundy, is refusing to obey an EXECUTIVE ORDER that the right's hero, Ronnie Reagan passed. (EXECUTIVE ORDER! Did you notice?)

    Oh the humanity!!!

  9. RN said, "Hmm, free bigger boobs for the finer sex just might fly"

    ha...but, as I think about it, Sarah Palin still can't fly, and AMericA has all the 'boobs' it can handle. Personally, I think I learned a long time ago that it is not the size of the boob that a woman has, but more the size of a woman's heart, the glow of her smile,the way she thinks about what is healthy and wise, the way she says, "Hello",...and that stuff.

    but what do I know....I had a Liberal Cranial Implant some time back. hehehe.... It was the Twilight Zone reruns that did it to me.

    1. Liked the humor eh okjimm?

      Yeah, the Twilight Zone rocked!

  10. Glad to see that Boston kept the race safe for all.

  11. Political implanting has had considerable success in recent
