Saturday, January 3, 2015

"Last Week Tonight" host, John Oliver, presented this piece on Ayn Rand


h/t Crooks and Liars


  1. Very funny and makes some serious points too. Why do some right-wingers idolize a pro-abortion atheist? (She was pretty pro-sexual-freedom too, based on Atlas Shrugged.) But one might as well ask why they idolize Reagan when his actual actions on tax increases, illegal-alien amnesty, and working with Democrats would be anathema to the teabaggers of today. Jokes aside, there just aren't that many candidates.

    Who could really replace Rand? Trump? Too vulgar even for them, surely. Stirner? Too anti-authoritarian and hard to read. Ragnar Redbeard? Too obscure these days, and too anti-Jesus. Anton LaVey? Too gay-friendly, aside from the whole Satanism thing. Jim Goad? Too scary, but he may be the next "thing" if they ever get tired of Rand. (If so, I demand credit for the prediction.) The fact is, the Venn diagram overlap zone between the "philosopher" circle and the "selfish asshole" circle just isn't very big. So Rand it is. No harm in twisting the teabaggers' tails by reminding them of this stuff occasionally, of course.

  2. “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." --John Rogers

  3. Infidel753: "But one might as well ask why they idolize Reagan when his actual actions on tax increases, illegal-alien amnesty, and working with Democrats would be anathema to the teabaggers of today."

    And we shouldn't forget that Pres. Reagan was FOR stricter gun control laws:

    In 1994 Reagan wrote to Congress urging them to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of military-style assault weapons.

    To summarize:

    As Gov. of California, Reagan signed the Mulford Act which prohibited the carrying of firearms on your person, in your vehicle and in any public place.

    As Gov. of Cal. Reagan signed off on a 15-day waiting period for guns.
    As president he signed into law a ban on ownership of fully automatic rifles.

    After leaving the presidency he supported the Brady Bill which provided for a 7-day waiting period for guns.

    In 1994 he wrote Congress supporting a ban on assault rifles.

  4. @Anon 9:53:

    I've read that quote many times. Very funny.

  5. Dang. People seriously hate Rand, don't they? What is the big deal?

  6. And people seriously hate Hillary Clinton. What is the big deal?

  7. @ Anonymous:

    I'm not that overly familiar with Rand, other than knowing she was an author and had a self-interest philosophy. Whereas Clinton may be the next President of the United States of America.

    Rand can't have her written works turned into screenplays, while Clinton's opinions may be turned into world-altering policies. I think Hillary would be the much bigger deal, but that's just me.

  8. I have to admit to a guilty pleasure. I;m a big fan of the film version of The Fountainhead especially the rape scene.

    I've hought that King Vidor is an under appreciated director and watching that brilliant satire knowing he had to do it with herself demanding script approval only drives home the point.

    The bit where the jury exonerates him for blowing up a housing project because someone violated an unwritten, unenforceable contract was a bit much, I guess it's still grea fun.but

  9. "I think Hillary would be the much bigger deal, but that's just me."

    Fuck all. We survived Dubya. We can survive anyone. Even a big deal like Hillary.

  10. And some actually like and find great value in objectives.

    For example the concept of long term rational self interest. As well as individualism, self reliance, and personal responsibility.

    Rand definitely is no favorite to those who embrace the collectivist mindset and worldview.
