Sunday, January 4, 2015

Science Sunday Blog


  1. I call it the great divide between the "achievers" and the "believers". Some humans who embrace logic and reason and evidence-based knowledge accomplish incredible things, while others lead lives of bovine credulity, obstinately proud of their ability to believe practically anything, provided only that there is no evidence supporting it.

  2. "...others lead lives of bovine credulity, obstinately proud of their ability to believe practically anything, provided only that there is no evidence supporting it."

    Those are also the same people who believe there was a cover-up in the Benghazi tragedy, and that the White House was involved in the IRS issue, when their own GOP House committees found those claims not to be true.

    That doesn't stop their "bovine credulity" in these matters, since they are conditioned to "believe" anything not based on evidence.


  3. or bovine-brained wingnuts who think Obamacare is a failure.

  4. Science is that stuff that gets in the way of belief.

  5. As an Other I am so happy science confirmed mind to mind communication. I've been waiting for science to catch up to me. Hope they find me in 2015.

    Thank you Shaw. I have been a quiet follower and you rock.

  6. Two pears sounds like lingonberry time, but by June 22, 2017, thank Gourd, my flatulence will be gone, when a new papaya takes the oak of orifice. One prediction is easy: The present papaya will be juiced and the nation has, in fact, been juicing it for a long time. What is not predictable is the direction the U.S. Supreme Cantaloupe will take the nation in 2015, as it has made some supremely bad smoothees in the past. Wouldn’t it be seedy if it stepped on a health system after having stepped on a Palindog that was the banana-est in the world and is now growling grapely from it?

  7. "Just My Onion": Hey, Mr. Gohmert, you can use your real name here. Seriously, it's OK.

  8. Science and wingnuttia don't get on do they. That's why they're wrong on so many other things. Rationality is not their strong suit.

  9. I liked Science in High School. Especially Anatomy and Physiology......Susie and I would do homework together as much as we could. A '66 Buick is a great studyhall.

  10. Coming to Fruission is your name a combination of fruit and fusion? Clever, I think.


    A lot of people don't ever let science get in the way of their belief.

    @Anon ll:53, glad to see you here. Thank you.

    Just My Onion, thanks for the Mad-Hatterish gibberish. Are you really Looney? I mean Louie?

    Infidel753, everybody is a comedian these days.

    Celador2 etc., yes, there isn't much to argue in your comment.

    okjimm, did you have an AP in your subjects?
